
Ab, a Jewish month, i. 259 n. 1

Ababu, a tribe of the Congo, ii. 288

Abchases of the Caucasus, ii. 105, 313

Abdication, temporary, of chief, ii. 66, 68

Aberdeenshire, harvest customs in, i. 158 sqq.

Abipones, the, of Paraguay, i. 308, ii. 140

Acagchemem tribe of California, ii. 170

Achinese, the, i. 315

Acosta, J. de, quoted, i. 171 sq., ii. 86sqq.

Acropolis of Athens, ii. 40sq.

Actium, games celebrated at, i. 80, 85

Adair, James, ii. 264

Adeli, the, of the Slave Coast, ii. 116

Adonis, i. 214, 216, 258, 263;

and the boar, ii. 22sq.

Aegis, ii. 40

Aesculapius at Pergamus, ii. 85

Aeson and Medea, ii. 143

Agbasia, a Ewe god, ii. 59, 60

Agni, Indian god, ii. 120

Agnus castus, i. 116 n. 2

Agricultural year determined by observation of the Pleiades, i. 313 sqq.

Agriculture, magical significance of games in primitive, i. 92 sqq.;

origin of, 128 sq.;

woman's part in primitive, 113 sqq.

Aino, the, ii. 144, 251, their ceremony at eating new millet, 52;

their worship of eagle-owls, eagles, and hawks, 199sq.;

their propitiation of mice, 278;

their ambiguous attitude towards the bear, 310sq.;

type of animal sacrament, 312sq.

—— of Japan, their custom of killing bears ceremonially, ii. 180sqq.

—— of Saghalien, their bear-festivals, ii. 188sqq.

Aïsawa or Isowa, order of saints in Morocco, i. 21

Ajumba hunter, ii. 235

A-Kamba, the, ii. 113

Alaskan hunters, ii. 238

Albania, custom as to locusts and beetles in, ii. 279

Alcyonian Lake, the, i. 15

Alder branches, sacrificial, ii. 232

Alectrona, daughter of the Sun, ii. 45

Alfoors of Minahassa, ii. 100

Alligators, souls of dead in, ii. 297

All Souls, Feast of, i. 30

Alur tribe, ii. 214

Alus, custom at, i. 25

Amambwe, the, ii. 287

Amaxosa Caffres, ii. 227

Amazons of Dahomey, ii. 149

Amazulu, the, i. 316

Amboyna, ii. 123

Amedzowe, the spirit land, ii. 105

Amei Awi, i. 93

American Indians, women's agricultural work among the, i. 120 sqq.;

their ceremonies at hunting bears, ii. 224sqq.;

personification of maize, i. 171 sqq.

Ammon, ram sacrificed to, ii. 41;

the Theban, 172sq.

Ancestors, prayers to, i. 105;

images of, ii. 53;

offerings to spirits of, 111, 117, 119, 121, 123, 124, 125

Ancestral Contest at the Haloa, i. 61;

at the Eleusinian Games, 71, 74, 77;

at the Festival of the Threshing-floor, 75

Ancient deities of vegetation as animals, ii. 1sqq.

Andaman Islanders, ii. 164

Andree, Dr. Richard, i. 307

Angamis (Angami), a Naga tribe of Assam, i. 244, ii. 291

Angel dance, the, ii. 328

Angoni, the, ii. 149;

burial custom among the, 99

Anhalt, harvest customs in, i. 226, 233, 279

Animal, corn-spirit as an, i. 270 sqq.;

killing the divine, ii. 169sqq.;

worshipful, killed once a year and promenaded from door to door, 322

[pg 342]

Animal embodiments of the corn-spirit, on the, i. 303 sqq.

—— form, god killed in, i. 22 sq.

—— god, two types of the custom of killing the, ii. 312sq.

—— masks worn by Egyptian kings, i. 260 sq.

—— sacrament, types of, ii. 310sqq.

Animals torn to pieces and devoured raw in religious rites, i. 20 sqq.;

language of, acquired by eating serpent's flesh, ii. 146;

resurrection of, 200sq., 256sqq.;

and men, savages fail to distinguish accurately between, 204sqq.;

wild, propitiation of, by hunters, 204sqq.;

bones of, not to be broken, 258sq.;

bones of, not allowed to be gnawed by dogs, 259;

savage faith in the immortality of, 260sqq.;

transmigration of human souls into, 285sqq.;

two forms of the worship of, 311;

processions with sacred, 316sqq.

Anitos, souls of ancestors, ii. 124

Anna Kuari, i. 244

Anointing the body as a means of acquiring certain qualities, ii. 162sqq.

Antankarana tribe of Madagascar, ii. 290

Anthesteria, the, i. 30 sqq.

Anthropomorphism, i. 212

Antinous, games in honour of, i. 80, 85

Antiquity of the cultivation of the cereals in Europe, i. 79

Antrim, harvest customs in, i. 144, 154 sq.

Ants, superstitious precaution against the ravages of, ii. 276

Apaches, the, ii. 242

Apes, ceremony after killing, ii. 235sq.

Apis, sacred bull, ii. 34sqq.

Apollo surnamed Locust and Mildew, ii. 282;

the Mouse, 282sq.;

Wolfish, 283sq.

Apollonius of Tyana, ii. 280

Apologies offered by savages to the animals they kill, ii. 215, 217, 218, 221, 222sqq., 235sqq., 243

Apple-tree, straw-man placed on oldest, ii. 6

Arabs, ii. 146, 164;

of Moab, harvest custom of the, i. 138

Arawak Indians, ii. 154

Arcturus, i. 47 n. 2, 51, 52

Ardennes, precautions against rats in the, ii. 277

Argyleshire, harvest customs in, i. 155 sq.

Ariadne, Cyprian worship of, i. 209 n. 2

Aricia, many Manii at, ii. 94sqq.;

sacred grove at, 95

Arician grove, horses excluded from, ii. 40sqq.

Aristides, the rhetorician, on first-fruit offerings, i. 56;

on Eleusinian Games, 71

Aristotle, Constitution of Athens, i. 79;

on men of genius, ii. 302n. 5

Arkansas Indians, ii. 134

Arriaga, J. de, i. 173 n.

Art, Demeter and Persephone in, i. 43 sq.

Artemis, Brauronian, ii. 41n. 3

Artemisia and Mausolus, ii. 158

Artemision, a Greek month, ii. 8

Artificers, worship of the, ii. 60sq.

Aru Islands, ii. 145

Aryans of Europe, agriculture among the early, i. 129 sq.;

totemism not proved for the, ii. 4

Ash Wednesday, i. 300

Ashantees, the, ii. 149;

their festivals of new yams, 62sq.

Ashes as manure, i. 117

—— of dead swallowed, ii. 156sqq.;

smeared on mourner, 164;

of human victim scattered on earth to fertilise it, i. 240;

scattered on fields, 249, 250, 251;

scattered with winnowing-fans, 260, 262

Assam, ii. 116;

agriculture in, i. 123;

genna in, 109 n. 2;

head-hunting in, 256

Asses, transmigration of sinners into, ii. 299, 308

Assimilation of victims to gods, i. 261 sq.;

of men to their totems or guardian animals, ii. 207sq.

Assiniboins, the, ii. 225

Assinie, W. African kingdom, ii. 63

Astronomy, origin of, i. 307

Asuras, the, ii. 120

Athamanes, the, of Epirus, i. 129

Athamas, King, i. 24, 25

Athena, sacrifices to, i. 56;

and the goat, ii. 40sq.

Athens, Queen of, married to Dionysus, i. 30 sq.;

called “the Metropolis of the Corn,” 58;

ceremony at killing a wolf at, ii. 221;

the Lyceum at, 283, 284

Athletic competitions among harvesters, i. 76 sq.

Atonement to animals for wrong done to them, ii. 310sq.

Attic months lunar, i. 52

Attica, vintage custom in, ii. 133

Attis, i. 2, 14, 214;

his relation to Lityerses, 255 sq.;

and the pig, ii. 22

Attraction and repulsion, forces of, ii. 303sqq.

Augustine, i. 88

Augustus celebrates games at Actium, i. 80

Australia, totemism in, ii. 311

—— Northern, ii. 145

Australian aborigines, i. 126, 307 sq.;

their mutilations of the dead, ii. 272

[pg 343]

Australians, the Central, ii. 165

Austria, harvest customs in, i. 276, 292

Awe, Loch, i. 142

Awemba, the, i. 115;

of Northern Rhodesia, ii. 272sq.

Ayrshire, harvest customs in, i. 279

Aztecs, their festival at end of fifty-two years, i. 310 sq.;

eating the god among the, ii. 86sqq.

Baba or Boba, name given to last sheaf, i. 144 sq.;

“the Old Woman,” at the Carnival, ii. 332, 333

Bacchanals of Thrace, i. 17

Badagas, the, ii. 55

Baden, harvest customs in, i. 283, 286, 292, 298

Baganda, the, i. 118, ii. 64, 70n. 1, 227, 253, 271sq.;

their offerings of first-fruits, 113;

their fear of the ghosts of animals, 231sq.

Bagobos, the, ii. 124;

of Mindanao, i. 240

Bahaus or Kayans of central Borneo, i. 92 sqq.

See Kayans

Bahima, their belief in transmigration, ii. 288

Bakongs, a tribe of Borneo, ii. 294

Bakundu of the Cameroons, burial custom of the, ii. 99

Bali, i. 314, ii. 278;

rice spirit in, i. 201 sqq.

Ball, game of, played as a rite, ii. 76, 79

Balquhidder, cutting the Maiden at, i. 157

Balum, spirits of the dead, i. 104

Ba-Mbala, the, i. 119

Bananas, cultivated by women, i. 115, 118;

cultivated in South America, 120, 121;

cultivated in New Britain, 123;

cultivated in New Guinea, 123;

soul of dead man in, ii. 298

Banars, the, of Cambodia, ii. 33

Bangala, the, i. 119

Banks' islanders, i. 313

—— Islands, burial custom in the, ii. 97

Barley awarded as a prize in the Eleusinian games, i. 73, 74, 75;

oldest cereal cultivated by the Aryans, 132

—— Bride among the Berbers, i. 178 sq.

—— -cow, i. 289, 290

—— -mother, the, i. 131, 135

—— -sow, i. 298

—— -wolf, i. 271, 273

Baronga, the, ii. 280;

women's part in agriculture among the, i. 114 sq.

Barotsé, the, i. 115, ii. 159

Bassari, the, ii. 116

Bassia latifolia, ii. 119

Bastian, Adolph, quoted, ii. 313

Basutoland, i. 116;

inoculation in, ii. 158, 160

Basutos, the, ii. 148;

their customs as to the new corn, 110

Batari Sri, a goddess, i. 202

Batchelor, Rev. J., ii. 180n. 2, 182n. 2, 183, 184, 186n., 198, 201

Bathing forbidden, i. 94

Bats, souls of dead in, ii. 287

Battas or Bataks of Sumatra, i. 196, 315, ii. 293;

their ceremonies at catching tigers, 216sq.

Battle, mock, ii. 75

Bavaria, harvest customs in, i. 147, 221 sq., 232, 282, 286, 287, 289, 296, 298, 299

Bean-cock, i. 276

—— -goat, i. 282

Beans, Spirit of, i. 177;

cultivated in Burma, 242;

forbidden as food by Empedocles, ii. 301

Bear, importance of the, for people of Siberia, ii. 191;

ambiguous attitude of the Aino towards the, 310sq.;

the corn-spirit as a, 325sqq.

—— -cats, souls of dead in, ii. 294

—— -dances, ii. 191, 195

—— -festivals of the Aino, ii. 182sqq.;

of the Gilyaks, 190sqq.;

of the Goldi, 197;

of the Orotchis, 197

—— -skin worn by woman dancer, ii. 223

—— the Great, constellation, i. 315

Bear's liver, i. 187 sq.;

heart eaten, ii. 146

“Beard of Volos,” i. 233

Bears killed ceremonially by the Aino, ii. 180sqq.;

souls of dead in, 286sq.;

processions with, in Europe, 326n. 3

—— slain, propitiated by Kamtchatkans, Ostiaks, Koryak, Finns, and Lapps, ii. 222sqq.;

by American Indians, 224sqq.

Beating a man clad in a cow's hide, ii. 322sqq.

—— boys with leg-bone of eagle-hawk, ii. 165n. 2

—— effigy of ox with rods in China, ii. 11sq.

—— people for good luck, i. 309

Beavers, their bones not allowed to be gnawed by dogs, ii. 238sqq.

Bechuanas, the, i. 316, ii. 28, 164;

their ceremonies before eating the new fruits, 69sq.;

ceremony observed after a battle by the, 271

Beer in relation to Dionysus, i. 2 n. 1

Bees, transmigration of quiet people into, ii. 308

Beetles, superstitious precautions against, ii. 279, 280

[pg 344]

Beggar, name given to last sheaf, i. 231 sq.

Beku, the, of West Africa, ii. 163

Bells worn by mummers, i. 26, 28, ii. 332, 333;

attached to hobby-horse, 337sq.

Benin, ii. 64;

human sacrifice at, i. 240

Bera Pennu, the Earth Goddess, i. 245

Berbers, the Barley Bride among the, i. 178 sq.

Berosus, Babylonian historian, i. 258 sq.

Berry, harvest customs in, i. 292, 294

Berwickshire, harvest customs in, i. 153 sq.

Bessy, one of the mummers on Plough Monday, ii. 329, 331

Betsileo, the, of Madagascar, ii. 116;

their belief in the transmigration of souls, 289sq.

Bhils, the, of Central India, ii. 29

Bhímsen, an Indian deity, ii. 118

Bhumiya, a Himalayan deity, ii. 117

Bhutan, ii. 103

Biennial cycle, i. 87

—— festivals, i. 14, i. 86

Binder of last sheaf represents the Corn-mother, i. 150, 253

Binders of corn, contests between, i. 136, 137, 138, 218 sq., 220, 221, 222, 253

Binding the corn, contests in, i. 218 sq.

Binsenschneider, i. 230 n. 5

Bird, soul as a, i. 181, 182 n. 1;

corn-spirit as a, 295 sq.

—— of prey, inoculation with a, ii. 162

Birds, migratory, as representatives of a divinity, i. 204 sq.;

language of, ii. 146;

tongues of, eaten, 147

Birth of child on harvest-field, pretended, i. 150 sq.

