THE GOLDEN BOUGH A STUDY IN MAGIC AND RELIGION Third Edition, revised and enlarged. 8vo.

Part I. The Magic Art and the Evolution of Kings. Two volumes. 25s. net.

      II. Taboo and the Perils of the Soul. One volume. 12s. 6d. net.

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    IV. Adonis, Attis, Osiris. Two volumes. 25s. net.

     V. Spirits of the Corn and of the Wild. Two volumes. 25s. net.

    VI. The Scapegoat. One volume, 12s. 6d. net.

   VII. Balder the Beautiful: The Fire-festivals of Europe And the Doctrine of the External Soul. Two volumes. 25s. net.

Vol. XII. Bibliography and General Index. 25s. net.

TIMES.—"The book is a great book, in just the sense in which the work of Darwin, Zola, or Balzac is great. It has explored and mapped out a new world. But it combines artistry with science. Not only does it describe the greater part of the magical and religious beliefs and practices of the lower races and peasant peoples of the world, with a scientific precision and completeness superior to those of the encyclopædic biologist; it also narrates, with greater truth and vividness than has ever been essayed, the tragi-comedy of human superstition."

Mr. A. E. Crawley in NATURE.—"This new edition is something more than a mere enlargement. It is a new book, or a series of books; yet it is the same 'Golden Bough.' The reader will find it full of good things, new and old. He will also realise that 'The Golden Bough' is a great book, one of the great books of our time."

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