Abortions, spirits of, dreaded, 49 n. 1

Adam, the Hawaiian, 393

Adoption among the Marquesans, 339

Aesculapius, the Hawaiian, 398

Afiatouca, burial-place, 102, 103

Agriculture of Maoris, 8 sq. ;
of the Tongans, 59 sq. ;
Samoan, 164 sqq. ;
of the Hervey Islanders, 221 sq. ;
of the Society Islanders, 249;
of the Hawaiians, 378 sq.

Air, gods of the, 277

Aitu, Samoan gods embodied in visible objects, animals, birds, etc., 182, 201, 207

Akaanga, a god, spreads a net to catch ghosts, 242, 244

Akea (Wakea), king of the nether world, 427, 428, 430

Akua, god, in the Hawaiian dialect, equivalent to atua, 392, 398

Akuas, spirits, 429

Alai Valoo, a Tongan god, 74

Alo Alo, a Tongan god, 71 sq.

Altars in the Society Islands, 291

Amable, Father, Catholic missionary, 367

Ambler, English sailor, 84

Amusements of the Marquesans, 339 sqq.

Ancestors worshipped by Maoris, 32 sqq. ;
skulls of, brought out at marriages, 288, 311

Ancestral spirits watch over the living, 33;
do not follow their kinsfolk among strangers, 34;
cause disease, 49;
worshipped by Society Islanders, 300, 315;
guardians of newly wedded pairs, 311

Angas, G. F., 48 n. 1

Animals, gods in form of, 66, 92 sqq. , 182 sqq. ;
deified spirits of men resident in, 227 sq. ;
worshipped in Hawaii, 401 sqq.

Anointing a king of Samoa, 177

Anuanu, vale of, 376 n. 2

Ao, titles of chiefs in Samoa, 172 sq.

Apolima, Samoan island, 149, 151

Apparitions dreaded, 205, 217

Araia, 241, 242

Aremauku, starting-place for spirit-land, 239

Areois, Society of the, 259 sqq.

Arii taboo, sacred chiefs, 387

Ariki, sacred chief, 41;
king, 224

Astronomy of priests, 293

Atua, the Polynesian word for god or spirit, 35, 36, 37, 41, 42, 44, 46, 64 n. 3 , 89, 277, 322, 323, 348, 349.
Compare akua , eatooa , etua

Atuas, consecrated feathers called, 291;
inspired priests called, 294;
great national gods, distinguished from oramatuas tiis, the spirits of dead relatives, 324

Auraka, a burial cavern, 233, 237, 238, 241

Avaiki, subterranean region, home of the dead, 238, 239, 241, 243, 244

Axes or adzes of stone, 61, 180, 233, 251, 335, 382

Ba-ila, their licence at funerals, 425

Baessler, A., 221 n. 1 , 279 n. 1 , 285, 286, 374

Baganda, superstition as to twins among the, 270 sq.

Baldness as penalty of impiety, 95;
the penalty of breach of taboo, 209 sq.

Baluba, of the Congo, customs as to twins among the, 273

Banishment of chiefs in Samoa, 176

Banqueting-halls of the Marquesans, 343 sq.

Baptism among the Maoris, 16

Bark-cloth, manufacture of, 61, 168, 222, 251 sq. , 334, 381;
not made in time of mourning, 234 sq.

Baronga, of S.E. Africa, their superstitions concerning twins, 268 sq.

Barundi, of E. Africa, customs as to twins among the, 272 sq.

Bastian, Adolf, on sun-worship, 131 n.

Bathing after burial, 21;
of king at installation, 255 n. 1 ;
after contact with a corpse, 313

Bats, goddess incarnate in, 185;
local deity, 196

Bay of Plenty, 23

Bennett, F. D., 332 sq. , 359, 360, 372

Best, Elsdon, 6 n. , 33, 35

Birds, gods incarnate in, 187 sq. ;
sacred, 228;
small land birds formerly oracular, 228;
gods in the form of, 277, 294;
worshipped in Hawaii, 402

Birth, a man's god determined at, 200 sq. , 223;
ceremonies after a, 288

Blackened faces in mourning, 231, 235

Blood of chief sacred, 45 sq. ;
human, acceptable offering to deity, 188;
offered to the dead, 209;
of relatives offered to bride at marriage, 289;
of bride's mother offered to bridegroom, 289;
of mourners offered to the dead, 303, 304, 311

Bolotoo (Boolotoo, Bulotu), fabulous island, residence of Tongan gods and of noble dead, 65, 66, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89 sq. , 92, 93, 98, 135

Bones of Captain Cook worshipped, 396

Bones of dead dug up, 21;
painted red, 21;
concealed, 21;
profaned, 21;
festival at removal of, 22;
burned, 23;
of sacrificial victims not broken, 291;
of famous men carried off by enemies, 311;
thrown into volcano, 400;
carried about by relatives, 419 sq. ;
hidden to prevent profanation, 420

Bones of dead chiefs buried in temples (morais), 311;
hidden in caves, 312, 420

Boolotoo Katoa, a Tongan god, 94

Borabora, one of the Society Islands, 246, 281, 317

Bows and arrows, unknown to Maoris, 10;
used by the Society Islanders as an amusement, 252 sq. ;
unknown to the Marquesans, 335;
found among the Hawaiians, 383

Boxing-matches in mourning, 211

Branch plucked from sacred trees, 255 n. 1

Bread-fruit the staple food of the Society Islanders, 249;
of the Rarotongans, 222;
and of the Marquesans, 333, 334

Breath of chief sacred, 45

Brenchley, J. L., 124, 125 n. 1

Brown, Dr. George, 56, 161, 173 n. 1 , 201, 204, 206 n. 1 , 212, 213, 214, 216 n. 2 , 218

Buffoonery in mourning for the dead, 211

Burial, Maori modes of, 20 sq. ;
in house, 20, 27;
on a stage, 20, 21;
on a tree, 20 sq. ;
secret, 21;
and mourning, rites of, in Tonga, 132 sqq. ;
by night, 419

Burial customs in Samoa, 209 sqq. ;
in the Hervey Islands, 231 sqq. ;
in the Society Islands, 308 sqq. ;
in the Marquesas, 356 sqq. ;
in the Hawaiian Islands, 418 sqq.

Burial ground dreaded, 27

Burial places (morais) of the Marquesans, 357 sq.

Burying the sins of the dead, 305

Busoga, superstition as to twins in, 270

Cabri, J. Baptiste, 371

Cain, the Hawaiian, 393

Campbell, A., 385, 412 n. 1 , 415, 419, 423

Cannibalism, 26, 62, 158 sq. ;
in the Hervey Islands, 221

Canoe-shaped coffins, 20, 353, 356, 363

Canoes, Maori, 9;
Tongan, 59;
Marquesan, 337;
provided for the dead to enable them to reach the spirit land, 364 sqq.

Caterpillars, servants of owl-god, 188

Caves, bones or bodies of dead deposited in, 22, 232, 233, 237, 312, 320 sq. , 357, 418

Centipedes, family god in, 188 sq. ;
worshipped in Mangaia, 228

Ceremonies, magical, of Maoris, 13 sq. ;
observed at death, 19 sqq. ;
to facilitate passage of soul to other world, 24 sqq. , 29;
magical, of Tongans, 67 sq. ;
observed for unburied dead, 205 sq. ;
of mourning in the Hervey Islands, 234 sqq. ;
at the inauguration of a king, 254 sq. , 255 n. 1 ;
over dead Areoi, 261;
after childbirth, 288;
at marriage, 288 sq. ;
for the protection of the living against ghosts, 305 sqq.
See Rites

Ceremony of anointing a king of Samoa, 177;
performed by parents of twins to fertilise plantains, 271

Chiefs descended from the gods, 29;
their souls immortal, 29;
tabooed, 41 sqq. ;
physical superiority of, 58 sq. , 377 sq. ;
Samoan, 171 sqq. ;
deified, 204;
embalmed, 205;
in the Marquesas, 344;
in Hawaii, 384 sq.

Chiefs' language in Samoa, 173 sqq.

Chieftainship hereditary in Samoa, 176

Children sacrificed, 75 sq. , 81 sq.

Christianity in Tonga Islands, 60

Circumcision, in the Tonga Islands, 81;
in the Hervey Islands, 223 sq. ;
invented by god Rongo, 224

Civil lords and sacred kings in Mangaia, 224 sq.

Clans, gods of, in animals or other natural objects, 94, 95 sq.