Bisaltae, a Thracian tribe, i. 5

Bizya in Thrace, i. 26, 30

Black Drink, an emetic, ii. 76

—— Goat-skin, in relation to Dionysus, i. 17

Blackened faces, i. 291, 299;

of actors, 27

Blackfeet Indians, i. 311, ii. 236

Bladders of sea-beasts returned by the Esquimaux to the sea, ii. 247sqq.

Blindfolded, reapers, i. 144, 153 sq.

Blood drawn from men as a religious rite, ii. 75, 91sq.;

as a means of communion with a deity, 316

—— of bear drunk, ii. 146

—— of beavers not allowed to fall on ground, ii. 240n. 2

—— of dragon, ii. 146

—— of human victim sprinkled on seed, i. 239, 251;

scattered on field, 244, 251

—— of lamb sprinkled on people, ii. 315

—— of slain men tasted by their slayers, ii. 154sqq.

Blood-covenant, ii. 154sqq.

Boa-constrictor, soul of a, ii. 296

Boa-constrictors, souls of dead in, ii. 289sq.

Boar, corn-spirit as, i. 298 sqq.;

the Yule, 300 sqq., 302 sq.;

and Adonis, ii. 22sq.

Boars, wild, their ravages in the corn, ii. 31sqq.

Boba or Baba, name given to the last sheaf, i. 144 sq.

Bock, C., quoted, i. 8

Boedromion, an Attic month, i. 52, 77

Bogadjim in German New Guinea, ii. 251

Bohemia, harvest customs in, i. 138, 145, 149, 150, 225 sq., 232, 286, 289;

Carnival custom in, ii. 325;

custom as to mice in, 279, 283

Böhmer Wald Mountains, i. 284

Bolivia, ii. 235, 286

Bombay, burial custom in, ii. 100

Bone of old animal eaten to make the eater old, ii. 143

Bones and skulls of enemies destroyed, ii. 260

—— of animals preserved in order that the animals may come to life again, ii. 256sqq.;

burned or thrown into water, 257;

not to be broken, 258sq.;

not allowed to be gnawed by dogs, 225, 238sqq., 243, 259

—— of the dead, virtues acquired by contact with the, ii. 153sq.;

preserved for the resurrection, 259

—— of deer not given to the dogs, ii. 241, 242, 243

—— of fish not burned, ii. 250, 251;

thrown into the sea or a river, 250, 254;

not to be broken, 255

Bontoc, province of Luzon, i. 240

Bordeaux, harvest custom at, i. 291

Bormus or Borimus, i. 216, 257, 264

Borneo, ii. 122;

agricultural communities of central, i. 92

Bororos, the, of Brazil, ii. 71sq., 208

Boscana, Father G., ii. 169;

quoted, i. 125

Botocudos, the, of Brazil, ii. 156

Bougainville Straits, i. 313

Bouphonia, ii. 4sqq.

Bouphonion, a Greek month, ii. 6n.

Bourbourg, Brasseur de, i. 237

Bourke, Captain J. G., ii. 178n. 4

Bouzygai, the, at Eleusis, i. 108

Boxing, i. 71 n. 5, ii. 131

Brahman boys sacrificed, i. 244

Brahmans, the, on transubstantiation, ii. 89

Brain, drippings of, used to acquire wisdom of dead, ii. 163sq.

Brains of enemies eaten, ii. 152

Brand, John, quoted, i. 146

Brazen serpent, the, ii. 281

[pg 345]

Brazil, Indians of, i. 111, ii. 235;

their flesh diet, ii. 139

Bridal pair at rice-harvest in Java, i. 200 sq.

Bride, name given to last sheaf, i. 162, 163

British Columbia, Indians of, ii. 253

Brittany, harvest customs in, i. 135

Bromios, epithet of Dionysus, i. 2 n. 1

Brooke, Rajah, ii. 211

Brown, Dr. Burton, ii. 100n. 2

Bubui river, in New Guinea, ii. 295

Buckwheat cultivated in Burma, i. 242

Bucolium at Athens, i. 30

Buddha, transmigrations of, ii. 299, 301

Budge, Dr. E. A. Wallis, i. 259 n. 3, 260 n. 2

Buffalo sacrificed for human victim, i. 249

Buffaloes, propitiation of dead, ii. 229, 231;

their death bewailed, 242;

revered by the Todas, 314

Bukaua, the, of German New Guinea, i. 103, 105, 313, ii. 124

Bulawayo, ii. 70

Bulgarians, the Carnival among the, ii. 331sqq.

Bull, corn-spirit as, i. 288 sqq., ii. 8;

in relation to Dionysus, i. 16 sq., 31

——, live, torn to pieces in rites of Dionysus, i. 15, 17, ii. 16

——, sacrifice of, ii. 68n. 3;

at Magnesia, 7sq.;

in Mithraic religion, 10;

at tomb of dead chief, 113

—— -fights, ii. 66

—— -roarers, i. 19 n. 1, ii. 295;

as magical instruments, i. 104, 106 sq., 110

—— -shaped deities, i. 3 sqq.

Bulls, sacred, of ancient Egypt, ii. 34sqq.

Burghers or Badagas, the, ii. 55

Burial rites intended to deceive ghosts or demons, ii. 97sqq.

Burials, fictitious, to divert the attention of demons from the real burials, ii. 98sqq.

Buring Une, a goddess, i. 93

Burma, ii. 116;

securing the rice-soul in, i. 190 sq.;

custom at threshing rice in, 203 sq.;

head-hunting in, i. 256

Burmese cure, ii. 103

Burne, Miss C. S., i. 266

Burning last sheaf of corn, i. 146

—— the Old Witch, i. 224

Buru, island, ii. 54, 145

Bush negroes of Surinam, ii. 26

Bushmen, ii. 29, 206, 266n. 1;

their customs as to diet, 140sq.

Busiris, i. 259 sq.

Busk, festival of first-fruits, ii. 72

Butea frondosa, ii. 119

Butterflies, souls of dead in, ii. 290, 291, 296sq.

Butterfly of the rice, i. 190

Button snake root, emetic made from, ii. 73, 75

Buzzard, killing the sacred, ii. 169sqq.

Caffre elephant-hunters, ii. 227

Caffres, their festival of new fruits, ii. 64sqq.;

their custom of fumigating infants, 166sq.;

of South Africa, their observation of the Pleiades, i. 315;

of the Zambesi region, ii. 289

Cailleach (Old Wife), name given to last corn cut, i. 140 sqq., 164 sqq.

Caingua Indians of Paraguay, ii. 285

Cakes in obscene shapes, i. 62

Calabash, ceremony of breaking the, ii. 68n. 3

Calabria, custom observed by murderers in, ii. 156

Calendar, regulation of, an affair of religion, i. 83;

the Roman, 83 sq.;

primitive, 125 sq.

Calendars, the Pleiades in primitive, i. 307 sqq.

Calf sacrificed to Dionysus, i. 33;

killed at harvest, 290;

sacrifice of buffalo, ii. 314

California, Indians of, i. 125, ii. 169, 286

Californian missions, the Spanish, ii. 171n. 1

Callaway, Rev. H., i. 316

Callias, the Eleusinian Torch-bearer, i. 54, 73 n. 3

Cambodia, ii. 103

Cameron, Hugh E., i. 162 n. 3

Campbell, Major J., i. 248, 250

Campbell, Rev. J. G., i. 140

Cancer, Tropic of, i. 125

Candlemas, i. 300

Canelos Indians of Ecuador, ii. 285

Cannibal orgies, i. 18 sqq.

—— Spirit, i. 21

Cannibals, a secret society of the Kwakiutl Indians, i. 20

Canopus, i. 308

Capricorn, Tropic of, i. 125

Carcassone, hunting the wren at, ii. 320sq.

Carian Chersonese, ii. 85

Carib warriors, ii. 162

Caribs, the, i. 120, ii. 139

Carinthia, harvest custom in, i. 224 sq.

Carley, the, i. 144

Carlin or Carline, the, i. 140

Carnival, modern Thracian drama at the, i. 26 sqq., ii. 331

—— Bear, ii. 325

—— custom in Bohemia, ii. 325

Carolina, Indians of, ii. 217

[pg 346]

Carrier Indians, ii. 238sq.

Cassava (manioc) bread, i. 120 sq.

Cassowaries, souls of dead in, ii. 295

Cassowary totem, ii. 207

Castabus, ii. 85

Cat, corn-spirit as, i. 280 sq.;

killed at harvest, i. 281

Cat's cradle, i. 101, 103

—— tail, name given to last standing corn, i. 268

Catalangans, the, ii. 124

Caterpillars, superstitious precautions against, ii. 275sq., 279, 280

Catholic custom of eating effigies of the Madonna, ii. 94

Cattle, last sheaf given to, i. 134, 155, 158, 161, 170;

(plough oxen) Yule or Christmas Boar given to, the, 301, 302, 303;

worship of, ii. 35, 37sqq.;

first-fruits offered to, 118

Caul-fat, human, rubbed on body, ii. 162

Cayenne, Indians of, 285 sqq.

Celebes, i. 313, ii. 54, 122, 123;

precautions against mice in, 277

Celeus, king of Eleusis, i. 37

Censorinus, i. 86, 87

Central Provinces of India, ii. 118sq.

Ceram, ii. 54, 123

Cereal deity, ii. 52, 83

Cereals in Europe, antiquity of the cultivation of, i. 79;

cultivated by the early Aryans, 132

Ceremony of the Horse at rice-harvest among the Garos, ii. 337sqq.

Ceres, i. 42;

festival of, 297 n. 5;

the, in France, 135;

Roman sacrifices to, ii. 133

Chadwars, the, ii. 28

Chaka, Zulu despot, ii. 67

Chambéry, harvest customs at, i. 275, 288, 291 sq.

Chams, the, of Indo-China, ii. 283;

their agricultural ceremonies, 56sqq.;

their belief in transmigration, 291sq.

Changes of shape, magical, i. 305

Chasas, the, of Orissa, ii. 26

“Chasms of Demeter and Persephone,” ii. 17

Chastity required in sower of seed, i. 115 sq.;

of hunter before hunting bears, ii. 226

Chateaubriand, his description of the Natchez festival, ii. 135sqq.

Cheese Monday, i. 26, ii. 333

Cheremiss, the, ii. 51

Cherokee hunters, ii. 236, 241

—— mythology, ii. 204sq.

Cherokees, the, ii. 72n. 2, 139, 220;

their respect for rattlesnakes, 218sq.;

their custom of removing the hamstring of deer, 266

Chicome couatl, Mexican Maize-goddess i. 176

Chief, sacred, ii. 28;

acting as priest, 126;

sacrifices to dead, 113

Chiefs, spirits of dead, give rain, ii. 109;

deified after death, 125;

souls of dead, in lions, 287sq.

Child born on harvest-field, pretence of, i. 150 sq.

Childbed, deceiving the ghosts of women who have died in, ii. 97sq.

Children at birth placed in winnowing-fans, i. 6 sqq.;

guarded against evil spirits, 6 sqq.;

employed to sow seed, 115 sq.;

sacrificed at harvest, 236

China, ceremony at beginning of spring in, ii. 10sqq.

Chinese, their theory as to courage, ii. 145sq.

—— of Amoy, their use of effigies, ii. 104

—— ceremony of ploughing, ii. 14sq.

—— use of sieve or winnowing-fan, i. 6, 9 sq.

Chinigchinich, a Californian god, ii. 170

Chinna Kimedy, i. 247, 249

Chins, the, of Upper Burma, ii. 121

Chiquites of Paraguay, ii. 241

Chiriguanos, the, Indians of Bolivia, ii. 140, 286

Chota Nagpur, i. 244

Christmas, i. 134;

boar sacrificed at, 302. See also Yule

—— Day, ii. 319, 320

—— drama, ii. 327sq.

—— Eve, i. 302, ii. 318, 321

Chuckchees, the, ii. 221

Churn, last corn cut, i. 151, 153, 154 sq.

Cicero, on the gift of the corn, i. 58;

on transubstantiation, ii. 167

Cinteotl, Mexican Maize-god, i. 176

Circumcision, i. 316, ii. 153

Clarke, E. D., at Eleusis, i. 64;

quoted, 146

Clement of Alexandria on the Eleusinian mysteries, i. 39

Cleostratus of Tenedos, i. 81

Clyack-kebback, i. 160

Clyack sheaf, i. 158 sqq., ii. 43

Cnossus, i. 82, 85

Cobra-capella, guardian-deity of Issapoo, ii. 174

Cochin China, tigers respected in, ii. 217

Cock, corn-spirit as, i. 276 sqq.;

killed on harvest field, 277 sq.;

white, sacrificed, ii. 117, 118

—— -sheaf, i. 276

Cogiour, a sacred pontiff, ii. 114

Cohabitation of husband and wife enjoined as a matter of ritual, ii. 69, 70n. 1

[pg 347]

Colluinn, custom of beating a cow's hide, ii. 323, 324

Colombian Indians, ii. 286

Communal taboos, i. 109 n. 2

Communion with deity, ii. 83, 325

Compitalia, a Roman festival, ii. 94, 96, 107

Complexity of religious phenomena, ii. 36

Confession of sin, ii. 69

Congo, the Lower, i. 115;

the Upper, 119

Conjunction of sun and moon, ii. 15n. 1

Conservation of energy, ii. 262

Constantinople protected against flies and gnats, ii. 281

Contact with sacred things is deemed dangerous, ii. 27sqq.

—— between certain foods in stomach of eater forbidden, ii. 83sqq., 90

Contest, Ancestral, at the Eleusinian Games, i. 71, 74, 77

Contests for possession of the corn-spirit, i. 74 sq., 180;

between binders of corn, 136, 137, 138, 218 sq., 220, 221, 222, 253;

between reapers, 74 sq., 136, 140, 141, 142, 144, 152, 153 sq., 164 sq., 219, 253;

between threshers, 147 sqq., 218, 219 sq., 221 sq., 223 sq., 253

Continence, ceremonial, ii. 75, 81, 93;

prescribed at festival, 248

—— and fasting, ii. 14

Coomassie, ii. 62, 63

Coorgs, the, ii. 55

Corea, ii. 122;

use of effigies in, 105

Corn, ear of, revealed to initiates at the rites of Eleusis, i. 38;

personified as Demeter, 42;

first-fruits of, offered to Demeter and Persephone at Eleusis, 53 sqq.;

first bestowed on the Athenians by Demeter, 54;

personified as female, 130;

wreath of, 134;

double personification of, as mother and daughter, 207 sqq.;

the first corn cut, customs connected with, 214 sq.;

the new, eaten sacramentally, ii. 48sqq.;

sanctity of the, 110

—— and poppies as symbols of Demeter, i. 43 sq.