Clavel, Dr., 338, 374

Cockles, god in, 183; prayers to cockle-god, 188

Coco-nuts, god in, 183; offered to the dead, 233

Coffins shaped like canoes, 20, 353, 356, 363

Collocot, E. E. V., 65 n. 2 , 93, 94, 96, 97, 98 n. 1 , 267 n. 2

Comedies acted in mourning, 236

Commoners, the question of their souls, 66, 85

Communistic system in Samoa, 170 sq.

Confession of sins, 189

Cook, Captain James, 1, 9, 53, 55, 57, 59, 60, 61 n. 2 , 63, 81, 86, 100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 111 n. , 117, 123, 128, 129, 132, 246, 248, 249, 251, 257, 258 n. 5 , 262, 275, 277 n. 2 and 4 , 279, 280, 282, 283, 293, 297, 304, 310, 314 n. 3 , 315, 321, 328, 331, 371, 375, 379, 382, 383, 391, 395 sq. , 406, 407, 408

Cook or Hervey Islands, 219 sq.

Cooking in ovens of hot stones, 222, 379

Coral reefs, their formation, 55 sq.

Corpses, sent adrift on the sea or exposed on stages, 210;
broken in pieces, 362;
flayed, 367 sq.

Courage seated in liver, 85

Cousin marriage, 223

Creation, Hawaiian tradition of the, 393

Cremation among the Maoris, 23

Crickets, omens from, 231

Crimes, Tongan ideas about, 67

Crook, William P., first missionary to the Marquesas, 328, 349, 361, 372

Cruise, R. A., 31 n. 2

Curse of Manaia, 12

Curses, Maori, 15;
Tongan, 67;
of sisters specially dreaded, 207

Customs observed at the birth of twins, 268 sqq.
See Burial customs, Ceremonies, Rites

Cuttings in mourning for the dead, 19, 208 sq. , 231, 302, 309, 311, 353;
in Tonga, 133 sqq. ;
intention of the, 145 sq.

Cuttle-fish, household god in, 184;
omens from, 190;
temple of, 195;
myth of the, 202 sq. ;
a god in Mangaia,228;
myth of Maui and the, 275

Dances at the birth of twins, 270 sqq. ;
funeral, 139, 353 sq. ;
of widow, 353, 354

Dancing among the Marquesans, 340 sq.

Dancing-places of the Marquesans, 340 sq.

Danger Island, 230

Darwin, Charles, on coral reefs, 55

De Sainson, 112

D'Urville, J. Dumont, 11, 58, 110, 123, 357 n. 3 , 359 n. 3 , 373

Dead, disposal of the bodies of the (Maori), 20 sqq. ;
buried in sitting posture, 20;
spirits of, appear in dreams, 31, 91 sq. ;
spirits of the dead become gods, 31;
taboo entailed by contact with the, 39,137 sq.;
buried in morais, 117 sqq. , 282 sqq. , 311;
worship of the, in Samoa, 204 sq. ;
blood offered to the, 209;
buried with head to the east, 210;
buried with the head to the rising sun, 232;
songs sung in honour of the, 236;
buried in sitting posture, 262;
images of spirits of the, 287 sq. , 313 sq. , 324 sq. ;
blood of mourners offered to the, 303, 304, 311;
fear of the spirits of the, 304 sq. ;
disposal of the, in the Society Islands, 308 sqq. ;
souls of the, in images, 313 sq. ;
worship of the, in the Society Islands, 322 sqq. ;
assimilated to deities, 327;
disposal of the, among the Marquesans, 356 sqq. ;
in the Hawaiian Islands, 418 sqq. ;
evocation of the, 370 sq. ;
buried in crouching posture, 418.
See Ghosts

Dead men deified, 276

Death, Maori notion as to the cause of, 16;
stories as to the origin of, 16 sqq. , 392;
Maori goddess of, 18;
fate of the soul after, 24 sqq. , 85 sqq. , 213 sqq. , 238 sqq. , 313 sqq. , 363 sqq. , 427 sqq. ;

the second, 29;
theories of the Society Islanders concerning, 299 sqq. ;
Marquesan contempt for, 352 sq. ;
Hawaiian beliefs and customs concerning,417 sqq.

Deaths caused by the anger of the gods or by sorcery, 229;
traced to the agency of gods or sorcerers, 405

Decadence of magic, 68

Deification of ancestors, 33, 35;
of kings in their lifetime, 255;
of dead men, 276;
of men after death, 351 sq. , 397;
of animals, 402

Deified kings, priests, and warriors, 227

Deified men, 276, 349;
the spirits of,resident in animals, 228

Deified spirits of chiefs, 204

Deities, primaeval, personifications of nature, 32, 34

Deity, Maori conception of, 35 sq.

Democratic spirit of Samoans, 171, 175

Desgraz, C., 118, 358, 373

Despotism in Hawaii, 63

Dieffenbach, E., 6 n. 2 , 8 n. , 48 n. 1

Diet of the Samoans, 164 sq. ;
of the Hervey Islanders, 222;
of the Society Islanders, 249;
of the Marquesans, 333 sq. ;
of the Hawaiians, 378 sq.

Dirges in the Hervey Islands, 235 sq.

Disease, caused by souls of ancestors, 49;
and death ascribed to agency of gods, spirits, or ghosts, 206 sq. , 217;
theories of the Society Islanders concerning, 299 sqq. ;
of the Marquesans concerning, 325.
See Sickness

Disorders, internal, supposed to be caused by entrance of a god into the patient, 351

District gods, 182, 185

Divination, in Samoa, 190 sq. ;
to detect thieves, 298, 406;
to ascertain the cause of death, 301

Diviners consulted before battle, 397, 414;
Hawaiian, 404 sq. , 414, 417

Division of labour among the Samoans, 166 sqq.

Dogs, sacred, 94;
omens from, 190;
eaten, 379;
sacrificed, 405, 426

Doobludha, land of dead, 86

Dramatic performances of the Areois, 259 sq. , 263, 266 n. 4

Dreamers held in repute, 320

Dreams, Maori theories of, 12;
souls of the dead appear in, 31, 91 sq. ;
Samoan theory of, 205;
ideas of the Hervey Islanders concerning, 229;
ideas of the Society Islanders concerning, 297 sq. ;
souls of the dead communicate with the living in, 320, 429;
Marquesan ideas about, 352;
revelations to priests in, 405, 429;
Hawaiian ideas about, 417

Drums, special, beaten after the birth of twins, 271;
accompanying dances, 342, 354

Du Petit-Thouars, 373

Duke of York Island, 212

Earth cleft with axes, as a mourning rite, 235 sq. ;
fished up from the sea by Maui, 275

Earthquakes, Tongan theory of, 72;
caused by Maui, 275

Eatooas, gods, spirits of the dead, 277 n. 4 , 300, 322, 391, 392, 402.
See Atua

Eclipses, superstitions as to, 287

Eel-god, 227

Eels sacred, 95, 182, 184, 185

Eimeo or Moörea, one of the Society Islands, 246, 266

Ella, S., 206 n. 1 , 212

Ellis, William, 117, 118 n. 1 , 247, 249, 256 sq. , 262, 265 n. , 267 n. 2 , 276, 277, 284, 286 n. 5 , 290 n. 3 , 292, 295, 298 n. 2 , 308 n. 1 , 311, 314 n. 1 , 315, 319, 323, 327, 401, 409, 410, 411, 419, 424, 426, 430, 431

Embalmment of the dead, 117, 205;
in Samoa, 210, 213;
in the Society Islands, 309, 310 sqq. ;
in the Marquesas, 356 sq. ;
in Hawaii, 418

Erskine, J. E., 114

Ethical influence of the Tongan religion, 146 sq.

Etua, a god, 348.
Compare Atua

Eua, one of Tonga Islands, 52, 123

Euhemerism, 69

Eve, the Hawaiian, 393

Evocation of the dead, 370 sq.

Exogamy, Samoan religious system independent of, 201;
in the Hervey Islands, 223

Exorcisers, 351

Exorcism practised for the healing of the sick, 206 sq. , 417 sq.

Expiation for sacrilege, 74 sqq. ;
for eating sacred animal, 184, 185

Eye, spirit or soul thought to reside in, 42, 417;
of human victim presented to king, 292

Fafa, subterranean abode of the dead, 215

Fakaofo or Bowditch Island, 394

Family gods embodied in visible objects, 182 sqq. ;
analogous to totems, 200

Fan or Fang, of West Africa, their superstition about a twin, 269

Farmer, Sarah S., 57 n. 1 , 61 n. , 92, 97, 111 n.

Fasting after a death, 210, 355

Fate of the soul after death, 213 sqq. , 238 sqq. , 313 sqq. , 363 sqq. , 427 sq. .

Fear of the dead, its humanising influence, 300;
of ghosts, 369 sq. , 419.
See Ghosts

Feast of Calabashes, 354

Feasts, funeral, 144, 355, 362 sq. , 366;
annual, in honour of the gods, 187 sq.
See Festivals

Feathers, sacred red, 254;
gods conjured into, 265;
placed in images of the gods, 290 sq. ;
called gods, 291

Female line, nobility traced in, 75

Ferry-boat for souls of dead, 26

Fertilising virtue attributed to twins, 269 sqq.

Festival, great annual, 289;
called "the ripening of the year," 326 sq.

Festivals, of the Samoans, 188;
of the Marquesans, 341 sq. ;
Hawaiian, 414 sqq.
See Feasts

Fiatooka, place of burial and of worship, 103, 104, 105, 109, 116, 120, 132, 133

Fijian influence in Tonga, 59

Fingers mutilated in mourning, 19;
sacrificed, 80 sq.

Finow, king of Tonga, 79, 80, 81, 82, 91, 92, 103, 105, 120, 121, 135, 136, 137, 139, 140;
obsequies of, 135 sqq.

Finow the Second, king of Fiji, 135

Fire, Polynesian knowledge of, 56 sq. ;
kindled by friction of wood, 181;
robbed by Ti'iti'i from Mafuie, 203;
kept up in house after a death, 209, 212;
first brought to men by Maui, 226, 239;
hidden in wood by Mauike, 238;
stick and groove method of kindling, invented by Maui, 275, 335;
stolen by Maui, 350;
first given to men by Maui, 396

Fires not kindled near house of death, 355;
extinguished during periods of strict taboo, 389

First-born sons, sacrifice of, 89

First-fruits, offerings of, in Tonga, 122;
in the Society Islands, 257;
of taro presented to eel-god, 188

Fish, sacrifices of, 257, 291;
human victims called fish, 292;
worshipped, 402;
offered to shark god, 402

Fish hooks made out of bones of dead, 21, 23, 311 sq.

Fishing, modes of, 252, 337, 379

Flax cultivated by Maoris, 9

Flaying the dead, custom of, 367 sq.

Flood, tradition of a great, 393, 394

Flying-foxes, gods in, 96;
incarnations of war-god, omens from, 190

Fono, representative assembly, parliament, 159, 179

Food buried with the dead, 24, 232;
not to be touched by tabooed person with his hands, 38, 44, 45, 137, 138, 209, 312;
not eaten in a house so long as a corpse is in it, 209;
offered at tomb, 362

Footprints in magic, 15

Forbes, Dr. Charles, 12

Forster, George, 262, 283, 287 n. , 397, 314, 331

Forster, J. R., 117 n. 1 , 278 n. 1 , 287 n. , 314, 323 n. 1

Foundation sacrifices, 292

Fowls bred and eaten, 379

Freycinet, L. de, 423, 427

Friendly Islands. See Tonga

Funeral dances, 139, 353 sq. ;
feasts, 144, 355, 362 sq. , 366

Funeral games in Tonga, 140, 144;
in the Hervey Islands, 235 sq.

Funeral rites in the Hervey Islands, 231 sqq.

Futtafaihe or Fatafehi, family name of the Tuitongas, 108, 109

Fytoca, grave, burial-place, 67, 82, 102, 103, 137, 139, 141

G——, Father Mathias, 373

Games, funeral, in honour of the dead, 140, 144, 235;
athletic, at religious festivals, 188

Garment, evil magic wrought through, 67

Gerland, G., 266 n. 4

Ghost personated by priest or kinsman, 306 sqq.

Ghosts, fear of, 27, 31, 304 sq. , 320 sq. , 369 sq. , 419 sq. ;
their passage to nether world, 27 sq. ;
live on sweet potatoes, 30;
slaying the, 234;
journeying with the sun, 239 sqq. ;
caught in nets, 242, 244;
eaten by Miru, 242;
driven away by force of arms, 355;
food offered to, 355, 356

Gill, W. W., 221 n. 1 , 225 n. 1 , 227, 228 n. 1 , 237, 238

Girdle, sacred, of kings, 254

God, patron, determined at birth, 200 sq. , 223

"God-boxes," inspired priests, 228 sq.

Godless, the Samoans called, 181 sq.

Gods, chiefs and priests descended from the, 29;
confused with spirits of the dead, 31;
the great Polynesian, 35 n. ;
of the Maoris, 36 sq. ;
of the Tongans, 64 sqq. ;
souls of dead men as, 64 sq. , 66, 69, 70, 84, 91;
men descended from, 66;
omens sent by, 67;
in form of animals, 66, 92 sqq. , 182 sqq. ;
the primary or non-human, of Tonga, 68 sqq. ;
national and tribal, of Tonga, 93 sq. ;
temples of, in Tonga, 73 sqq. , 99 sqq. ;
worship of, 79 sqq. ;
annual feasts in honour of, 187 sq. ;
tame, 191;
vegetable, 192;
totemic, 202;
high gods, 202 sqq. ;
the life of the, 238;
punished, 257;
born of Night (Po), 258, 277;
of the sea, 276 sq. ;
of the air, 277;
worship of the gods in the Society Islands, 277 sqq. ;
the causes of disease and death, 299, 351;
Hawaiian, two classes of, 397

Government, monarchical and aristocratic, of the Tongans, 62 sq. ;
democratic, of Samoans, 171 sqq. ;
of the Society Islands, 253;
in the Marquesas, 344 sq. ;
in the Hawaiian Islands, 383 sq.

Grandfather, soul of, reborn in grandchild, 368 sq.

Grange, Jérôme, 60 n. 5 , 113 sq.

Grasshoppers, souls of dead children in, 318

Graves, sacred, 99;
in relation to temples, 99 sqq. ;
of Tongan kings, 103, 105;
prayers at, 121, 217;
of great chiefs religiously revered, 120;
enclosed with stones, 211;
in Society Islands, 309;
in Hawaii, 418.
See Tombs

Guardian deity, how obtained, 398

Gudgeon, W. E., 41, 42 n. 1 , 48 n. 1

Guillemard, F. H. H., 132

Haamonga, megalithic monument in Tonga, 125, 126

Haapai (Haabai), one of the Tonga Islands, 52, 95, 126

Haddon, A. C., 6 n. 2

Hahunga, Maori festival, 22

Hair cut in mourning, 19, 303 sq. , 420 sq.;
ceremonies at cutting the, 44 sq. ;
used in evil magic, 300, 325, 405;
offered by mourners to the dead, 303, 304;
sacrificed to volcano, 400

Hale, Horatio, 6 n. 2 , 63, 214

Hands tabooed, 38, 45, 137, 138, 209, 312, 404

Happahs (Happas), a tribe of Marquesans, 364, 365

Harepo, sacred recorder, 296, 298

Harris, J. Rendel, 267 n. 1

Havaiki, subterranean region of the dead, 363. Compare Avaiki

Hawaii, 375, 376, 378, 394, 400, 406, 409, 410, 411, 413, 426, 429

Hawaiian or Sandwich Islands, 375 sqq.

Hawaiians or Sandwich Islanders, 377 sqq.

Hawaiki, original home of Maoris, 5 sq. , 29, 155

Head, sanctity of the, 44, 212, 388

Heads of dead dried and preserved, 23 sq. ;
of chiefs cut off and buried separately, 212;

of children moulded, 224;
of pigs attached to biers, 355;
of slain enemies kept as trophies, 362

Heart the special seat of the soul, 85

Heaven, ascent of souls to, 24 sqq. , 29

"Heavenly family," gods incarnate in animals, 228

Hebrew prophets, Renan on the, 147

Heiau, temple, 409, 410, 411, 412 n. 1 , 418

Herero, of S.W. Africa, customs as to twins among the, 273 sq.

Herons sacred, 95;
omens from, 190;
superstition about, 277 n. 2

Hervey, Philip, 123, 125 n. 1 , 127

Hervey or Cook Islands, 219 sq.

Hervey Islanders, 220 sqq.

Heva, ceremony observed after a death, 306

Higgolayo, god of the dead, 86

Hikuleo, god of the dead, 88 sq. , 90

Hina (O-Heena), a goddess, perhaps of the moon, 266, 267, 287

Hine-nui-te-po, the Maori goddess of death, 17 sq.