—— Baby, i. 152, 292

—— -bull, i. 291

—— -cow, i. 289

—— -ears, Queen of the, i. 146;

crown of, 163, 221, 283

—— -fool, i. 148

—— -goat, i. 282, 283, 286, 287

—— -maiden, i. 150;

in Northern Europe, 129 sqq.

—— -mallet at threshing, i. 148

—— -man, i. 223;

the goal of a women's race at harvest, 76 sq.

Corn-mother, i. 150;

in Northern Europe, 131 sqq.;

in last sheaf, 133 sqq.;

in America, 171 sqq.;

in many lands, 171 sqq.

—— -pug, i. 273

—— -reapers, songs of the, i. 214 sqq.

—— -sow, i. 298

Corn-spirit, contests for possession of the, i. 74 sq., 180;

conceived as old, 136 sqq.;

in last sheaf threshed, i. 139, 147, 168, ii. 48;

represented in duplicate, i. 139;

conceived as young, 150 sqq.;

as Bride and Bridegroom, 162 sqq.;

as male and female, 164, ii. 9;

as female, both old and young, i. 164 sqq.;

represented by person who cuts, binds, or threshes the last corn, 167 sq., 220 sqq., 236, 253 sq.;

fertilising influence of, 168;

its influence on women, 168;

represented by human beings, 168, 204 sqq., ii. 333;

in form of an old man, i. 206 sq.;

in first corn cut, 215;

personal representative of, killed in mimicry, 216;

killing the, 216 sqq., 223 sqq.;

represented by a puppet, 224;

represented by a stranger, 225 sqq.;

conceived as poor and robbed by the reapers, 231 sqq.;

slain in his human representatives, 251 sqq.;

the neck of the, 268;

as animal, 270 sqq.;

on the animal embodiments of the, 303 sqq.;

as wolf or dog, 271, sqq., ii. 327;

the tail of the, i. 268, 272, 300, ii. 10, 43;

as cock, i. 276 sqq., 277 sq.;

as hare, 279 sq.;

as cat, 280 sq.;

as goat, 281 sqq., ii. 327;

lame, i. 284;

slain in the form of a goat, 284 sq., 287;

as bull, cow, or ox, 288 sqq., ii. 8;

killed in form of bull, i. 290, 291 sq.;

killed at threshing, 291 sq.;

as horse or mare, 292 sqq.;

in form of calf, 292;

as a bird, 295;

as fox, 296 sq.;

as pig (boar, sow), 298 sqq.;

represented by an ox, ii. 9sqq.;

killed in animal form and eaten sacramentally, 20;

as a bear, 325 sqq.;

represented dramatically, 325;

as a boar, 328;

represented by a man called the Straw-bear, 329

—— -stalks, harvesters wrapt up in, i. 220 sqq.

—— -wolf, i. 272, 273, 275

—— -woman, i. 230, 233;

at threshing, 149

Corners of fields not to be reaped, i. 234 sq.

Corpus Christi Day, i. 310

Cos, harvest-home in, i. 47

Cotton, treatment of first cotton picked, ii. 119

Courage seated in gall-bladder, ii. 145sq.

[pg 348]

Cow, corn-spirit as, i. 288 sqq.

Cow's hide, thresher of last corn wrapt in, i. 291;

custom of beating the, ii. 322sqq.

Cows milked by women, i. 118;

and their milk, superstitions as to, ii. 84n. 1 and 2

Cranes, trumpeting of the, signal for ploughing, i. 45

Creek Indians, ii. 72, 139

Cretan festival of Dionysus, i. 14 sq.

—— myth of Dionysus, i. 13

Crete, ancient seat of worship of Demeter, i. 131;

pig not eaten in, ii. 21n. 1

Cries of reapers, i. 263 sqq.

Cripple Goat, the, i. 284

Crocodile, clay image of, ii. 279

—— -catchers, rules observed by, ii. 209sq.

Crocodiles hunted by savages for their flesh, ii. 208n. 2;

often spared by savages out of respect, 208sqq.;

ceremonies observed at catching, 209sqq.;

kinship of men with, 212sq., 214sq.;

respected in Africa and Madagascar, 213sqq.;

sacred at Dix Cove, 287;

souls of dead in, 289, 290, 291, 295

Cronion, a Greek month, ii. 7, 8n. 1

Crooke, W., i. 118 n., 234 n. 2, ii. 56n. 3

Crops, charms and spells for growth of, i. 100;

rotation of, 117;

human sacrifices for the, 236 sqq.

Cross River natives, ii. 115

Crow, head of, eaten to prolong life, ii. 143;

transmigration of sinner into, 299

—— Song, the Greek, ii. 322n.

Crown of corn-ears, i. 163, 221, 283;

worn by Demeter and Persephone, 43

“Crying the Mare” in Hertfordshire, i. 292 sq.;

in Shropshire, 293

“Crying the neck,” i. 264 sqq.

Cultivation, shifting, i. 99;

see Agriculture

“Cup of offering,” ii. 184

Curcho, old Prussian god, ii. 133

Curetes, their war-dance, i. 13

Curses uttered by Bouzygai, i. 108

Cuscuses, souls of dead in, ii. 296, 298

Cushing, Frank H., quoted, ii. 175sqq.

Cuzco, i. 310

Cycle, the octennial in Greece, i. 80 sqq.

Cynaetha, i. 16

Cyzicus, i. 16

Dacotas, the, ii. 256

Dama, island of, ii. 101

Damatrius, a Boeotian month, i. 46

Dance at harvest supper, i. 134, 135, 145;

of harvesters with or round the last sheaf, 135, 141, 145, 160, 219, 220 sq.;

of masked men before sowing, 186;

of Dyaks to secure soul of rice, 188 sq.;

of old women as representatives of the corn-goddess, 205;

Pawnee, before human sacrifice, 238;

before the king at ceremony of first-fruits, ii. 70sq.;

of Zulu king, 66, 68n. 3;

of medicine-man, 72;

the Green Corn Dance, 76;

war, 79;

by torchlight, 79;

of Kansas Indians, 145

“the angel dance,” 328;

of mummers at Carnival, 333, 334;

of mummer wearing a horse-headed mask, 338

Dances, i. 246, 247;

at sowing festival, 95;

masked, 95 sq., 111, 186, ii. 208n. 1;

at the reappearance of the Pleiades, i. 307, 309, 311, 312, 317;

in imitation of totemic animals, ii. 76;

Mexican, 88;

in connexion with offerings of first-fruits, 113, 116, 126, 131, 134;

of men personifying deities, 179;

of women at bear-festival, 185, 186sq., 191, 195;

of women at catching a crocodile, 211;

round dead tigers, 216;

of the Koryak at the slaughter of bears or wolves, 223;

in honour of slain leopards, 228;

of Koryak women at slaughter of whales, 232sq.;

to amuse the souls of dead sea-beasts, 248;

of Shrovetide Bear, 325sq.;

to make the crops thrive, 326, 328, 330sq.;

of masked men and women in ritual, 339

Dancing for salmon, ii. 255

Danger Island, i. 312

Danzig, harvest customs at, i. 133, 218 sq.

Darfur, ii. 147

Darwin and Empedocles, ii. 306

Daughter-in-law in ritual, ii. 121sq.

Dawkins, R. M., i. 25 n. 4, 29 n. 2

Dead, rebirth of the, i. 84;

fear of the, ii. 36sq.;

souls of the, 64;

festival in honour of, at end of harvest, 110;

buried in the houses, 115;

bones of the, 153sq.;

mourners rub themselves with the fat or putrefying juices of the, 162sq.;

souls of the human, supposed to be in caterpillars, 275sq.; and in other animals, 285sqq.

—— men mutilated in order to disable their ghosts, ii. 271sqq.

—— spirits of the, supposed to influence the crops, i. 104;

give rain, ii. 109sq.;

first-fruits offered to, 109sq., 111sqq., 115, 116, 119, 121, 123, 124sqq.;

prayers to, 112, 113, 124sq.;

in trees, 113

Deane, Mrs. J. H., ii. 319n. 2

[pg 349]

Death and resurrection of the gods, i. 1, 12 sqq., 15

—— pollution of, ii. 85n. 3

Deer, flesh of, eaten to prolong life or to avoid fever, ii. 143;

not eaten by warriors, 144;

treated with respect by American Indians, 240sqq.;

their bones not given to dogs, 241, 242, 243;

Indian custom of cutting out the sinew of the thighs of, 264sqq.;

souls of dead in, 286, 293sq.

Deiseil or deiseal, according to the course of the sun, ii. 323, 324

Deities of vegetation as animals, ii. 1sqq.

Deity, communion with, ii. 325

Delagoa Bay, i. 114, ii. 280

Delaware Indians, ii. 218

Delphi, grave of Dionysus at, i. 14

Delphic oracle, i. 55, 58

Demeter, mother of Dionysus by Zeus, i. 14, 66;

Homeric Hymn to, 35 sqq., 70;

a personification of the corn, 39, 40 sq.;

distinguished from the Earth-goddess, 41, 43;

at the threshing-floor, 41 sq., 47;

in art, 43 sq., 88 sq.;

offering of first-fruits to, 46 sqq.;

surnamed Proerosia, 51;

bestows corn on the Athenians, 54;

worshipped in Sicily, 56 sqq.;

bestows corn on the Sicilians, 56 sq.;

sacrifices to her at sowing, 57;

associated with seed-corn, 58;

her epithets, 63 sq.;

her image at Eleusis, 64;

her intrigue with Zeus, 66;

etymology of name, 131;

in relation to the pig, ii. 16sqq.;

horse-headed, of Phigalia, 21, 338;

rustic prototype of, 334

—— and Iasion, i. 208

—— and Pelops, ii. 263

—— and Persephone, i. 35 sqq.;

resemblance of their artistic types, 67 sq.;

their essential identity, 90;

associated with death and immortality, 90 sq.;

double personification of the corn as, 208 sqq.

—— and Zeus, ii. 9;

marriage of, i. 65 sqq.

—— Black, i. 263;

of Phigalia, ii. 21

—— Green, i. 42, 263

—— Yellow, i. 41 sq.

Demeter's corn, i. 42

Democritus, ii. 146

Demons or ghosts deceived by dummies, ii. 96sqq.;

repelled by gun-shots, 99

Dendereh, sculptures at, i. 260

Dengdit, high god of the Dinka, ii. 40n., 114n. 2

Denmark, harvest customs in, i. 139 sq., 231;

the Yule Boar in, i. 300 sq.

De Smet, J., i. 239 n. 1

Descent of Persephone, i. 46, ii. 17

Devonshire reapers, cries of, i. 264 sqq.

Diasia, an Athenian sacrifice, ii. 95n. 2

Dieri, the, of Central Australia, i. 106, ii. 151

Digger Indians, the, ii. 164

Digging-sticks used by women, i. 118, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128

Dijon, harvest custom near, i. 290

Dinka, the, ii. 37sqq., 114

Diocles, i. 37

Diodorus Siculus, on worship of Demeter and Persephone, i. 56 sqq.

Dionysus, i. 1 sqq.;

god of the vine, 2 sq.;

god of trees, 3 sq.;

a god of agriculture and corn, 5;

and the winnowing-fan, 5 sqq.;

as Zagreus, 12;

horned, 12;

son of Zeus by Persephone, Demeter, or Semele, 12, 14;

death and resurrection of, 12 sqq., 32;

ritual of, 14 sq.;

grave of, 14;

as a bull, 16 sq., 31;

as a goat, 17 sq.;

torn to pieces at Thebes, 25;

his marriage to the Queen of Athens, 30 sq.;

son of Zeus and Demeter, 66;

and the bull-roarer, 110 n. 4;

his relation to Pan, Satyrs, and Silenuses, ii. 1sqq.;

as a bull, 3sq.;

live animals rent in rites of, 16;

the Foxy, 282

Dittenberger, W., i. 77 n. 4

Dius, a Macedonian month, i. 46 n. 2

Divination, ii. 210;

magic dwindles into, i. 110 n.;

by shoulder-blade, ii. 234

Diviners, ancient, their rules of diet, ii. 143

Dodwell, E., at Eleusis, i. 64

Dog, corn-spirit as, i. 271 sqq.;

of the harvest, 273;

feast on flesh of, ii. 256;

sacrifice of the White, 258n. 2;

transmigration of sinner into, 299

—— -eating Spirit, i. 21

—— -star, i. 261

Dog's flesh or liver eaten to acquire bravery, ii. 145

Dogs devoured in religious rites, i. 20, 21, 22;

sacrificed, ii. 196, 202;

not allowed to gnaw bones of slain animals, 225, 238sqq., 243, 259;

bones of deer not given to, 241, 242, 243

Doll made of last corn at harvest, i. 140, 151, 153, 155, 157, 162

D'Orbigny, A., quoted, i. 120

Dormice, charm against, ii. 281

Door of house protected against fiends, ii. 96

Dough image of god eaten sacramentally, ii. 86sqq., 90sq.

—— images of animals sacrificed instead of the animals, ii. 95n. 2

—— puppets as substitutes for live human beings, ii. 101sq.

Dragon's blood, ii. 146

[pg 350]

Drama, modern Thracian, at the Carnival, i. 25 sqq.;

magical, 187 sq.

Dramatic representations of the corn-spirit, ii. 325

—— rites practised with magical intention, i. 1

Dreams as a source of belief in immortality, ii. 260sq.

Drinking juices of dead kinsfolk, ii. 163n. 3

Dryas, son of Lycurgus, i. 24, 25

Du Pratz, Le Page, ii. 77sqq.

Duke of York Islands, ii. 252

Dumbartonshire, harvest customs in, i. 157 sq.

Dummies to avert attention of ghosts or demons, ii. 96sqq.

“Dumping” people on harvest field, i. 226 sq.

Dumplings in human form at threshing, i. 148;

in form of pigs, 299

Duplication of deities, i. 212 sq.

Durham, harvest customs in, i. 151

Dyaks, the, i. 313, 314, ii. 100, 101, 102, 152;

their ceremonies to secure the rice-soul, i. 188 sq.;

of Borneo, ii. 122, 144, 209, 211;

of Sarawak, 279

Dying and Reviving God, i. 1, 33

Eagle-owl worshipped by the Aino, ii. 199

Eagles worshipped by the Aino, ii. 200;

propitiation of dead, 236

Ears regarded as the seat of intelligence, ii. 148;

of dead enemies cut out, 271sq.