Hiro, god of thieves, 326

Hivaoa (Dominica), one of the Marquesas Islands, 328, 337, 364

Hogs, sacrificed, 79;
to volcano, 399.
See Pigs

Holiness and uncleanness blent in taboo, 173

Honolulu, 376 n. 2

Hos of Togo, customs as to twins among the, 271 sq.

Hotooas (atuas), gods, 64

Houmis, a tribe of Marquesans, 347

House, dead buried in, 20, 27, 418;
dying people removed from the, 39;
abandoned after a death, 356

Houses, Maori, 8;
Samoan, 163 sq. ;
in the Society Islands, 250;
of the Marquesans, 335 sqq. ;
of the Hawaiians, 380 sq.

Huahine, one of the Society Islands, 117, 246, 280, 283, 284, 289, 293, 326

Human sacrifices at burials, 24;
to the sun, tradition of, 158;
not offered by Samoans, 158;
at making king's girdle, 254;
offered to Oro, 258 sq. ;
in the Society Islands, 291 sq. ;
offered to living men, 349 sq. ;
at deification of men, 351 sq. ;
at the death of chiefs and priests, 365 sqq. , 421 sq. ;
to sharks, 402 sq. ;
in Hawaii, 413 sq. , 421 sq. , 425 sq.

Hunchbacks thought to be favourites of spirits, 153

Hurricanes in Samoa, 153 sq.

Idols, Hawaiian, 412 sq. See Images

Ifi tree, 74, 121, 133, 137

Image of basket-work, 275 sq. ;
wooden, of deified man, 398

Images of the gods, 290, 391 sq. ;
in which the souls of the dead were supposed to lodge, 287 sq. , 313 sq. , 324 sq. ;
carried to battle, 397;
spirits conjured into, 398;
of the gods, Hawaiian, 411 sqq.

Immortality, belief in, its effect on the Maoris, 51;
restricted to chiefs and their ministers, 85;
of the human soul, 313. See Soul

Incantations, Maori, 13 sqq. ;
of sorcerers, 325;
Hawaiian, 405, 417

Incarnation of gods in animals, 182 sqq.

Inconsistency of savage thought, 84, 90 sq.

Indonesians, 3

Infanticide, in Polynesia, 157;
among the Areois, 263

Infants, souls of dead, cause disease, 49, 299

Inspiration by drinking kava, 75, 77 sqq. ;
by souls of dead, 91;
of Samoan priests, 194;
of priests, in the Society Islands, 293 sqq. ;
of men by deities, 351

Inspired men, 350 sqq.

Iron in Tonga, 61 n. 2

Iron tools among the Hawaiians, 382

Irrigation practised by Maoris, 9;
artificial, in Hawaii, 378 sq.

Jarves, J. J., 383 n. 2 , 425

Jaw-bones of human victims hung in temple, 258

Jumping-off stone of souls of the dead, 214, 215.
See Leaping-off place

Jupiter, the planet, emblem of deified chiefs, 204;
the shrine of a god, 228

Justice, administration of, in Samoa, 159 sq.

Kahuna, priest, 417

Kaili. See Tairi

Kamehameha (Tamehameha), king of Hawaii, 384, 388, 389, 400, 409, 415, 420, 422, 425, 427, 430, 431

Kanaloa, a great Hawaiian deity, 392, 393, 394, 395

Kane, a great Hawaiian deity, 392, 393, 394, 395, 398

Kaonohiokala, "eye-ball of the sun," a Hawaiian god, 431

Kapihe, a priest, 430, 431

Kapu, taboo, in Hawaiian dialect, 387

Karakakooa Bay in Hawaii, 391

Karakias, prayers or spells (Maori), 32, 39

Kauai, one of the Sandwich Islands, 375

Kava as source of inspiration, 75, 78, 229;
offered to the gods, 79, 187;
offered to whales, 93;
offered at graves, 121, 205;
drunk by the Marquesans, 334;
by the Hawaiians, 380

Keolakuhonua, the first woman, 393

Kilauea, volcano in Hawaii, 375, 399, 401

King, Captain, 378, 379, 385 sq. , 391, 402, 408, 410

King, of Samoa, 176 sq. ;
customs observed on the death of a king in Hawaii, 420 sqq.

"King of Fiji," a Samoan family god, 192

Kingfisher sacred, 93;
superstition about, 277 n. 2

Kingfishers, incarnations of war-god, omens from, 190;
gods of families, villages, or districts, embodied in, 193;
consulted oracularly, 196

Kings, two, in Tonga, one civil, the other religious, 62 sq. ;
the priests or mouthpieces of a god, 224;
sacred, in the Hervey Islands, 224 sq. ;
primary and secondary, in Mangaia, 225;
as gods or descended from gods in the Society Islands, 253 sq. ;
as high-priests, 253, 255;
in Hawaii, 383 sq.

Kingship, double, 63

Kitchen, dying chief carried into the, 82

Koreamoku, a deified man, 398

Kotzebue, O. von, 385 n. 4 , 388 sq. , 416

Kpelle, of Liberia, their superstitions about twins, 269, 274

Krusenstern, A. J. von, 346, 348, 362, 371, 372

Ku, a great Hawaiian deity, 392, 393

Kuahairo, a Hawaiian god, 431

Kumuhonua, the first man, 393

La Pérouse, 149

Labillardière, 81

Langsdorff, G. H. von, 118, 341, 351 n. 2 , 371, 372

Language, Polynesian, 2;
special form of, used in speaking of chiefs, 173 sqq.

Leaping-off place for souls of dead, 27, 241.
See Jumping-off stone

Leeward Islands, 246, 319

Lifuka (Lefooga), one of the Tonga Islands, 52, 73, 109

Lightning, omens from, 191

Lipolipo, king of Hawaii, 389 sq. , 427

Lisiansky, U., 338, 366 sq. , 368 sq. , 371, 372, 411, 412, 414, 421, 422, 423

Litany chanted after a death, 355

Liturgies, in the Society Islands, 296

Liturgy, ancient Hawaiian, 394

Liver, the seat of courage, 85;
a disease of, attributed to breach of taboo, 76 sq. ;
of pig a god, 98

Lizard, the tempter in the form of a, 393

Lizards feared as causes of disease, 50;
gods in, 66, 92, 94, 96, 182, 227, 228;
omens from, 190

Lono (Rono), a great Hawaiian deity, the equivalent of Rongo, 392, 393, 395;
Captain Cook identified with, 396

Lord of Mangaia, 224

Lucifer, the Hawaiian, 393

Macahity, a Hawaiian festival, 414 sqq.

Mafanga, burial-place of chiefs in Tongataboo, 120, 121

Mafuie, god of earthquakes, 203

Magic, among the Maoris, 13 sqq. ;
among the Tongans, 68;
black, not practised in Samoa, 161;
in the Society Islands, 300, 325 sq. ;
in Hawaii, 405 sq.
See Sorcerers

Magicians (Maori), 13 sqq.

Mahoike, god of the infernal regions, original possessor of fire, 350

Mahoui, a god, apparently identical with Maui, 266 n. 4 , 286 n. 5

Maitea, one of the Society Islands, 246

Malays, how related to the Polynesians, 2 sqq.

Man, the creation of, 393

Mana, 42

Manaia, 13, 23

Mangaia, one of the Hervey Islands, 219, 220, 221, 222, 224, 225, 228, 232, 233, 237, 238, 239, 240, 244

Manona, Samoan island, 149

Manua, group of Samoan islands, 149, 155, 158, 162, 215

Maoris, 5 sqq. ;
their culture, 8 sqq. ;
beliefs concerning the souls of the living, 10 sqq. ;
beliefs concerning the souls of the dead, 19 sqq. ;
their notion as to the cause of death, 16;
their story of the origin of death, 16 sqq. ;
mourning, 19 sq. ;
disposal of the dead, 20 sqq. ;
their conception of deity, 35 sq. ;
taboo among the, 37 sqq. , 432

Mapuhanui, a Marquesan god, 368

Marae. See Morai

Marae, a sacred grove, 225 n. 3 , 240, 241

Marai. See Morai

Marchand, Captain E., 358 n. 6 , 371

Marcuse, A., 393

Mariner, William, 62, 64, 67, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78 sq. , 80, 82, 83, 86, 90, 91, 92, 93, 97, 98 n. , 99, 102, 103, 110 n. 1 , 127, 135, 136, 138, 141, 142, 143

Marquesan islanders, 331 sqq.

Marquesas Islands, 328 sqq. ;
morais (marais) in the, 116 sqq.

Marriage rites, 288 sq. , 311

Martin, John, 64

Maruiwi, primitive inhabitants of New Zealand, 8

Mask worn by an actor personifying a ghost, 306

Masons in Tonga, 127

Matabooles, minister of Tongan nobles, 65, 66, 74, 85, 76, 77, 79, 85, 87, 121, 136, 139

Mateialona, Governor of Haapai, 126

Mats, fine Samoan, 168 sq. ;
Hawaiian, 381 sq.

Maui, mythical Polynesian hero, 266 n. 4 ;
his contest with the goddess of death, 16 sqq. ;
said to have drawn up the Tongan Islands on a fish-hook, 72;
puts god Hikuleo in durance, 88;
said to have brought great stones from Uea, 125;
a kind of Polynesian Hercules, 126;
brought fire to men, 226, 239;
his exploits, 275, 287 n. , 396;
his image, 275 sq. ;
steals fire from Mahoike, 350

Maui one of the Sandwich Islands, 375, 429

Maui Atalanga, mythical first owner of fire, 57

Maui Kijikiji, the Polynesian Prometheus, 57

Mauike, the fire-god, 226, 238, 239

Mauna Kea, mountain in Hawaii, 376

Mauna Loa, volcano in Hawaii, 375, 376

Mausoleum of the kings of Hawaii, 426

Medicine, the Hawaiian god of, 398

Megalithic monuments of the Tooitongas, 119;
in the Pacific, Dr. Rivers's theory as to, 119;
of the Tongans, 123;
in Lefooga (Lifuka), 128 sq. ;
their supposed relation to sun-worship, 266 n. 4 ;
in the Marquesas, 360 sq.

Megalithic tombs, 119, 123, 132

Meinicke, C. E., 118 n. 2

Melanesian blood, admixture of, in the Hervey Islands, 221

Melanesian type, 6;
population of New Zealand, 6 sq.

Melanesian totemism, 218

Melanesians, now related to Polynesians, 2 sq. ;
magic among the, 161;
sham-fights at funerals among the, 212

Melville, Hermann, 330, 332, 333, 338, 354, 357 n. 3 , 360 sq. , 361 sq. , 373

Men deified in their lifetime, 349;
deified after death, 351 sq. , 397

Metals unknown to the Polynesians, 61, 222, 250, 335

Metempsychosis, theory that Melanesian totemism has been developed out of, 218

Milu (Miru), king of the nether world, 427, 428, 429, 430.
See Miru

Milu (Miru), a rebel spirit, 392

Minstrels, wandering, in the Marquesas, 342

Miru, king of the nether world, 427;
goddess of hell or of the dead, 428 n. 1 ;
the Hades of the Sandwich Islanders, 431.
See Milu

Miru, an infernal hag, devours ghosts, 242

Moerenhout, J. A., 118, 263 n. 2 , 264 n. 3 , 266 n. 4 , 284, 286 n. 5 , 297, 308 n. 1

Monarchy, absolute, in Hawaii, 383

Mooa, old capital of Tongataboo, 106,

108, 111, 112

Mooas, middle-class in Tonga, 66, 85

Moomooe (Moomooi), king of Tonga, 83, 91, 108, 133, 141, 145

Moon, family god in, 192;
tradition of sacrifice to the, 394;
festival of the new, 414

Moon-goddess, 267, 287 n.

Mo'ooi (Maui), Tongan god, 72

Morai (marai, marae), burial-place, temple, 103, 116, 117, 118, 119;
dead buried in, 117 sqq. , 282 sqq. ;
in the Society Islands, 278 sq. .

Morais, bones of dead chiefs buried in, 311;
burial-places, 357 sq. , 361 sq. ;
mummies deposited in, 357;
in Hawaii, 391, 406 sqq. ;
dead chiefs buried in, 407 sq.

Morality reinforced by superstitious terrors, 83;
not influenced by religion, 318

Mortality of souls of commoners, 66, 85

Motoro, a great god in the Hervey Islands, 241

Mourning for death of divine owl, 186 sq.

Mourning customs of Maoris, 19 sq. ;
in Tonga, 132 sqq. ;
in Samoa, 208 sq. ;
in the Hervey Islands, 231;
among the Society Islands, 301 sqq. ;
of the Marquesans, 353 sqq. ;
in Hawaii, 420 sqq.

Mouth and nostrils of dying stopped to prevent the escape of the soul, 352

Mueu, a female demon of death, 235

Mukasa, great god of the Baganda, 270

Mullets sacred, 95, 184

Mummies kept in the house or deposited in a morai, 357

Muru, a god, spreads a net to catch ghosts, 244

Mythology of the Society Islanders, 257 sq. , 277;
of the Marquesans, 348 sqq.

Nails, parings of, used in evil magic, 325, 405

Names of relatives changed after a death, 233;
of kings sacred, 254;
new, given at admission to the Society of the Areois, 261;
exchange of, 339

Namuka, one of the Tonga Islands, 52

Nature, personifications of, 32, 34;
worship of, 93

Necromancy among the Maoris, 30 sq.

Negritoes, 3

Net to catch ghosts, 242, 244

New Zealand, the Maoris of, 5 sqq. ;
Melanesian population of, 6 sq.

Neyra, Alvaro Mendana de, 328

Ngati-apa, a Maori tribe, 23

Nicholas, J. L., 16 n. 3

Night, or the primaeval darkness (Po), 258, 276, 277, 298 n. 1 , 305, 315, 323, 393, 397, 427;
burials by, 419

Nightmare caused by a ghost, 419

Noa, common, 38, 39, 40;
general, as opposed to taboo, sacred, 388

Noah, the Hawaiian, 393, 394

Nobility traced in female line in Tonga, 75

Nobles, souls of dead, as gods, 64, 66, 84, 91

North Cape of New Zealand, place of departure for souls of the dead, 27, 28, 30

Nukahiva, one of the Marquesas Islands, 328, 337, 350, 352, 360, 361, 364, 368, 371, 372

Nuu, the Hawaiian Noah, 393, 394

O-Heena, a goddess, 287 n.
See Hina

O-rongo, in Mangaia, 225

Oahu, one of the Sandwich Islands, 375, 376 n. 2 , 385, 395, 411, 429

Obsequies of kings and chiefs in Tonga, 133 sqq. ;
of the Tooitongas, 140 sqq. ;
of Samoan chiefs, 211 sq. ;
of chiefs, in the Society Islands, 303

Octopus, god in, 95, 96, 183

Offerings to gods, 79;
to Samoan deities, 187, 188, 189;
to priests, 195;
to the dead, 311;
of food at tombs, 362;
to volcanic goddess, 401.
See Sacrifices

Omens sent by gods, 67;
from sacred birds, animals, or fish, 189 sq. ;
from sacrificial victims, clouds, and rainbow, 397, 414

Opoa, metropolis of idolatry in the Society Islands, 255, 258, 259, 289

Oracles delivered by priests, 295;
given by priests in the name of gods, 404

Oramatuas or oromatuas, worshipful spirits of departed relatives, 277, 299, 323 sq. ;
sacred feathers called, 291

Origin of Samoan gods of families, villages, and districts, 200 sqq.

Oro, war-god in the Society Islands, 255, 255 n. 1 , 258, 259, 261, 263, 265, 266, 289, 295, 315, 326

Orono, head of a priestly order in Hawaii, 391

Orotetefa, patron deity of the Areoi Society, 263, 265, 267

Ovens, souls of dead in, 26 sq. ;
of hot stones, 222, 379

Owl god, festival of, 188;
kept tame, 191

Owls sacred, 95, 182;
mourning for dead, 186 sq. ;
omens from, 190

Pantheon recruited by dead men, 98

Papa, goddess of earth, 34 n. 2 ;
wife of Vatea, 226

Papatea, mythical island, 158

Papo, Samoan war-god, 186

Paradise of the Society Islanders, 319, 327

Parliamentary form of government in Samoa, 179 sq.

Pas, Maori forts, 8 n. 3

Pele, goddess of the volcano Kilauea in Hawaii, 399 sqq.

Personifications of nature, 32, 34;
of ghost by an actor, 306

Pied fantail in Maori story of origin of death, 18 sq.