Earth, Mother, ii. 105

—— the spirit of the, ii. 120

—— -God, i. 69

—— -goddess, ii. 115;

distinguished from Demeter, i. 41, 43, 89;

in Greek art, 89;

human sacrifices offered to, 245, 246, 249, 250

—— -gods, slaves of the, ii. 61, 62n. 1

—— -mothers, i. 173 n.

Easing nature, a charm used by robbers, i. 235

East Indies, the Rice-mother in the, i. 180 sqq.

Easter, i. 300

—— Eve, i. 134

—— Islanders, ii. 133

—— Sunday, i. 33

Eater of animals, as epithet of a god, i. 23

Eating the god, ii. 48sqq., 167;

among the Aztecs, 86sqq.

—— the soul of the rice, ii. 54

Eckstein, Miss L., ii. 317n. 2

Ecstasy induced by smoking, ii. 72

Edonians, the, i. 24

Eels, souls of dead in, ii. 289, 290, 292

Effigies of men and women hung at doors of houses, ii. 94;

buried with the dead to deceive their ghosts, 97sq.;

used to cure or prevent sickness, 100sqq.

See also Doll, Images, Puppet

Effigy of an ox broken as a spring ceremony in China, ii. 10sqq.

Eggs not eaten, ii. 140;

charm to make hens lay, 326

Egypt, ancient, stratification of religion in, ii. 35

Egyptian kings, their animal masks, i. 260

—— reapers, their cries, i. 263

—— type of animal sacrament, ii. 312sq., 314

Egyptians, human sacrifices offered by the ancient, i. 259 sq.;

the ancient, their religious attitude to pigs, ii. 24sqq.

El Kiboron clan of the Masai, ii. 288

Elans treated with respect by American Indians, ii. 240

Elephant's flesh thought to make eater strong, ii. 143

Elephants, ceremonies observed at the slaughter of, ii. 227sq., 237;

souls of dead in, 289

Eleusine grain, i. 117

Eleusinian Games, i. 70 sqq., 110, 180;

less ancient than the Eleusinian mysteries, 87 sq.

—— inscription dealing with first-fruits, i. 55 sq.

—— mysteries, i. 35, 37 sqq., 65 sqq. 69 sq., 78 sq., 161 sq., 188;

instituted by Demeter, 70

Eleusis, Demeter at, i. 36 sq.;

offerings of first-fruits at, 53 sqq.;

image of Demeter at, 64;

prayer for rain at, 69;

the Rarian plain at, 36, 70, 74, 234, ii. 15

Eleutherian games at Plataea, i. 80

Elijah, the prophet, i. 233

Elis, Dionysus at, i. 17

Elk treated with respect, ii. 240;

embryos of, not eaten, 243

Ellis, William, quoted, i. 312

Elopango, i. 237

Embodiment, human, of the corn-spirit, ii. 333

Emboq Sri, rice-bride, i. 200 sq.

Embryos of elk not eaten, ii. 243

Emetics used before eating new corn, ii. 73, 75sq., 76;

sacred, 74

Empedocles, his doctrine of transmigration, ii. 300sqq.;

his resemblance to Buddha, 302;

his theory of the material universe like that of Herbert Spencer, 303sqq.;

as a forerunner of Darwin, 306;

his posing as a god, 307

Enchanters of crops, foods forbidden to, i. 100

Encounter Bay tribe, i. 126

[pg 351]

Enemies, mutilation of dead, ii. 271sq.

Energy, the conservation of, ii. 226

En-jemusi, the, of East Africa, i. 118

Epiphany, i. 302

Epithets applied to Demeter, i. 63 sq.

Equinox, human sacrifice offered soon after the spring equinox, i. 239

Erigone and Icarius, ii. 133

Esquimaux, the Central, ii. 246;

dietary rules of, 84

—— of Baffin Land, ii. 257

—— of Bering Strait, i. 150, ii. 247, 272

—— of Hudson Bay, ii. 245sq.

Essex, hunting the wren in, ii. 320

Esthonia, i. 302

Esthonian reapers, i. 285;

peasants, their treatment of weevils, ii. 274

Esthonians, the, i. 298, 300, ii. 51

Etna, Mount, i. 57

Etymology, its uncertainty as a base for mythological theories, i. 41 n.

Eubuleus, ii. 19

Eubulus, i. 56

Eudoxus of Cnidus, i. 81, ii. 30

Eumolpids, i. 56

Eumolpus, i. 37, 70, 73

Euphorbus the Trojan, ii. 300

Europe, Corn-mother and Corn-maiden in Northern, i. 131 sqq.

Evolution and dissolution, ii. 305sq.

Ewe hunters, ii. 244

—— negroes, ii. 45, 115, 143, 149;

their festival of new yams, 58sqq.;

their belief as to the spirit-land, 105sq.;

their ceremonies after killing leopards, 228sqq.

Exclusion of strangers, i. 94, 111

Eyes shut at prayer, ii. 81;

of men eaten, 153;

of slaughtered animals cut out, 267sqq., 271;

of dead enemies gouged out, 271sq.

Faces of bear-hunters painted red and black, ii. 226;

blackened, i. 291, 299

Fady, taboo, ii. 46

Fafnir, the dragon, ii. 146

Falcon's eye used as charm, ii. 164

Faleshas, a Jewish sect, ii. 266n. 1

Fallow, thrice-ploughed, i. 66, 69;

lands allowed to lie, 117, 123

Fanning away ill luck, i. 10

Fans, the, of West Africa, ii. 140

Farmer's wife, pretence of threshing, i. 149 sq.

Farmers, propitiation of vermin by, ii. 274sqq.

Farnell, Dr. L. R., i. 3 n. 1, 15 n., 68 n. 1, ii. 2n. 9

Fast before eating new fruits, ii. 73sq., 76sq.

Fasting and continence, ii. 14

Fastnachtsbär, ii. 325

Fat, anointing the body with, from superstitious motives, ii. 162sq., 164, 165

Fatigue of the Horse, i. 294

Fauns, ii. 1sqq.

Feathers of cock mixed with seed-corn, i. 278;

of wren, virtue attributed to, ii. 319

Feet of enemies eaten, ii. 151

Felkin, Dr. R. W., ii. 314sq.

Fernando Po, ii. 174

Fertilising influence of the corn-spirit, i. 168

Festival before Ploughing (Proerosia), i. 51 sqq., 60;

of the Cornstalks at Eleusis, 63;

of the Threshing-floor (Haloa) at Eleusis, 60 sqq., 75;

of winter solstice, ii. 90;

of New Fire, 135;

of bladders among the Esquimaux, 247sqq.

Festivals of new yams, ii. 58sqq.

Fewkes, J. Walter, quoted, i. 312

Fez, orgiastic rites at, i. 21

Fictitious burials to divert the attention of demons from the real burials, ii. 98sqq.

“Field of God,” ii. 14, 15

“Field of secret tillage,” ii. 57

Fields, miniature, dedicated to spirits, i. 233 sq.

Fife, harvest custom in, i. 227

Fifty-two years, Aztec cycle of, i. 310 sq.

Fig Dionysus, i. 4

—— trees, sacred wild, ii. 113

Fiji, sacrifice of first-fruits in, ii. 125

Finns, their propitiation of slain bears, ii. 223sq.

Fire not given out, i. 249;

god of, ii. 93;

made by friction of wood, 127, 136, 314;

purification by, 249;

not to be blown upon, 254;

new, ii. 65, 74, 75, 78;

sacred, i. 311, ii. 255, 314;

festival of, ii. 135

“Fireless and Homeless,” a mythical giant, ii. 265, 266

Fire-sticks called “husband and wife,” ii. 65

Fires extinguished, ii. 73

Firing guns to repel demons, ii. 99

Firmicus Maternus, i. 13

First-fruits offered to Demeter, i. 46 sqq.;

offered to Demeter and Persephone at Eleusis, 53 sqq.;

offered to the sun, 237;

primitive reluctance to taste, ii. 6;

sacrament of, 48sqq.;

offered to goddess of agriculture, 56;

why savages scruple to eat the, 82sq.;

sacrifice of, 109sqq.;

presented to the king, 109, 116, 122;

offered to the spirits of the dead, 109sq., 111sqq., 115, 116, 119, 121, 123, 124sqq.

[pg 352]

Fish, sacred, ii. 26;

the first caught, sacrificed, 132;

not eaten, 140;

treated with respect by fishing tribes, 249sqq.;

compensated by fishermen, 252;

first of the season, treated ceremoniously, 253sqq.;

souls of dead in, 285, 291, 295

—— bones of, not burned, ii. 250, 251;

not to be broken, 255

Fison, Rev. Lorimer, quoted, ii. 125

Flail, pretence of throttling persons with flail at threshing, i. 149, 150

Flamen Dialis, inaugurates the vintage, ii. 133

Flax-mother, i. 133

Flesh of human victim eaten, i. 240, 244, 251;

buried in field, 248, 250

—— diet, homoeopathic magic of a, ii. 138sqq.

Flies, charms against, ii. 281;

souls of dead in, 290sq.

Florida, one of the Solomon Islands, ii. 85, 126

Flowery Dionysus, i. 4

Fly-catcher Zeus, ii. 282

Flying-fish, the first of the season, ii. 127

—— fox, transmigration of sinner into, ii. 299

Folk-tales, tongues of wild beasts cut out in, ii. 269

Foods forbidden to enchanters of crops, i. 100;

certain, forbidden to meet in stomach of eater, ii. 83sqq.

Fool, one of the mummers on Plough Monday, ii. 330

—— -hen, heart of, not eaten, ii. 140

Foot, limping on one, i. 232, 284

Foucart, P., i. 32 n. 6

Foulahs of Senegambia, ii. 214

Fox, stuffed, i. 287, 297;

corn-spirit as, 296 sq.;

carried from house to house in spring, 297;

Koryak ceremony at killing a, ii. 223;

Esquimau and Aino treatment of dead, 244, 267;

soul of dead in a, 286

Fox's tail, name given to last standing corn, i. 268

—— tongue as amulet, ii. 270

Foxy Dionysus, ii. 282

France, harvest customs in, i. 135, 271, 275, 280, 295, 296;

hunting the wren in, ii. 320sq.

Franche-Comté, harvest customs in, i. 281, 286 sq.

Franken (Franconia), harvest customs in, i. 148

Friction of wood, fire made by, ii. 127, 136;

new fire made by, i. 311, ii. 74, 78;

sacred fire made by, 314

Frog, transmigration of sinner into, ii. 299

Fruit-trees bound with Yule straw, i. 301;

Dionysus a god of, i. 3 sq.;

presided over by dead chiefs, ii. 125

Fruits and roots, wild, ceremonies at gathering the first of the season, ii. 80sqq.

Fumigation as mode of cultivating moral virtues, ii. 166sq.

Funeral of caterpillars, ii. 279;

of dead snake, 317

Furnivall, J. S., i. 190 sq.

Gadbas, the, ii. 118

Galelareese, their burial custom, ii. 97

Galicia, harvest customs in, i. 135, 277

Gall-bladders, the seat of courage, ii. 145sq.

Gallas, the, ii. 154, 266n. 2, 270

Galloway, harvest customs in, i. 279

Game of ball played as a rite, ii. 76, 79

Games held by harvesters, i. 75 sqq.;

quadriennial period of Greek, 77 sqq.;

octennial period of Greek, 80;

in primitive agriculture, magical significance of, 92 sqq.;

played at the sowing festival among the Kayans, 94 sqq., 97 sq.;

played for the good of the crops, 101;

magical, 102;

athletic, ii. 66

—— the Eleusinian, i. 70 sqq., 110, 180

Gander's neck, name given to last standing corn, i. 268

Gaṇeṣa, ii. 56

Gaolis, the, i. 7

Gardner, Percy, quoted, i. 44

Gareloch, harvest customs on the, i. 157 sq., 218 n. 2, 268

Garos, the, of Assam, ii. 43n. 1, 116;

ceremony of the Horse at rice-harvest among the, 337sqq.

Gayo-land, ii. 33

Gazelle Peninsula, i. 123

Gazelles, souls of dead in, ii. 289

Geminus, on the supposed influence of the stars, i. 318 sq.

Generalisations of science inadequate to cover all particular facts, ii. 37

Generation, male organ of, as emblem of Dionysus, i. 12;

effigy of male organ of, in Thracian ceremony, 26, 29

Genius, Aristotle on men of, ii. 302n. 5

—— or patron of animals, ii. 243

Genna, taboo, in Assam, i. 109 n. 2

Germans, the ancient, i. 129

Germany, the Corn-mother in, i. 132 sqq.;

cries of reapers in, 269;

the corn-spirit as an animal in, 271, 277, 279, 296, 300

Ghosts or demons deceived by dummies, ii. 96sqq.;

offerings to ancestral, 127;

of animals feared, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 223, 224, 227sq., 229, 231sq., [pg 353] 235, 236, 237, 241, 245, 267sq., 269, 271;

disabled by the mutilation of their bodies, 271sqq.

Gilgit, ii. 56

Gill, W. W., quoted, i. 312

Gilyak procession with bear, ii. 322, 325

—— shaman, ii. 103

Gilyaks, the, of Siberia, ii. 206, 238, 267;

their bear-festivals, 190sqq.

Ginger cultivated, i. 123

Girls sacrificed for the crops, i. 237, 239

Gnats, charm against, ii. 281

Goat in relation to Dionysus, i. 17 sq.;

sacrificed for human victim, 249;

corn-spirit as, 281 sqq., ii. 327;

the Cripple or Lame, i. 284;

killed on harvest-field, 285;

stuffed, 287;

killed at sowing, 288

—— and Athena, ii. 40sq.

—— -formed deities, ii. 1sqq.

—— live, torn to pieces in rites of Dionysus, i. 18, ii. 16

—— skin, mask of, i. 26;

worn by farmer at harvest, 285

—— skins, mummers clad in, i. 26 sqq.

Goat's neck, name given to last standing corn, i. 268

Goats torn to pieces by fanatics in Morocco, i. 21 sq.;

sacrificed to wolves, ii. 284

God, the Dying and Reviving, i. 1, 33;

killed in animal form, 22 sq.;

eating the, ii. 48sqq.