Pigeons, divine, 184;
kept tame, 191

Pigs' liver a god, 96

Pigs offered to the dead, 231;
sacrificed, 264, 265, 291;
for recovery of sick, 351;
to the dead, 368.
See Hogs

Planets, the shrine of a god, 228

Pleiades, emblems of deified chiefs, 204

Po, region of departed souls (Maori), 27

Po, Night or the primaeval darkness, the abode of the gods and of the dead, 258, 277, 298 n. 1 , 305, 308, 315, 316, 317, 323, 393, 397, 427

Pollution caused by death, 312 sq. , 427

Polack, J. S., 7 n. 1

Polyandry among the Marquesans, 337 sq.

Polygamy in the Hervey Islands, 223

Polynesians, 1 sqq. ;
their origin and language, 2 sqq. ;
mode of life, 4;
dispersal from Savaii (Hawaiki), 6, 154 sq. ;
or from Tonga, 56;
their knowledge of fire, 56 sq. ;
ignorant of metals, 61, 250

Polytheism developed out of totemism, 94

Porpoises, gods in, 66, 92

Porter, Captain David, 330, 332, 344 n. 1 , 350, 353, 357 n. 3 , 362, 364 sq. , 372

Pottery unknown to the Samoans, 181

Prayers to the gods, 79;
to the dead, 121;
to animal gods, 182;
for temporal benefits, 189;
before going to war, 189;
for the dying, 208;
offered to souls of dead relatives at their graves, 217;
rhythmical and ancient, 225;
offered to kings, 255;
of the Society Islanders, 257;
for the recovery of the sick, 257, 398;
to Oro, 261;
liturgical, 295 sq. ;
over the dead, 310;
for the dead, 318;
at temples, 327;
before battle, 397

"Praying people," sorcerers, 229

Presents brought to dying people, 207 sq.

Priestess claiming to personify goddess, 401

Priests practise enchantments, 13 sq. ;
descended from the gods, 29;
their souls immortal, 29;
summon up spirits of dead, 31;
Tongan, their inspiration, 77 sqq. ;
Samoan, 192 sq. ;
inspired, 194;
consulted as to cause of sickness, 207;
inspired, called "god-boxes," 228 sq.;
speaking in name of gods, 258, 293 sqq. ;
of shark gods, 276;
in the Society Islands, 292 sqq. ;
inspired by sharks, 403;
Hawaiian, 404

Property buried with the dead, 20, 140 sq. , 211, 232 sq. ;
private, in relation to taboo, 47 sq. ;
rights of, in Samoa, 169 sqq.

Prostitution, general, of women at the death of a great chief, 423

Pukapuka, Danger Island, 230

Pulotu, Samoan name for abode of the dead and of the gods, 204, 205, 214, 216, 217.
Compare Bolotoo

Punishments in Samoa, 159 sq.

Purification of king at installation, 255 n. 1 ;
of land after defilement, 287 sq. ;
after contact with the dead, 210, 313;
of the souls of the dead, 316

Pyramidal tombs, 115

Pyramidical temples of Tahiti and the Marquesas, 119

Pyramids, stepped or terraced, 116, 117, 278 sqq. ;
of stone, stepped or terraced, in Hawaii, 408 sqq.

Quiros, Fernandez de, 246

Ra, the sun-god, caught by Maui in nooses, 226

Radiguet, M., 338, 341, 357 n. 1 , 358, 373

Raiatea, one of the Society Islands, 246, 255, 258, 259, 266, 289, 315, 317, 318, 319

Rail-bird sacred, 95;
omens from, 190

Rainbow worshipped, 93, 182;
omens from, 191, 397;
emblem of deified chiefs, 204 sq. ;
superstitions about, 267, 269

Rangatira, gentleman, 43, 44;
landowners, 224

Rangi, god of sky, 34 n. 2

Rarotonga, one of the Hervey Islands, 219, 221, 222, 224, 226, 228, 232, 243, 244

Raupa, a burial cave, 237

Recorders, sacred, 295 sq. , 298

Red, bones of dead painted, 21;
tabooed, 227;
feathers regarded as divine, 290 sq.

Red Cave, 239, 240

Reincarnation of the dead, 368 sq.

Reinga, leaping-off place of souls (Maori), 27

Religion of Maoris concentrated on worship of dead kinsfolk, 34;
homogeneity of Polynesian, 35 n. ;
the Tongan, 64 sqq. ;
ethical influence of the Tongan, 146 sq. ;
of the Samoans, 181 sqq. ;
of the Hervey Islanders, 225 sqq. ;
early stage of, 226;
of the Society Islanders, 256 sqq. ;
without influence on morality, 318;
of the Marquesans, 348 sqq. ;
of the Hawaiians, 390 sqq.

Remy, J., 412 n. 1 , 415 n. 1

Renan, Ernest, on the Hebrew prophets, 147

Respect for chiefs in Samoa, 171 sqq.

Resurrection of the dead, Hawaiian notions about the, 430 sq.

Rewards, posthumous, no belief in, 67, 146

Rhodesia, Northern, belief as to mother of twins in, 269

Rib of the first man, the first woman created out of the, 393 sq.

Rites, of burial and mourning in Tonga, 132 sqq. ;
funeral, in the Hervey Islands, 231 sqq. ;
religious, of the Society Islanders, 257;
of purification, 288.
See Ceremonies

River of the Water of Life (Maori), 28;
in the nether world, 216

Rivers, W. H. R., 4 n. 1 , 119, 124 n. 1 , 128, 202, 218, 266 n. 4

Roberts, E., 371

Rohutu, the abode of the dead, 319 sq. , 327

Rongo, god of peace and agriculture, 35 n. ;
a great Polynesian god, 224, 225, 226, 392, 395;
his sacred stream and grove, 240, 241;
god, inventor of circumcision, 224

Rono, a great Hawaiian god, 404, 416.
See Lono

Roscoe, J., 271

Routledge, S. and K., 279 n. 1

Ruahatu, a sea-god, 276

Sā-le-Fe'e, the Samoan Tartarus, 216

Sacredness of chiefs, 172 sqq.

Sacrifice of children, 75 sq. , 81 sq. ;
of hogs, 79;
of fingers, 80;
of first-born sons, 89;
as magical, 83;
of pigs to the dead, 368;
of hogs to volcano, 399

Sacrifices in the Society Islands, 291 sq. ;
of pigs for the recovery of the sick, 351.
See Human sacrifices

Sacrilege, 67;
its expiation, 74 sqq. , 183 sqq.

Samoa, general name for the group of islands, 148;
original seat of Polynesian race, 154

Samoan Islands, 148 sqq. ;
volcanic activity in, 151 sq. ;
climate, 152 sqq.

Samoan Islanders, their appearance and character, 156 sqq. ;
houses, agriculture, and industries, 163 sqq. ;
rights of property, 169 sqq. ;
government, 171 sqq. ;
religion, 181 sqq.

Samoan worship of natural objects, 93, 96 sq. ;
of animals and other natural objects developed out of totemism, 200 sqq. , 218

Sanctity of kings in the Society Islands, 253 sq. ;
of priest of Tani (Tane), 293

Sanctuaries for criminals, 282

Sandwich or Hawaiian Islands, 375 sqq.

Sandwich Islanders, 377 sqq. ;
their four chief gods, 35 n.

Saturnalia at the death of a king or high chief in Hawaii, 421 sqq.

Savage thought inconsistent, 84, 90 sq.

Savages not addicted to sun-worship, 131

Savaii, one of the Samoan islands, centre of Polynesian dispersion, 6, 148 sq. , 150 sq. , 154 sq. , 192,

195, 202, 215

Saveasiuleo, the king of the lower regions, 216 sq.

Scalps of slain foes taken, 162

Sea, gods of the, 276 sq.

Sea eels sacred, 93, 94, 185

Sea gull sacred, 93

Sea-snake as god, 185

Sea-urchin, family god in, 183

Second death, 29

Secret burial, 21

Semites sacrifice first-born sons, 89

Serfdom, alleged, in Hawaii, 385

Shadow, soul associated with, 205 sq.

Sham fights at obsequies of Samoan chiefs, 211, 212;
at Melanesian funerals, 212;
after a death, 234, 235, 236, 303

Shark-gods, 227, 276

Shark's teeth, omens from, 191

Sharks as ministers of justice, 77;
gods in, 96, 182;
sacred, 93;
still-born children turned into, 398, 403;
worshipped in Hawaii, 402 sqq.