Gods, death and resurrection of, i. 1, 12 sqq.;

distinguished from spirits, 169;

in the likeness of foreigners, 236

Goldi, bear-festivals of the, ii. 197

—— shaman, ii. 103

Goldsmith, transmigration of thief into, ii. 299

Gonds, human sacrifices among the, i. 244

Good Friday, i. 33

—— Spirit, the, i. 206

Goose, to lose the, i. 277 n. 3

Gorillas, souls of dead in, ii. 289

Grandmother, name given to last sheaf, i. 136

Grapes, the last, not to be stript, i. 234 sq.

Grasshoppers, charm against, ii. 281

Grave of Dionysus, i. 14

Graves, sacrifices at, ii. 113;

false, to deceive demons, ii. 99sq.

Great Bassam, in Guinea, ii. 9

—— Eleusinian Games, i. 71, 79

—— Mother, the, name given to the last sheaf, i. 135 sq.

—— Mysteries of Eleusis, their date, i. 51

Great Sun, title of head chief of the Natchez, ii. 77sqq.

—— Vigil, i. 176

Greece, theory of the transmigration of souls in ancient, ii. 300

Greek divinities who died and rose again, i. 2;

farmers, their seasons for sowing and reaping, i. 318

—— months lunar, i. 52

—— summer rainless, i. 69

Green Corn Dance, ii. 76

—— Festival at Eleusis, i. 63

Greenlanders, the, ii. 246

Gregor, Rev. Walter, i. 158 sqq.

Gregory of Tours, ii. 281

Grey, Sir George, quoted, i. 127

Ground, last sheaf not allowed to touch the, i. 158, 159, 161

Guadacanal, island of, ii. 127

Guaranis, the, of Paraguay, i. 309

“Guardian gods” of the Hos, i. 234

Guardian-spirit, ii. 60;

of family, i. 121

—— spirits of American Indians, ii. 207

Guayaquil, in Ecuador, i. 236

Guaycurus of the Gran Chaco, i. 309

Guazacualco, ii. 259

Guiana, Indians of British, i. 120, ii. 236;

their animism, 204

Guinea-fowl gives signal for planting, i. 117

Guns fired to repel demons, ii. 99

Guré, a hobby-horse, ii. 337sq.

Haddon, Dr. A. C., i. 106 n. 1

Hadrian institutes games at Mantinea, i. 80

Hag (wrach), name given to last corn cut in Wales, i. 142 sqq.

Hahn, Theophilus, i. 317

Haida Indians, i. 20

Hair of slain foes, use made of, ii. 153

Halibut, the first of the season, treatment of, ii. 253

Hallowmas, i. 140

Halmahera, i. 183

Haloa, Attic festival, i. 60 sqq.

Hamstring of deer, custom of removing, ii. 266

Hamstringing dead animals, ii. 267, 271, 273

—— men to disable their ghosts, ii. 272, 273

Hand-marks, white, ii. 338

Hands of enemies eaten, ii. 151, 152

Hanover, harvest customs in, i. 133, 135, 283

Hare, corn-spirit as, i. 279 sq.

Hare-skin Indians, ii. 265

Hare's tail, name given to last standing corn, i. 268

Hares not eaten, ii. 141

[pg 354]

Harran, sacrifices offered by the heathen of, i. 261 sq.

—— legend of Tammuz, i. 258

Harrison, Miss J. E., i. 5 n. 4, 60 n. 1, 62 n. 6

Harte, Bret, ii. 171n. 1

Hartland, E. S., i. 143 n. 1, 224 n. 4

Harvest, festival of the dead at the close of, ii. 110;

in Greece, date of, i. 48

—— -child, i. 151

—— -cock, i. 276, 277

—— -crown, i. 221, 277

—— -customs and spring customs compared, i. 167 sqq.

—— -goat, i. 282, 283

—— -man, i. 221

—— -mother, i. 135

—— -Queen, i. 146 sq.

—— -supper, i. 134, 138, 156, 157, 159 sq., 161 sq., 297;

sacramental character of, 303

—— -woman, i. 145

—— -wreath, i. 283

Harvesters, athletic competitions among, i. 76 sq.;

wrapt up in corn-stalks, 220 sqq.

Hawkie, i. 146, 147 n. 1

Hawks, revered by the Aino, ii. 200

Hay, Sir John Drummond, i. 179

Head of horse, ii. 42, 43n. 1, 337

—— -hunting, human, i. 240 sqq.;

practice of, 256

Headlam, Walter, i. 2 n. 1

Heads shaved, ii. 161

Heart of Dionysus, the sacred, i. 13, 14, 15;

of human victim torn out, ii. 92;

of lion or leopard eaten to make the eater brave, 142sq.;

of water-ousel eaten in order to acquire wisdom and eloquence, 144;

of bear eaten to acquire courage, 146;

of serpent eaten to acquire language of animals, 146;

of wolf eaten to acquire courage, 146;

regarded as the seat of intellect, 149

Hearts of men sacrificed, i. 236;

of crows, moles, or hawks eaten, ii. 143;

of men eaten to acquire their qualities, 148sqq.

Heaven-herds among the Zulus, ii. 160

Hebrews forbidden to reap corners of fields and glean, last grapes, i. 234 sq.

Heckewelder, Rev. J., quoted, ii. 205sq.

Hedgehog, transmigration of sinner into, ii. 299

Hemithea, sanctuary of, ii. 85

Hen, heart of, not eaten, ii. 142, 147;

hens not eaten, ii. 140

Henna, image of Demeter at, i. 65

Hephaestius, a Greek month, i. 46 n. 2

Heraeon, a Greek month, ii. 7

Heralds and tongues, ii. 271

Hercules and Busiris, i. 259

Hercules and Lityerses, i. 217

—— and Syleus, i. 258

—— and Zeus, ii. 172

—— surnamed Locust, ii. 282

Hermes, tongues of victims assigned to, ii. 270

Herrick, i. 147 n. 1

Herring, superstitions as to, ii. 251sq.

Hertfordshire, “crying the Mare,” in, i. 292 sq.

Hervey Islands, i. 312

Hesiod on time for ploughing, i. 45;

on time of vintage, 47 n. 2;

on the farmer's calendar, 53

Hierapolis on the Euphrates, ii. 23

Hierophant at Eleusis, i. 55, 65

Highlands of Scotland, beating the cow's hide in the, ii. 322sqq.

Hill-Tout, C., ii. 80sq., 134

Himerius, on the gift of the corn, i. 58

Hindoos, sacrifice of first-fruits among the ancient, ii. 119sq.

Hippolytus and Virbius, ii. 40

—— on mysteries of Eleusis, i. 38

Hippopotamus, ceremony after killing a, ii. 235

Hippopotamuses, souls of dead in, ii. 289

Hockey cart, i. 147 n. 1

Hodson, T. C., i. 109 n. 2

Hoeing, rites at, i. 96;

done by women, 113 sq.

Hoensbroech, Count von, ii. 94

Hoes used by women in agriculture, i. 114, 115, 116, 118, 119

Hoggan, Frances, i. 267

Hogmanay, the last day of the year, ii. 323

Holiness conceived as a dangerous virus, ii. 29

Hollis, A. C., ii. 155

Homer on Demeter, i. 41 sq.;

on loves of Zeus and Demeter, 66;

on gods in likeness of foreigners, 236

Homeric Greeks, ii. 270

—— Hymn to Demeter, i. 35 sqq.

Homoeopathic or imitative magic, i. 62, 262, ii. 267, 331, 333, 334;

of a flesh diet, ii. 138sqq.

Honduras, Indians of, ii. 241

Hone, W., quoted, i. 264 sq.

Hop-picking, custom at, i. 226

Horned Dionysus, i. 12, 16

Horse, “seeing the Horse,” i. 294;

“Cross of the Horse,” 294;

“fatigue of the Horse,” 294;

sacrificed to Mars at Rome, ii. 42sqq.;

ceremony of the, at rice-harvest among the Garos, 337sqq.

—— and Virbius, ii. 40sqq.

—— -headed Demeter of Phigalia, ii. 21, 338

—— or mare, corn-spirit as, i. 292 sqq.

[pg 355]

Horse-races, i. 71, ii. 114;

at harvest, i. 76

Horse's head, ii. 42, 43n. 1, 337sq.

Horses, Lycurgus torn to pieces by, i. 24;

excluded from Arician grove, ii. 40sqq.;

excluded from sanctuaries, 45sq.

Horus, eye of, ii. 30

Hos of Togoland, the, i. 130, 234, ii. 59;

a tribe of Ewe negroes, i. 115, 116;

of Bengal, ii. 117

Hottentots, the, i. 316 sq.

Huahine, island of, ii. 132

Huichol Indians, the, ii. 93

Huitzilopochtli, a Mexican god, ii. 86, 90, 95

Human beings torn to pieces in rites of Dionysus, i. 24

Human sacrifices for crops, i. 236 sqq.;

offered by ancient Egyptians, 259 sq.;

in Mexico, ii. 88

—— victims, substitutes for, i. 249;

treated as divine, 250

Hunters, propitiation of wild animals by, ii. 204sqq.;

of grisly bears, chastity observed by, 226

Hunting the wren, ii. 317sqq.

Hurons, the, ii. 250sq.

Huts, miniature, for ghosts, ii. 113

Huzuls, the, of the Carpathians, ii. 43n. 1, 275

Hyaenas, souls of dead in, ii. 289

Hyes Attes, ii. 22

Hymn to Demeter, Homeric, i. 35 sqq., 70

Ialysus in Rhodes, ii. 45

Iasion and Demeter, i. 208

Ibans (Sea Dyaks) of Sarawak, ii. 279

Iberians, the, i. 129

Icarius and Erigone, ii. 133

Ichneumon, transmigration of sinner into, ii. 299

Ida Batara, i. 202

Idah, ii. 228

Ideler, L., i. 86

Igaras of the Niger, ii. 228

Igbiras, the, ii. 115

Igorrots of the Philippines, ii. 292

Image of god made of dough and eaten sacramentally, ii. 86sqq., 90sq.;

of snake carried about, 316sq.

Images of ancestors, ii. 53;

of animals sacrificed instead of the animals, 95n. 2;

vicarious use of, 96sqq.;

of gods, suggested origin of, 173sq.;

of vermin made as a protection against them, 280sq.

See also Effigies, Puppets

Imitation of spirits, i. 186

Immortality, hope of, associated with Eleusinian mysteries, i. 90 sq.

—— of animals, savage faith in the, ii. 260sqq.

Immortality of soul revealed in mysteries of Dionysus, i. 15

Inachi, an offering of first-fruits, ii. 128, 131

Inao, sacred wands of the Aino, ii. 185, 186n., 189

Inari, Japanese rice-god, i. 297

Incantations for growth of crops, i. 100

Incas, the, i. 310

India, the last sheaf of corn in, 222 sq.;

doctrine of the transmigration of souls in ancient, ii. 298sq.

Indian Archipelago, the, i. 124

Indians of British Columbia, their cannibal orgies, i. 18 sq.;

of South America, women's agricultural work among the, 119 sqq.

Indonesian ideas of rice-soul, i. 181 sq.

Indra, Indian god, ii. 120

Ingiald, son of King Aunund, ii. 146

Inoculation with moral and other virtues, ii. 158sqq.

Inscription, Eleusinian, dealing with first-fruits, i. 55 sq.

Intercalation in Greek calendar, i. 81

Invulnerability, ii. 160

Iowa Indians, ii. 217

Irayas, the, of Luzon, ii. 124

Ireland, hunting the wren in, ii. 319sq.

Iron axe, use of, forbidden, ii. 248

Iroquois, their sacrifice of a white dog, ii. 258n. 1

Isilimela, the Pleiades, i. 316

Isis, i. 262;

dirge of, 215;

at Tithorea, festivals of, ii. 18n. 1;

in relation to cows, 35

Islay, harvest customs in, i. 141 sq.

Isle de France, harvest customs in, i. 221, 226

Isle of Man, hunting the wren in the, ii. 318sq.

Isocrates, on Demeter's gift of the corn, i. 54 sq.

Isowa or Aïsawa, order of saints in Morocco, i. 21

Israelites, their brazen serpent, ii. 281

Isthmian games, i. 86

Italy, vintage custom in, ii. 133

Ivy Girl, i. 153

Jabme-Aimo, the abode of the dead, ii. 257

Jackal, transmigration of sinner into, ii. 299

Jackal's heart not eaten, ii. 141

Jacob, the wrestling of, ii. 264

—— of Edessa, 280 n.

Jaguars eaten to inspire courage, ii. 140;

souls of dead in, 285, 286

Ja-luo, the, Nilotic negroes, ii. 142

Jankari, a god, i. 244

Japan, rice-god in, i. 297

Japanese deities of the Sun, i. 212

[pg 356]

Jatakas, ii. 299n. 5

Java, use of winnowing-basket in, i. 6;

ceremony at rice-harvest in, 199 sqq.

Jawbones of slain beasts propitiated by hunters, ii. 244sq.

Jebel-Nuba, ii. 221

Jewish high priest, ii. 27

Jews, their attitude to the pig, ii. 23sq.;

their ablutions, 27

Jochelson, W., ii. 232

Johnson, Dr. Samuel, ii. 322

Jukos, the, of Nigeria, ii. 160

Julbuck in Scandinavia, ii. 327

Jumping over a woman, ceremony of, ii. 64, 70n. 1, 253

Jupiter, lamb sacrificed to, at vintage, ii. 133

Kachins, the, of Upper Burma, ii. 120

Kai, the, of German New Guinea, i. 99 sqq., 313, ii. 33;

their belief in transmigration, 296

Kaimani Bay, i. 123

Kalamantans of Borneo, ii. 293sq.

Kalmucks, their consecration of a white ram, ii. 313sq.

Kamilaroi, the, of New South Wales, ii. 151, 162;

burial custom of the, 99sq.

Kamtchatka, ii. 195

Kamtchatkans, the, i. 315, ii. 257, 268;

their propitiation of slain animals, 222

Kamui, ii. 180, 198

Kandhs or Khonds. See Khonds

Kangean archipelago, ii. 278

Kansas Indians, ii. 149

Karels of Finland, the, ii. 258n. 2

Karens of Burma, i. 10;

their ceremonies to secure the rice-soul, 189 sq.

Karo-Bataks of Sumatra, i. 196

Karoks of California, ii. 255

Kashim, ii. 247

Kaua Indians, i. 111

Kavirondo, ii. 26

Kayans or Bahaus, the, of central Borneo, i. 92 sqq., 107, 109, 111, 234, 314, ii. 54;

their ceremonies in connexion with rice, 184 sqq.;

their custom as to eating deer, ii. 144;

their belief in transmigration, 293

—— of the Mahakam river, i. 186

—— of the Mendalam river, i. 97, 98

Kei Islands, ii. 123

Kekchis of Guatemala, ii. 241

Kelah, soul, i. 189

Kemping, i. 152

Kent, harvest custom in, i. 153

Kenyahs, the, of Borneo, i. 314

Key of the field, i. 226

Khön-ma, a Tibetan goddess, ii. 96

Khonds or Kandhs, human sacrifices for crops among the, i. 245 sqq.

Kid, surname of Dionysus, i. 17

Kikuyu, i. 317

Killing a god in the form of an animal, i. 22 sq.;

two types of the custom of, ii. 312sq.

—— the corn-spirit, i. 216 sqq.

—— the divine animal, ii. 169sqq.

Kimbunda, the, of West Africa, ii. 152

King, title of Carnival mummer, i. 28 sq.;

eats of new fruits before his people, ii. 63, 70;

first-fruits presented to the, 109, 116, 122;

so called, at Carcassone, 320sq.

—— of the Calf, i. 290

—— of the harvesters, i. 294

—— of the Rice, i. 197

King's son sacrificed for his father, i. 13, 24 sq.

Kings, trace of custom of slaying them annually, i. 254 sq.;

turned at death into lions, ii. 288

Kings' wives turned at death into leopards, ii. 288

Kingsmill Islands, ii. 127

Kinross, harvest custom in, i. 227

Kinship of men with crocodiles, ii. 212sq., 214sq.;

of men with tigers, 216

Kirn or kern, last corn cut, i. 151, 152 sqq.;

name of the harvest-supper, 158

—— -baby, i. 151, 153

—— -doll, i. 151, 153, 154

—— -supper, i. 154

Kiwaii, i. 106

Kiziba, district of Central Africa, i. 118, ii. 219

Klöppel (mallet), at threshing, i. 148

Kobeua Indians, the, i. 111, ii. 164

Kochs of Assam, ii. 116

Kon-Meney, a tribe of Cochin China, ii. 291

Koragia at Mantinea, i. 46 n. 2

Kore, title of Persephone, i. 208

Koryak, their ceremonies at killing bears and wolves, ii. 223;

their ceremonies at the slaughter of whales, 232sqq.;

their treatment of a slain fox, 244

Kothluwalawa, a sacred lake, ii. 179

Krooben, a malevolent spirit, ii. 100

Kruyt, A. C., i. 182 sq.

Kshetrpal, a Himalayan deity, ii. 117

Kudulu, a hill tribe of India, i. 244

Kuker and Kukerica, ii. 332, 333, 334

Κυκεών, i. 161 n. 4

Kukis, the, ii. 155n. 4

Kull Gossaih, an Indian goddess, ii. 118

Kwakiutl Indians, i. 20, ii. 220, 250

La Ciotat, near Marseilles, hunting the wren at, ii. 321

Ladakh, ii. 117

Lagos, human sacrifice at, i. 239

Lake-dwellers of Europe, i. 132

Lamb killed sacramentally, ii. 314sq.

[pg 357]

Lame, woman who pretends to be, ii. 254

—— Goat, the, i. 284

Lamentations, pretended, for insects which destroy the crops, ii. 279sq.

Lampsacus, coin of, i. 44

Land cleared for cultivation by men, i. 113 sq., 117 sqq.

Landowners, sacrifices offered to spirits of former, i. 228

Lang, Andrew, ii. 4

Language of animals acquired by eating serpent's flesh, ii. 146;

of birds, how learned, 146

Lanuvium, sacred serpent at, ii. 18

Laos, province of Siam, i. 8

Laphystian Zeus, i. 25

Lapps, the, ii. 257;

their treatment of slain bears, 224

Latuka, ii. 228

Laws of Manu, ii. 298

Leaf-clad dancers, i. 95

Leaps, high and long, i. 98;

to make the crops grow tall, ii. 330sq.

Learchus, son of Athamas, i. 24

Leeches, charm against, ii. 281

Legends told as charms, i. 102 sq.

Lenaeon, a Greek month, i. 66

Lengua Indians of Paraguay, i. 309;

of the Gran Chaco, ii. 245

Lenormant, François, i. 40 n. 3

Leonard, Major A. G., ii. 155

Leopard's blood drunk, or its flesh or heart eaten to make the eater brave, ii. 141sq.

Leopards, men inspired by, ii. 213;

revered, 228;

ceremonies observed after the slaughter of, 228sqq.;

souls of dead in, 288, 289

Lepers sacrificed, i. 261

Leprosy caused by eating a sacred animal, ii. 25sqq.

Lesbos, harvest custom in, i. 280

Letts, swinging among the, i. 107;

their sacrifices to wolves, ii. 284

Lhoosai, the, i. 122

Lhota Naga, the, i. 243

Libanius, on human life before Demeter, i. 43

Libations of beer, ii. 181, 185, 186

Liber, Father, i. 12;

Roman sacrifice of new wine to, ii. 133

License, periods of, ii. 62, 63, 66sqq.

Lightning, eating flesh of bullock that has been struck by, ii. 161;

treatment of men, animals, and houses that have been struck by, 161

Liknites, epithet of Dionysus, i. 5, 27

Lillooet Indians, ii. 226, 243

Limping on one foot, i. 232, 284

Lindus in Rhodes, ii. 85

Linus or Ailinus, i. 216, 257 sq., 263, 264

Lion-chief, ii. 228

Lion's fat, unguent of, ii. 164

—— flesh or heart eaten to make eater brave, ii. 141, 142sq., 147

Lions, men inspired by, ii. 213;

respected, 228;

souls of dead chiefs in, 287sq.

Lir majoran, god of husbandry, ii. 123

Lithuania, ii. 327;

harvest customs in, i. 133, 145, 148;

custom at threshing in, 223 sq.;

old Lithuanian ceremonies at eating the new corn, ii. 49sq.

Little Deer, chief of the deer tribe, ii. 241

—— Wood-woman, i. 232

Lityerses, i. 216 sqq.;

his relation to Attis, 255 sq.

Liver of deer eaten, ii. 143;

of dog eaten to acquire bravery, 145;

of serpent eaten to acquire language of animals, 146;

regarded as the seat of the soul, 147sq.;

regarded as the seat of valour, 148;

of brave men eaten, 151sq.;

of bear, used as medicine, 187sq.

Ljeschie, Russian wood-spirits, ii. 2

Loaf made of corn of last sheaf, i. 148 sq.

Loaves in shape of a boar, i. 300;

in human shape, ii. 48sq., 94, 95

Lobeck, Chr. A., ii. 17n. 5, 18n. 1, 20, 21

Lochaber, harvest customs in, i. 157

Locust Apollo, ii. 282

—— Hercules, ii. 282

Locusts, superstitious precautions against, ii. 276, 279, 281

Lombok, rice-spirit in, i. 201

Lothringen (Lorraine), harvest customs in, i. 223, 273, 288

Loucheux-Indians, ii. 265

Louisiana, festival of new corn in, ii. 77sqq.;

Indians of, 239, 242

Lous, a Macedonian month, i. 258, 259

Lucian, old scholium on, ii. 17

Lumi lali, consecrated rice-field, i. 93, 108

Lunar calendar corrected by observation of the Pleiades, i. 314 sq., 315 sq.

—— months observed by savages, i. 117, 125

—— months of Greek calendar, i. 52 sq., 82

—— and solar time, attempts to harmonise, i. 80 sq.

Luritcha tribe of Australia, ii. 260

Luzon, ii. 124

Lyceum or Place of Wolves at Athens, ii. 283, 284

Lycosura, in Arcadia, ii. 46;

sanctuary of the two goddesses at, 339

[pg 358]

Lycurgus, a Thracian king, his death, i. 24, 25

Mabuaig, i. 106, ii. 207

M'Carthy, Sir Charles, ii. 149

Macdonald, Rev. James, ii. 66sq.

Maclagan, Dr. R. C., i. 165, 166

McClintock, Walter, i. 311

Macpherson, Major S. C., i. 250

McTaggart, Dr. J. McT. Ellis, ii. 309n. 1

Madagascar, ii. 116;

crocodiles respected in, 214sq.;

belief in transmigration among the tribes of, 289sq.

Madder-harvest, Dutch custom at, i. 231, 235 sq.

Madi or Moru tribe of Central Africa, ii. 314

Madonna, effigies of, sold and eaten, ii. 94

Maggots eaten as an initiatory rite, ii. 141

Magic dwindles into divination, i. 110 n.;

sympathetic, 1, 11, 102, ii. 271;

homoeopathic or imitative, i. 10, 62, 262, 267, 331, 333, 334;

of a flesh diet, 138 sqq.

Magical changes of shape, i. 305

—— significance of games in primitive agriculture, i. 92 sqq.

Magnesia on the Maeander, i. 3;

sacrifice of bull at, ii. 7sq.

Magpies' nests, custom of robbing the, ii. 321n. 3

Magyar tale, ii. 263

Mahakam River, i. 98, 99 n. 1, 186, 187, 314

Mai Darat, the, ii. 102

Maiden, name given to last corn cut, i. 150, 153, 155 sqq., 164 sqq.

—— Feast at end of harvest, i. 156

Maidenhead, name of last standing corn, i. 158

Maidhdean-buain, i. 155

Maize cultivated in Africa, i. 114, 115, 119, 130;

cultivated in South America, 122, 124;

cultivated in Assam, 123;

American personification of, 171 sqq.;

cultivated in Burma, 242;

thought to be dependent on the Pleiades, 310

—— -goddess, Mexican, i. 176

—— -mother, i. 172 sqq.

Makalaka, the, ii. 110

Makanga, the, ii. 287

Malagasy, the, venerate crocodiles, ii. 215

Malas, the, a caste of pariahs, ii. 93

Malay Peninsula, the Rice-mother in the, i. 197 sqq.

Malays of Patani Bay, ii. 212

Male organ, effigy of, in rites of Dionysus, i. 12;

effigy of, in Thracian ceremony, 26, 29

Malko-Tirnovsko, ii. 331

Mamilian tower, ii. 42, 44

Mandans, the, i. 204

Mandeling, a district of Sumatra, i. 197, ii. 216

Maneros, i. 215, 258, 259, 261, 263, 264

Mang-Shen, god of agriculture, ii. 11, 12

Mango tree, ii. 119

Mania, the Mother or Grandmother of Ghosts, ii. 94, 96

Maniae, a kind of loaf, ii. 94

Manii at Aricia, many, ii. 94sqq.

Manioc cultivated in Africa, i. 119;

cultivated in South America, 120 sqq.

Mannewars, the, ii. 119

Mannhardt, W., i. 11, 131, 132, 135, 138, 204, 217 n. 1, 218 n. 1, 222, 258, 292, 294, ii. 2, 42n. 1, 263, 325, 337

Manslayers taste the blood of their victims, ii. 154sq.

Mantinea, sanctuary of Demeter at, i. 46 n. 2;

games in honour of Antinous at, 80, 85

Manu, Laws of, ii. 298

Manure, ashes used as, i. 117

Many Manii at Aricia, ii. 94sqq.

Maoris, the, i. 313, ii. 133, 156, 252

Maraves, the, ii. 111

March, the first of, ii. 322n.

Mare in foal, last sheaf of corn given to, i. 160, 162, 168

—— or horse, corn-spirit as, i. 292 sqq.

Marimos, human sacrifices among the, i. 240, 251

Mariner, W., quoted, ii. 128sqq.

Marno, E., ii. 39

Marriage, mock, at Carnival masquerade, i. 27;

of Queen of Athens to Dionysus, 30 sq.;

sacred, of Zeus and Demeter in Eleusinian mysteries, 65 sqq.;

of mice, ii. 278

Mars, red-haired men sacrificed to the planet, i. 261 sq.;

horse sacrificed to, at Rome, ii. 42

Masai, the, i. 317, ii. 83, 288

Masked dances, i. 95 sq., 111, 186, ii. 208n. 1;

in ritual, 339

Masks worn by Egyptian kings, i. 260 sq.;

worn by women, ii. 232sq., 234;

worn by mummers at Carnival, 333

Maskers in Thrace at Carnival, i. 26 sqq.

Maspero, Sir G., i. 260 n. 2

Masquerade at sowing festival, i. 95 sq., 98, 186 sq.

Master of the Fish, ii. 252

—— of Life, ii. 134, 135

Matabelé, the, i. 115, ii. 275;

their festival of new fruits, 70sq.

Matse tribe of Ewe negroes, ii. 115

Matthes, Dr. B. F., ii. 122

Mausolus, ii. 158

[pg 359]

Mawu Sodza, a Ewe goddess, ii. 115

May, J. D., ii. 281n. 2

May, the first of, ii. 321n. 3

Maypole, ii. 44

“Meal and ale,” i. 160

Meat and milk, dietary rules as to, ii. 83sq.

Mecklenburg, harvest customs in, i. 273, 274, 283

Medea and Aeson, ii. 143

Medicine-man, ii. 217, 220;

dance of, 72

Medium inspired by crocodile spirit, ii. 213;

mediums inspired by spirits of lions, leopards, and serpents, 213

Medontids, the, i. 86

Megara, ii. 17n. 6

Meilichios, epithet of Dionysus, i. 4

Melancholy, characteristic of men of genius, ii. 302n. 5

Melanesians, their observation of the Pleiades, i. 313

Mell, last corn cut, i. 151 sq.

—— -doll, i. 151

—— -sheaf, i. 151 sq.

—— -supper, i. 151

Men, parts of, eaten to acquire their qualities, ii. 148sqq.;

disguised as animals, processions of, 325sqq.

Mendalam River, i. 97, 98, 187

Menstruous women, disability of, ii. 253sq.

Meriah, the human victim among the Khonds, i. 245, 246, 249, 250

Metageitnion, an Attic month, i. 77

“Metropolis of the Corn,” i. 58

Mexican custom of eating a man as an embodiment of a god, ii. 92sq.

—— customs at maize-harvest, i. 174 sqq.

—— human sacrifices, i. 236 sqq.

—— sacraments, ii. 86sqq.

Meyer, Prof. E., i. 260 n. 2

Mhaighdean-Bhuana (or Maighdean-Buana), i. 156, 164 sq.