Shells (Murex namoces) in which the souls of the dead were supposed to lodge, 325

Shortland, E., 6 n. 2

Sick people carried to temple, 195

Sickness supposed to be caused by evil spirits, 417.
See Disease

Sinnet tenanted by a god, 228

Sins of the dead buried in a hole, 305

Sisters, curses of, specially dreaded, 207

Skins of the dead preserved as relics, 367

Skulls of dead kept in houses, 118;
of ancestors kept in temple or house, 288, 311;
of dead rulers worshipped, 324;
of dead hidden in caves, 357

Sky raised by Maui, 226, 275

Slaves killed to accompany their dead lords, 24;
in the Society Islands, 253

"Slaying the ghosts," 234

Smith, E. W. and Dale, A. M., 425

Smith, S. Percy, 155

Snakes, water, gods in, 66, 92

Sneezing, Hervey Islanders' theory of, 229

Social ranks in Samoa, 171 sqq. ;
in Rarotonga, 224;
in the Society Islands, 253;
among the Marquesans, 344;
in Hawaii, 383 sqq.

Society Islanders, 248 sqq.

Society Islands, 246 sqq.

Songs in honour of the dead, 236.
See Dirges

Sorcerers (Maori), 13 sqq. ;
disease and death ascribed to arts of, 300, 325 sq. ;
Hawaiian, 405.
See Magic

Soul, Maori ideas concerning the, 10 sqq. ;
as shadow, 11;
as breath, 11;
departure of soul from body, 12 sqq. ;
its fate after death, 24 sqq. , 66, 86 sqq. , 213 sqq. , 238 sqq. , 313 sq. , 427 sqq. ;
survival of, 24;
ascent to heaven, 24 sqq. , 29;
Tongan theory of, 66, 84 sqq. ;
Samoan belief concerning the, 205 sq. ;
associated with shadow, 205 sq. ;
of the same shape as body, 205;
belief of the Society Islanders concerning the, 297 sqq. ;
beliefs of the Hervey Islanders concerning the, 229 sqq. ;
beliefs of the Marquesans concerning the, 352;
Hawaiian beliefs concerning the, 417

Souls of commoners mortal, 29;
souls of chiefs and priests immortal, 29;
of the dead appear in dreams, 31, 91 sq. ;
of ancestors cause disease, 49;
of dead infants cause disease, 49, 299;
of dead nobles as gods, 64 sq. , 66, 84, 91;
of dead men as gods, 64, 66, 69, 85, 91, 351 sq. , 397;
of Tongan commoners mortal, 66, 85;
caught in traps, 230 sq. ;
leaping-place of, 27, 241;
ascribed to animals, trees, and stones, 297;
of the dead eaten by the gods, 315, 427;
of children supposed to transmigrate into sharks, 403

Spells (Maori), 13 sqq.

Spencer, Herbert, his theory that temples are derived from tombs, 100

Spirit world, Maori ideas of, 29 sq.

Spirits of the dead become gods, 31 sq. ;
threatened, 208.
See Gods, Souls

Spittle used in magic, 15, 300, 325, 405;
collected to prevent its use in magic, 405 sq.

Stair, J. B., 152, 173 n. 1 , 203 n. 2 , 206 n. 1

Star, shooting, worshipped, 93

Stars observed by the Samoans, 161

Sterndale, H. B., 197, 198, 199

Stewart, C. S., 157 n. 7 , 337 sq. , 340 sq. , 344 n. 1 , 348 sq. , 349 sq. , 358, 372, 377, 424

Stick-and-groove mode of kindling fire, 181

Stilts, racing or combating on, 339 sq.

Stinging ray fish, divine, 184, 185;
taboo to some Marquesans, 347

Stone-cutting in Tonga, craft of, 127

Stone monuments in Samoa, 197 sqq.

Stone temple, ruins of, in Samoa, 196 sq.

Stone tools and weapons, 10, 61, 180, 250 sq. , 335, 382;
in Tonga, 61;
in Samoa, 180

Stonehenge, trilithons at, 123, 129, 130

Stones worshipped, 182, 187;
piled on graves to prevent the dead from rising, 232

Succession of eldest sons at their birth, 255 sq.

Sugar-cane cultivated, 379

Suicides, their fate after death, 363

Sun, supposed secret worship of the, in the Pacific, 119;
Stonehenge supposed by some to be a temple of the, 130;
Tongans not worshippers of the, 131;
tradition of human sacrifices to, 158;
not worshipped in Samoa, 192;
ghosts journeying with the, 239 sqq. ;
caught and stopped by Maui, 275, 287 n. , 396;
not worshipped by the Society Islanders, 286;
souls of the dead gather in the, 320

Sun god caught by Maui, 226;
supposed worship of, 266, 286 n. 5

Sun worship, savages not addicted to, 131

"Sun-dried gods," title applied to embalmed bodies of chiefs, 205

Superstitious terrors reinforce morality, 83

Taaroa (Taroa), a great god, 255 n. 1 , 258, 266, 267, 276, 287 n. ;
supreme god of Polynesia, 290.
Compare Tanaroa, Tangaloa, Tangaroa

Taboo (tapu) among the Maoris, 32, 34, 37 sqq. , 432;
contracted by contact with the dead, 39, 209;
of sacred chiefs, 41 sqq. ;
its effect in confirming the rights of private property, 47 sq. ;
ultimate sanction of, 49;
supposed effects of breaking a, 76 sq. ;
consequent on touching a dead body, 137 sq. ;
comprises ideas of holiness and uncleanness, 173;
signified by white cloth, 344;
in the Marquesas, 345 sqq. ;
a definition of, 348;
in Hawaii, 387 sqq. ;
breaches of, punished with death, 389;
abolished in Hawaii, 389 sq. ;
rigour of, 416;
an aristocratic institution, 432

Tabooed priest, 404

Taboos imposed by chiefs, 175, 432

Tahaa, one of the Society Islands, 246, 258

Tahiti, 246, 247, 255, 266, 279, 282, 283, 314, 321;
morais in, 116 sqq. , 279 sqq.

Tahowa, priest, 293

Tahuata (Santa Christina), one of the Marquesas, 349, 359, 360, 364, 367

Taipii (Typee), valley of, in Nukahiva, 360, 365

Taipiis or Typees, a tribe of Nukahiva, 330, 332, 365, 373

Tairi (Kaili), the national war-god of Hawaii, 396, 397, 404, 411

Takalaua, a Tooitonga, 108

Tali-y-Toobo, Tongan god of royal family, 70, 73, 77, 79, 121

Tame gods, 191

Tamehameha, king of Hawaii, 384, 423.
See Kamehameha

Tanaroa, Tangaroa, Tagaloa, Taaroa, dialectically different names of a great Polynesian god, 258, 392

Tane (Tani), a great Polynesian god, 35 n. , 241, 258, 280, 284, 293, 392, 394, 397

Tane-kio, a god, enshrined in the planets Venus and Jupiter, 228

Tangaloa, god, drew up Tonga Islands on a fishing-hook, 65, 72 sq. ;
god of artificers, 72;
puts god Hikuleo in durance, 88;
ancestor of Tui-ta-tui, 127;
temple of, 196;
principal god of Samoans, the creator, 202 sq. ;
said to have fished up the islands, 202, 203

Tangaroa, god of ocean, 35 n. ;
a great god, brother of Rongo, 226

Tapu. See Taboo

Taro the staple food of the Samoans, 165;
of the Mangaians, 222;
and of the Hawaiians, 378

Tattooing, not applied to the Tooitonga, 81;
nor to the sacred kings of Mangaia, 224;
as a punishment in Samoa, 160;
of the Marquesan islanders, 331 sq. ;
marks of, removed from corpse, 368;
of the Hawaiians, 378;
of the tongue in mourning, 421

Tauas, inspired men, 350 sq.

Tauata (Santa Christina), one of the Marquesas Islands, 337

Taylor, R., 7 n. 1 , 32 n. 1 , n. 2 , 36, 42

Tee, teehee, tii, spirit of the dead, guardian spirit, 313, 322, 323 n. 1

Teeth, loss of, penalty for breach of taboo, 209 sq. ;
knocked out in mourning, 231, 420, 423, 424

Tekuraaki, a god, incarnate in the woodpecker, 228

Temple, dead Areois buried in, 261;
bones of human victims buried in, 292;
bones of dead chiefs buried in, 311

Temples of the gods in Tonga, 73 sqq. , 99 sqq. ;
and graves, question of, 99 sqq. ;
and tombs, 99 sqq. ;
Samoan, 194 sqq. ;
in the Society Islands, 278 sqq. ;
dedicated to sharks, 402, 403;
Hawaiian, 406 sqq.