Miamis, the, i. 206

Mice, the genius of, ii. 243;

superstitious precautions taken by farmers against, 276sqq., 281;

superstition as to white, 279, 283;

their ravages on the crops, 282

Midas, King of Phrygia, i. 217

Middleton, J. H., i. 14 n. 3, 266

Midsummer solstice, rainmaking ceremony performed at the, ii. 179

Mildew worshipped by the Romans, ii. 282

—— Apollo, ii. 282

Milk, taboos referring to, ii. 83sq.;

temporary abstinence from, 161;

offered to snakes, 288

Milk and meat (flesh), dietary rules as to, ii. 83sq.

—— of pig, ii. 24, 25

Mill, Tammuz, ground in a, i. 258

Millet cultivated in Africa, i. 115, 117;

cultivated in Assam, 123;

cultivated in New Guinea, 123

Milton, quoted, i. 147

Minahassa, ii. 54, 123

Minangkabauers of Sumatra, i. 191, ii. 211

Miniature fields dedicated to spirits, i. 233 sq.

Minnetaree Indians, i. 204, ii. 256

Minotaur, the, i. 31

Miris of Assam, the, i. 123, ii. 145

Mirzapur, remedy for locusts in, ii. 276

Mistress, sanctuary of the, at Lycosura, ii. 46

Mithraic sacrifice of bull, ii. 10

Mnevis, sacred bull, ii. 34sq.

Moab, Arabs of, i. 138

Mock battle, ii. 75.

See Sham Fight

Mocobis, the, i. 309

Moffat, R., i. 316

Monbuttoo, the, of Central Africa, i. 119

Mondard, the great, ii. 6

Mongolian peoples, ii. 257

Monkeys sacred at Fishtown, ii. 287

Months, lunar, observed by savages, i. 117, 125;

of Greek calendar, 52 sq., 82

Moon, reckoning by the, i. 117;

human victims sacrificed to, 261;

pigs sacrificed to the, ii. 25

Mooney, J., quoted, ii. 204sq.

Mopane country, South Africa, ii. 287

Moravia, harvest custom in, i. 162

Morgan, L. H., ii. 225n. 1

Morning Star, the, i. 238, 315

Morocco, order of saints in, i. 21;

the Barley Bride in, 178 sq.

Mosquito Indians, ii. 258n. 2

Mother, the Great, name given to the last sheaf, i. 135 sq.;

of the Maize, 172 sqq.;

of the Rice, 191 sqq.

—— -corn, name given to last sheaf threshed, i. 147

—— -cotton, i. 178

—— Earth, ii. 105

—— -sheaf, i. 135

Moulton, Professor J. H., i. 41 n., 131 n. 4

Mountains, offerings to the, ii. 134

Mourning, pretended, for insects that destroy the crops, ii. 279sq.

Mouse Apollo, ii. 282sq.

See Mice

Mouth of dead fox tied up, ii. 267

Mpongwe, the, i. 119

Muganda (singular of Baganda, plural), ii. 231

Mukasa, god of the Baganda, ii. 253

[pg 360]

Mull, harvest custom in, i. 155

Mulungu, spirits of the dead, ii. 111sq.

Murray, Miss Margaret A., i. 260 sq.

Murray, Sir James, i. 151 n. 3

Muskoghees, the, ii. 150

Mutilation of dead men intended to disable their ghosts, ii. 271sqq.;

of ox, magical equivalent to mutilation of enemy, 271

Muzimos, spirits of the dead, ii. 111

Myconus, i. 66

Myres, Professor J. L., i. 62 n. 5

Mysteries at Mantinea, i. 46 n. 2

—— Eleusinian, i. 35, 37 sqq., 65 sqq., 69 sq., 78 sq., 111, 161 sq., 188;

the Great, their date, 51;

instituted by Eumolpus, 70;

associated with belief in immortality, 90 sq.;

of Dionysus, 15;

Greek, i. 110

Nagas of Assam, their burial custom, ii. 100;

their belief in transmigration, 290sq.

Nahals, the, ii. 119

Namaquas, the, ii. 141

Nandi, the, i. 117, 317, ii. 64, 149, 155

Nanga, sacred enclosure in Fiji, ii. 125

Naples protected against flies and grasshoppers, ii. 281

Narrative spells, i. 104 sqq.

Natchez Indians, ii. 135;

their festival of new corn, 77sqq.

Natural timekeepers, i. 53

Nauras Indians, ii. 150

Navel-string, term applied to last handful of corn, i. 150

Neck, crying the, i. 264 sqq.

—— of the corn-spirit, i. 268

Neil, R. A., ii. 22n. 4

Nemean games, i. 86

Nets treated as living beings, ii. 240n. 1

New corn, eaten sacramentally, ii. 48sqq.

—— fire, ii. 65, 74, 75, 78;

festival of, 135

—— fruits, ceremonies at eating, ii. 52sqq.

—— potatoes, how eaten, ii. 51

—— rice, ceremonies at eating the, ii. 54sqq.

—— vessels used for new fruits, ii. 81, 83

—— yams, ceremonies at eating, ii. 53, 58sqq.;

festival of the, 115;

in Tonga, festival of the, 128sqq.

—— Britain, i. 123

—— Caledonia, ii. 151;

ceremony at eating first yams in, 53

—— Guinea, i. 313, ii. 124;

German, i. 99, 103, 104;

Dutch, 123

—— Hebrides, i. 313, ii. 125

—— Zealand, ii. 28

New Year festival of the Kayans, i. 96 sq., 98, 99;

dated by the Pleiades, 116, 310, 312, 315

—— Year's Day, i. 302;

eve of, ii. 322

Niam-Niam, the, i. 119

Nias, i. 315, ii. 32, 102, 124, 276;

harvest custom in, i. 233 sq.

Nicaragua, festivals in, ii. 91

Nicolson, A., i. 164 sq.

Nieuwenhuis, Dr. A. W., i. 93, 94 n. 2, 95, 96, 97 sq., 98, 107

Niger Delta, burial custom in the, ii. 98

Nilsson, Professor M. P., i. 58 n. 1, 62 n. 6, ii. 8n. 2

Nine, the number, in ritual, i. 195

Nisan, a Jewish month, i. 259 n. 1

Nishga Indians, the, ii. 106

Nonnus, on death of Dionysus, i. 12 sq.

Nootka Indians, ii. 225, 251

Normandy, harvest customs in, i. 226, 295

North American Indians, ii. 237;

their theory of the lower animals, 205sq.

Northumberland, harvest customs in, i. 151

Norway, harvest customs in, i. 132, 223, 225, 280, 282

Nubas, the, of Jebel-Nuba, ii. 114

Nuehr, the, ii. 39

Nyanja-speaking tribes, ii. 26

Nyanza, Lake Victoria, i. 118

Nyikplă, a negro rain-god, ii. 45

Oath of women by the Pleiades, i. 311

Oaths accompanied by eating a sacred substance, ii. 313

Oats-bride, i. 162, 163, 164

—— -cow, i. 289, 290

—— -fool, i. 148

—— -goat, i. 270, 282, 283, 286, 287;

mummer called the, ii. 327

—— -king, i. 164

—— -man, i. 163, 223

—— -mother, i. 135

—— -queen, i. 164

—— -sow, i. 298

—— -stallion, i. 292

—— -wolf, i. 273, 274

—— -woman, i. 163

Obscene songs sung by women on special occasions, ii. 280

Octennial cycle in Greek calendar, i. 80 sqq.

—— period of Greek games, i. 80

—— tenure of kingship, i. 82, 85

October horse, at Rome, ii. 42sqq.

Oesel, island of, i. 298, 302, ii. 51

Ogun, a war-god, ii. 150

Oil, human victim anointed with, i. 246, 247;

holy, ii. 123

Ointment, magical, ii. 165sq.

Ojibway Indians, ii. 219;

their treatment of slain bears, ii. 225sq.

[pg 361]

Okanaken Indians, ii. 134

Olachen fish, ceremonies at catching the first of the season, ii. 254sq.

Old animal, bone of, eaten to make eater old, ii. 143

—— Barley-woman, i. 139

—— Calabar, ii. 108

—— Corn-woman at threshing, i. 147

—— Man, name given to the last sheaf, i. 136 sqq., 218 sqq.;

at threshing, 148 sq.

—— Potato Woman, i. 145

—— Rye-woman, i. 139, 140, 145, 223, 224, 232

—— Wheat-woman, i. 139

—— Wife (Cailleach), name given to last corn cut, i. 140 sqq., 164 sqq.

—— Witch, burning the, i. 224

—— Woman, name given to last sheaf, i. 136 sq., 147, 223;

Cherokee personification of corn, 177

—— Woman who Never Dies, i. 204 sq.

—— Women as representatives of the Corn-goddess, i. 125

Oloh Ngadju, the, ii. 100

Olympia, Pelops at, ii. 85

Olympiads, beginning of reckoning by, i. 82

Olympic games, i. 80, 86

Omagua Indians of Brazil, i. 309

Omaha Indians, ii. 25, 29, 207, 269, 272

Omambos, the, ii. 149

Omen, beasts and birds of, ii. 143

Omuongo tree, ii. 71

Onitsha, on the Niger, ii. 58;

funeral custom at, 98sq.

Opium, i. 242

Oraons, human sacrifices among the, i. 244 sq.;

of Bengal, ii. 117

Organs of generation, male and female, cakes in shape of, i. 62;

effigies of male, 12, 26, 29

Origin of agriculture, i. 128 sq.;

of astronomy, 307

Orinoco, Indians of the, i. 124, 310, ii. 150, 236

Orion, the constellation, i. 315

Orion's belt, i. 313, 315, 317

—— sword, i. 317

Orotchis, bear-festivals of the, ii. 197

Osculati, G., ii. 285

Osiris, i. 214, 215, 259 sqq.;

his relation to Dionysus, 3, 32;

human sacrifices at grave of, 260;

black and green, 263;

key to mysteries of, 263;

and the pig, ii. 24sqq.;

in relation to sacred bulls, 34sqq.;

false graves of, 100;

his missing member, 264

Ostiaks, their ceremonies at killing bears, ii. 222sq.

Ostrich, ghost of, deceived, ii. 245

Otawa Indians, ii. 224, 250

Otawa totem clans, ii. 225n. 1

Otter's head, Aino custom as to eating, ii. 144

Otters, their bones not allowed to be gnawed by dogs, ii. 239

Ounce, ceremony at killing an, ii. 235

Ovambo, the, ii. 71;

their worship of the dead, 109sq.

Ox, corn-spirit as, i. 288 sqq.;

killed on harvest field, 290;

slaughtered at threshing, 291 sq.;

sacrificed at the Bouphonia, ii. 5;

as representative of the corn-spirit, 9sqq.;

effigy of, broken as a spring ceremony in China, 10sqq.;

Bechuana sacrifice of a black, 271;

sacrificed to boa-constrictor, 290

—— -stall (Bucolium) at Athens, i. 30 sq.

—— -yoked Ploughing at Athens, i. 31

Oxen used in ploughing, i. 129 n. 1

Pains in back at reaping, i. 285

Palenques, the, of South America, ii. 221

Palestine, wild boars in, ii. 31sq.

Panathenaic games at Athens, i. 80

Panes, a bird-feast, ii. 170

Panopeus, i. 48

Pans in relation to goats, ii. 1sqq.

Papuans, the, i. 123, ii. 145;

their belief in the transmigration of souls, 295

Paradoxurus, souls of dead in various species of, ii. 294

Pardon of animal asked before killing it, ii. 183

Parian chronicler, i. 70

Paris protected against dormice and serpents, ii. 281

Parjas, the, ii. 27, 119

Parrots, assimilation of men to, ii. 208

Partridge, transmigration of sinner into, ii. 299

Pasiphae and the Minotaur, i. 31

Pastoral stage of society, ii. 35, 37

—— tribes, animal sacraments among, ii. 313

Patani Bay, ii. 212

Pawnees, human sacrifices among the, i. 238 sq.

Peacock as a totem, ii. 29;

transmigration of sinner into, 299

Pea-mother, i. 132, 135

Peas-cow, i. 290

—— -pug, i. 272

Pelew Islanders, ii. 293

—— Islands, burial custom in the, ii. 98

Pelops at Olympia, ii. 85;

his restoration to life, 263

Pembrokeshire, harvest customs in, i. 142 sqq.;

cutting “the neck” in, 267;

hunting the wren in, ii. 320

[pg 362]

Pentheus, death of, i. 24, 25

Pergamus, ii. 85

Permanence of simpler forms of religion, ii. 335

Persephone, mother of Zagreus by Zeus, i. 12;

rape of, 36;

a personification of the corn, 39 sq.;

in art, 43 sq.;

the descent of, 46, ii. 17;

associated with the ripe ears of corn, 58;

in Greek art, 88sq.

—— and Demeter, i. 35 sqq.

—— and Pluto, ii. 9

Personification of corn as mother and daughter, i. 130, 207 sqq.

Perthshire, harvest customs in, i. 156 sq.

Peru, Indians of, i. 120, 122, ii. 249;

their worship of the Pleiades, i. 310

Peruvians, their customs as to Mother of Maize, etc., i. 171 sqq.

Pessinus, i. 255

Phigalia, horse-headed Demeter of, ii. 21, 338

Philippine Islands, i. 240

Philistines, their charm against mice, ii. 281, 283

Philochorus, on date of Haloa, i. 62

Phlius, i. 17

Phoenicia, song of Linus in, i. 216

Phrygia, Lityerses in, i. 216 sq.

Phyllanthus emblica, ii. 119

Piaroas Indians of the Orinoco, ii. 285

Pig, corn-spirit as, i. 298 sqq.;

in relation to Demeter, ii. 16sqq.;

not eaten in Crete, 21n. 1;

in ancient Egypt, 24sqq.

—— and Attis, ii. 22

—— -meat forbidden to women at sowing seed, i. 115

Pig's flesh not eaten by field labourers, ii. 33, 139

Pigeons, souls of dead in, ii. 293

Pigs, sacrifice of, i. 74, 97;

not to be eaten by enchanters of crops, 100 sq.;

sacrificed to the moon, ii. 25;

souls of dead in, 286, 295, 296

Pilae, human effigies, ii. 95n. 1

Pindar, old scholiast on, i. 71, 74, 77, 78;

on rebirth, 84

Pine-tree, sacred to Dionysus, i. 4

Piros Indians of Peru, ii. 286

Pirua, granary of maize, i. 171 sqq.