Theft, ordeal for detection of, 77

Thieves, Hiro the god of, 326;
divination to detect, 406

Thunder and lightning, no Tongan god of, 71;
Tongan idea concerning, 90

Thunder-god kept in captivity, 191 sq.

Thomas, Rev. John, 57 n. 1 , 111 n.

Thomson, A. S., 6 n. 2

Thomson, Sir Basil, 87 n. 1 , 106, 107, 115, 116, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129

Tiaio, a god of the Hervey Islanders, 227

Tiaraboo (Tiarroboo, Tairaboo), the southern peninsula of Tahiti, 257, 283

Tiburones, a mythical paradise, 352, 364

Ti'iti'i, hero, robs Mafuie of fire, 203

Tii, a worshipful spirit of the dead, 324.
Compare Tee

Tiki, the god of the dead, 231, 232

Tiki, a heroine, 239;
warder of the land of the dead, 244 sq.

Tiki, a Marquesan god, 343, 350 n. 4

Timatekore, a god of the Hervey Islanders, 226

Tofua, Tongan island, 96

Togo, in West Africa, 271

Tohunga, Maori priest, 16 n. 3

Tombs, megalithic, of the Tooitongas, 99 sqq. , 105 sqq. , 119, 123, 132;
and temples, 99 sqq.

Tonga or Friendly Islands, 52 sqq.

Tonga Islanders, 57 sqq. ;
their religion, 64 sqq. ;
their national and tribal gods, 93 sq.

Tongataboo, 52, 86, 94, 106, 111, 112, 113, 114, 119, 120, 123

Tonga-iti, a god in the Hervey Islands, 227

Tooas (tuas), Tongan commoners, 66, 85, 86, 87

Toobo Toty, a Tongan god, 71

Toogoo Ahoo, king of Tonga, 81

Tooi fooa Bolotoo, a Tongan god, 70 sq.

Tooitonga, sacred chief or king of Tonga, 62, 66, 73, 81, 82, 94, 106, 107, 108, 110, 115, 116, 117, 120, 121, 122, 123, 126, 127, 144, 145;
tombs of the Tooitongas, 105 sqq. ;
obsequies of the, 140 sqq.

Tooi-tonga-fafine, sister of the Tooitonga, 110

Totemic gods of Samoa, 202

Totemism, Tongan polytheism developed out of, 94;
Samoan worship of animals developed out of, 200 sqq. , 218;
theory that it has been developed out of metempsychosis, 218;
relics of, in the Hervey Islands, 227 sq. ;
traces of, among the Marquesans, 347;
relics of, in Hawaii, 402

Trade guilds among the Samoans, 167 sq.

Transmigration of souls not believed in by the Samoans, 218;
of souls of children into sharks, 403

Traps set for souls, 230

Tree, family god in, 192;
on which ghosts perch, 241

Trees, dead deposited on, 20 sq. ;
tenanted by gods, 228;
sacred, 281 sq. ;
worshipped, 402

Tregear, E., 6 n. 2 , 126 n. 2 , 392

Tribes or clans among the Hervey Islanders, 223

Trilithon in Tongataboo, 123 sqq.

Trilithons at Stonehenge, 123, 129, 130

Trinity, the Hawaiian, 392

Triton-shell, god in, 228

Tropic-bird sacred, 93

Tu, Maori war-god, 35 n. ;
a great Polynesian deity, 392

Tuaraatai, a sea god in the Society Islands, 276

Tufoa, volcanic island, 53

Tui-ta-tui, a Tooitonga, 127, 128

Tulafales, householders or gentry in Samoa, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180

Tuoro, in Rarotonga, the meeting-place of ghosts,

243, 244

Turnbull, J., 262

Turner, Dr. George, 183 n. 1 , 203 n. 2 , 206 n. 1 , 212, 213

Turtles, family god in, 183 sq.

Tutuila, Samoan island, 149, 175, 176, 180, 215

Twins, divine, 226;
heavenly, 267;
customs and superstitions concerning, 267 sqq. ;
thought able to influence the weather, 267 sq. ;
fertilising power ascribed to, 269 sqq. ;
divine Hawaiian, 394

Tyerman and Bennet, 260, 281, 283, 295, 315, 386

Tylor, E. B., 3 n. 3

Typee. See Taipii

Typees or Taipiis, a tribe of Nukahiva, 330, 332 365, 375

Uea (Wallis Island), 125

Uganda, human sacrifice in, 84

Uhane, soul, 417

Ui, a heroine, beloved by the sun, 158

Uli, a Hawaiian god, 405

Umi, king of Hawaii, 411, 413

Unburied dead, Samoan ceremonies for, 205 sq.

Uncleanness, and holiness blent in taboo, 173;
caused by contact with a corpse, 312 sq. , 427

Underworld, home of the souls of the dead, 27

Upolu, Samoan island, 149, 152, 155, 162, 185, 196, 202, 214, 215

Upu, a Marquesan goddess of the dead, 367, 368

Uriwera, a Maori people, 15

Urutetefa, patron deity of the Areoi Society, 263, 265, 267

Utakea, a god incarnate in the woodpecker, 228

Vatea, a primary god, 226

Vavau, a Tongan island, 52, 53, 73

Veachi, sacred personage in Tonga, 66

Veeson, George, 86

Vegetable gods in Samoa, 192

Ventriloquism, 370

Venus, the planet, the shrine of a god, 228

Vergnes, P. E. Eyriaud des, 374

Village gods, 182, 185

Villages, Samoan, self-governing, 178 sq.

Vincendon-Dumoulin, 118, 358, 373

Virtue, Tongan ideas of, 66 sq. , 146 sq.

Volcanic activity in Tonga Islands, 53 sqq. ;
in Samoa, 151;
in Hawaii, 375

Volcano, goddess of, in Hawaii, 399 sqq. ;
offerings to, 399 sq.

Wahi taboo, sacred place, temple, 387 sq.

Wahine ariki, 40

Waimate Plains in New Zealand, 23

Wakea. See Akea

Wallis Island (Uea), 125

Wallis rediscovers Society Islands, 246

War gods, Samoan, 186, 188, 189 sq.

War-gods, images of, carried to battle, 397

Warriors tabooed, 40 sq.

Warriors, fate of souls of dead, 242 sq. , 244 sq.

Water of Life, River of the, 28;
in the nether world, 216

Weaving practised by Maoris, 9

West, Thomas, 114

Whale, soul of dead priest in a, 369

Whales worshipped, 93

Whattas, altars, 391, 392

White cloth as mark of taboo, 344;
flags as marks of property, 386

Widowers tabooed, 39

Widows killed to accompany their dead husbands, 24;
tabooed, 39;
strangled and buried with their husbands, 145;
dances of, 353, 354

Wilkes, Charles (Commodore), 57, 61 n. , 87, 89 n. 1 , 90, 155 n. 1 , 384 sq. , 411

Williams, John, 80, 157 n. 7 , 158, 181, 185, 221, 231

Wilson, James, 264 n. 5

Winds imprisoned by two gods, 277

Windward Islands, 246

Wiro, evil spirit, 27

Woman, the first, created out of a rib of the first man, 393 sq.

Women well treated by Tongans, 61 sq. ;
well treated by the Samoans, 157;
excluded from temples, 288 sq. ;
forbidden to eat with men, 381;
forbidden to partake of sacrifices, 388

Woodpecker, gods incarnate in the, 228

Worms, souls of the dead in the shape of, 29

Worship of ancestors among the Maoris, 32 sqq. ;
of the Tongan gods, 79 sqq. ;
of nature, 93;
of the dead tends to encroach on the worship of the high gods, 97 sq. ;
of animals and other natural objects in Samoa, 182 sqq. , 200 sqq. ;
of the dead in Samoa, 204 sq. ;
of the dead, elements of the, 205;
of the sun, supposed, 266, 286 n. 5 ;
of the dead in the Society Islands, 322 sqq. ;
of animals in Hawaii, 401 sqq.
See Religion

Wrestling matches as funeral rite, 140, 144, 211;
at obsequies of chiefs, 303

Wrestling and boxing matches at obsequies of Samoan chiefs, 211;
in honour of Lono (Rono), 395, 416

Yam festival in Tonga, 71 sq.

Yams, new, offered at grave, 122

Young, John, 422 sq.

Zulu superstition as to twins, 270


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