Plaiting the last standing corn before cutting it, i. 142, 144, 153, 154, 157, 158

Plane-tree, Dionysus in, i. 3

Planets, human victims sacrificed to, i. 261 sq.

Plants thought to be animated by spirits, ii. 82sq.

Plataea, Eleutherian games at, i. 80, 85

Plato and the doctrine of transmigration, ii. 308

Playfair, Major A., ii. 337

Pleiades, autumnal setting of, i. 45;

morning rising of, the signal for reaping in Greece, 48 sq.;

in primitive calendars, 116, 307 sqq.;

associated with the rainy season, 318

Pliny, on the setting of the Pleiades, i. 318

Plough in relation to Dionysus, i. 5;

in primitive agriculture, 113

—— Monday, i. 33;

rites of, ii. 325sqq.;

English celebration of, 329sqq.

Ploughing at Carnival, ceremony of, i. 28, 29, 331, 332, 334;

at Athens, sacred ceremony of, 31;

in Greece, season of, 45;

with oxen, 129 n. 1;

Chinese ceremony of, ii. 14sq.;

ceremonies at, 57

Ploughings, three a year, i. 53 n. 1;

Sacred, in Attica, 108

Ploughmen and plough-horses, the Yule Boar given to, i. 301, 303

Plutarch, on a Roman rite, ii. 108;

on immortality, i. 15;

on mourning festival of Demeter, 46;

on sacrifices, ii. 31;

on Apis, 36

Pluto called Subterranean Zeus, i. 66

—— and Persephone, ii. 9;

rude originals of, 334

Plutus, i. 208

Poland, harvest customs in, i. 144, 145, 148, 150, 277

Pollution of death, ii. 85n. 3;

ceremonial, of girl at puberty, 268

Polynesia, observation of the Pleiades in, i. 313

Polynesians, ii. 28

Pomegranates sprung from blood of Dionysus, i. 14

Po-nagar, goddess of agriculture, ii. 56, 57, 58

Pondos, the, ii. 66

Pongal feast, i. 244

Pongol, a Hindoo festival, ii. 56

Pontiffs regulate Roman calendar, i. 83

Poor Old Woman, corn left on field for, i. 231 sq.

Poppies as symbols of Demeter, i. 43 sq.

Poppy, the, cultivated for opium, i. 242

Porcupine, a Bechuana totem, ii. 164sq.;

respected by some Indians, 243;

transmigration of sinner into, 299

Pork forbidden to enchanters of crops, i. 100 sq.;

not eaten by field labourers, ii. 33;

reason for not eating, 296

Porphyry, on the Bouphonia, ii. 5n. 1

Poseidon, first-fruits sacrificed to, ii. 133

Poso, in Celebes, i. 236, ii. 244

Potato-dog, i. 272 sq.

—— -mother, i. 172

—— -wolf, i. 274

Potawatomi Indians, ii. 218

Prayer, the Place of, ii. 113

[pg 363]

Prayer and spell, i. 105

Prayers to the spirits of the dead, ii. 112, 113, 124sq.;

addressed to dead animals, 184, 197, 224, 225, 226, 235, 236, 243, 253, 293;

to shark-idol, 292

Preachers to fish, ii. 250sq.

Pretence made by reapers of mowing down visitors to the harvest-field, i. 229 sq.

Priest, chief acting as, ii. 126

Priests, first-fruits belong to, ii. 125;

of Tetzcatlipoca, ii. 165;

of shark-idols, 292

Primitive ritual, marks of, i. 169

Proarcturia, a Greek festival, i. 51

Processions with sacred animals, ii. 316sqq.;

of men disguised as animals, 325sqq.

Proclus on Dionysus, i. 13

Proerosia, a Greek festival of Demeter, i. 50 sqq., 60, 108

Prophecy, spirit of, acquired by eating certain food, ii. 143

Propitiation of wild animals by hunters, ii. 204sqq.;

of vermin by farmers, 274sqq.

Prussia, harvest customs in, i. 136, 137, 139, 150 sq., 209, 219, 280, 281 sq., 288, 292

Prussians, the old, ii. 133;

their custom at sowing, i. 288

Pruyssenaere, E. de, ii. 38sq.

Psylli, a Snake clan, ii. 174

Puberty, ceremonial pollution of girl at, ii. 268

Pueblo Indians, i. 312

Pul, an astrologer, i. 125 sq.

Pulse cultivated in Bengal, i. 123

Puplem, general council, i. 125

Puppet made out of last sheaf, i. 137, 138, 231;

at threshing, 148, 149;

at harvest, 150;

representing the corn-spirit, 224

Puppets of rushes thrown into the Tiber, ii. 107

Purest person cuts the last corn, i. 158

Purification, ceremonies of, i. 9;

before partaking of new fruits, ii. 59, 60, 63, 69sq., 71, 73, 75sq., 82, 83;

for slaughter of a serpent, 219sq.;

by fire, 249;

before eating the first salmon, 253

Pyanepsia, an Attic festival, i. 52

Pyanepsion, an Attic month, i. 46, 52, 116

Pythagoras, his reincarnations, ii. 263;

his doctrine of transmigration, 300, 301

Pythian games, i. 80

Python clan, ii. 174

Quadriennial period of Greek games, i. 77 sqq.

Quail, cry of, i. 295;

corn-spirit as, 295 sq.

Queen of Athens married to Dionysus, i. 30 sq.;

of the Corn-ears, 146;

name given to last sheaf, 146

—— Charlotte Islands, ii. 226

Quetzalcoatl, a Mexican god, ii. 90

Quiches, the, of Central America, ii. 134

Quinoa-mother, i. 172

Quixos Indians, ii. 285

Race of reapers to last sheaf, i. 291;

on harvest-field, 137

Races at harvest, i. 76 sq.;

in connexion with agriculture, 98.

See Horse-races

Rain, prayer for, at Eleusis, i. 69;

supposed to be given by the spirits of dead chiefs, ii. 109

—— -charm, i. 134, 170, 250, 252, 268

Rainless Greek summer, i. 69

Rains, autumnal, in Greece, i. 52

Rajamahall, in Bengal, ii. 118, 217

Rakelimalaza, a Malagasy god, ii. 46

Ram sacrificed to Ammon, ii. 41;

killing the sacred, 172sqq.;

consecration of a white, 313

Ram's skull, ii. 96

Rams' horns, ii. 117

Rape of Persephone, i. 66

Rarian Plain at Eleusis, i. 36, 70, 74, 108, 234, ii. 15

Raspberries, wild, ceremony at gathering the first, ii. 80sq.

Rat, transmigration of sinner into, ii. 299

Rats, superstitious precautions of farmers against, ii. 277, 278, 283

Rattles in myth and ritual of Dionysus, i. 13, 15

Rattlesnakes respected by the North American Indians, ii. 217sqq.

Ravens respected by Sudanese negroes, ii. 221

Reapers, contests between, i. 136, 140, 141, 142, 144, 152, 153 sqq., 164 sq., 219, 253;

blindfolded, 144, 153 sq.;

special words used by, 193;

pretend to mow down visitors to harvest-field, 229 sq.;

cries of, 263 sqq.;

race of, to last corn, 291

Reaping, Indonesian mode of, i. 181 sq., 184;

contests in, 218 sqq.;

pains in back at, 285

Rebirth of the dead, i. 84

Red and black, faces of bear-hunters painted, ii. 226

—— and white, leopard-hunters painted, ii. 230

—— and yellow, faces of human victims painted, i. 261

[pg 364]

Red-haired men sacrificed, i. 260, 261, 263, ii. 34

—— puppies sacrificed, i. 261, ii. 34

Reef Islands, ii. 52

Reincarnation of animals, ii. 247, 249, 250

Reindeer, dogs not allowed to gnaw the leg-bones of, ii. 246

Repulsion and attraction, forces of, ii. 303sqq.

Rest for three days, compulsory, ii. 246

Resurrection of the gods, i. 1, 12, 14, 15;

of animals, ii. 200sq., 256sqq.;

of fish, 250, 254;

bones of men preserved for the, 259;

in popular tales, 263sqq.

Revolving image, ii. 322n.

Ribald jests at mysteries, i. 38

Rice cultivated in Assam, i. 123;

cultivated in New Guinea, 123;

soul of, 180 sqq.;

treated as a woman, 183 sq.;

King of the, 197;

(paddy), Father and Mother of the, 203 sq.;

spirituous liquor distilled from, 242;

the new, ceremonies at eating the, ii. 54sqq.

—— -bride, i. 199 sq.

—— -bridegroom, i. 199 sq.

—— -child, i. 197 sqq.

—— -fields, sacred, among the Kayans, i. 93, 108

—— -goddess, i. 202

—— -harvest, ceremony of the Horse at, ii. 337sqq.

—— -mother, i. 183 n. 1, 191 sqq., 197 sqq.;

in the East Indies, 180 sqq.

—— -soul as bird, i. 182 n. 1;

caught or detained, 184 sqq.

Riddles asked at harvest, i. 194

Ridgeway, Professor W., i. 29 n. 2, 65, ii. 282n. 5

Ring, competition for, i. 160

Rites of Plough Monday, ii. 325sqq.

Ritual, primitive, marks of, i. 169;

magical or propitiatory, 169, 170

—— of Dionysus, i. 14 sq.

Robbers, charm used by, i. 235

Rodents, souls of dead in, ii. 291

Rohde, E., i. 91 n. 2

Rollo, ii. 146

Roman calendar, i. 83 sq.

—— deities of the corn, i. 210 n. 3

—— sacrifices to Ceres and Liber, ii. 133

Romans worship mildew, ii. 282

Roof, spirits enter through the, ii. 123;

remains of slain bear let down through the, 189sq., 196

Roots and seeds, wild, collected by women, i. 124 sqq.

Roscher, W. H., ii. 2n. 9

Roscoe, Rev. John, i. 240 n. 4

Rotation of crops, i. 117

Rouse, Dr. W. H. D., i. 208 n. 1

Rügen, harvest customs in, i. 274

Running, contests in, i. 98

Rush-cutter, i. 230 n. 5

Russia, harvest customs in, i. 146, 233

Russian wood-spirits, ii. 2

Rye-beggar, i. 231

—— -boar, i. 298, 300

—— -bride, i. 163

—— -goat, i. 282, 283

—— -mother, i. 132, 135

—— -pug, i. 273

—— -sow, i. 270, 298

—— -wolf, i. 270, 271, 272, 273, 274

—— -woman, i. 223;

the Old, 133

Saa, island of, ii. 127

Sabarios, a Lithuanian festival, ii. 49

Sabazius, i. 2 n. 1

Sabbaths, agricultural, i. 109

Sable-hunters, rules observed by, ii. 238

Sacaea, a Babylonian festival, i. 258 sq.

Sacrament of eating a god, ii. 167

—— of swine's flesh, ii. 20, 24;

totemic, 165;

types of animal, 310sqq.;

of first-fruits, 48sqq.;

combined with a sacrifice of them, 86

Sacramental bread, ii. 95

—— character of harvest supper, i. 303

—— eating of corn-spirit in animal form, ii. 20

Sacraments among pastoral tribes, ii. 313

Sacred Marriage at Eleusis, i. 65 sqq.

—— ploughings in Attica, i. 108

—— things deemed dangerous, ii. 27sqq.

—— Women, i. 32

Sacrifice not to be touched, ii. 27;

of first-fruits, 109sqq.

Sacrifices, human, for the crops, i. 236 sqq.;

human, in Mexico, ii. 88;

offered to nets, 240n. 1;

offered to wolves, 284;

to a toad, 291

Sadana, rice-bridegroom, i. 200 sq.

Sahagun, B. de, i. 175

St. Catherine's Day, ii. 275

St. George's Eve, ii. 270

St. Kilda, ii. 322

St. Mary, Isle of, ii. 235

St. Matthew's Day, ii. 275

St. Nicholas, i. 233

St. Paul on immortality, i. 91

St. Peter's Day, i. 300

St. Stephen's Day, ii. 319, 320

Sakalava, the, of Madagascar, ii. 40n.

Sale, nominal, of children, i. 8

Salish Indians, ii. 80

Salmon, resurrection of, ii. 250;

ceremonies at catching the first salmon of the season, 253sq., 255

[pg 365]

Salt, abstinence from, ii. 75, 93;

use of, forbidden, 190, 195

Salzburg, harvest custom in, i. 146

Samoa, ii. 29

Samoans, their sacrifices of first-fruits, ii. 132

Samoyed, custom after killing a reindeer, ii. 268

San Juan Capistrano, ii. 169;

Indians of, i. 125

Sanctity of the corn, ii. 110

Sandwich Islands, belief in transmigration among natives of the, ii. 292sq.

Saning Sari, rice-goddess, i. 191, 192

Sappho, i. 216

Saturnalia, ii. 62, 66

Satyrs in relation to goats, ii. 1sqq.

Savage, the, not illogical, ii. 202

—— faith in the immortality of animals, ii. 260sqq.

Saxo Grammaticus, ii. 146

Saxons of Transylvania, harvest custom of the, i. 295;

their customs at sowing, ii. 274sq.

Saxony, harvest customs in, i. 134, 137, 149, 163, 164

Scanderbeg, Prince of Epirus, ii. 154

Scandinavian custom of the Yule Boar, i. 300 sqq.

Scarification as a religious rite, ii. 75;

from superstitious motives, 159, 160sq.

Scheube, Dr. B., ii. 185, 186, 187

Schleswig, harvest customs in, i. 230, 287

Schrenck, L. von, ii. 191, 192, 193, 194, 195

Schweinfurth, G., ii. 37sq.

Science, generalisations of, inadequate to cover all particulars, ii. 37

Scirophorion, a Greek month, ii. 8n. 1

Scorpions, charm against, ii. 281;

souls of dead in, 290

Scotland, harvest customs in, i. 140 sqq.

Scratching as a religious rite, ii. 75

Scurrilities exchanged between vine-dressers and passers-by, i. 258 n. 1

Scurrilous language at mysteries, i. 38

Scythians, set store on heads of enemies, i. 256 n. 1

Sea beasts, Esquimau rules as to eating, ii. 84;

their bladders restored to the sea by the Esquimaux, 247sqq.

—— -mammals, their mythical origin, ii. 246

Seals, care taken of the bladders and bones of, ii. 247sqq., 257, 258n. 2

Sedna, an Esquimau goddess, ii. 84, 246

Seed sown by women, i. 113 sqq.;

sown by children, i. 115 sq.

Seed-corn, i. 135, 205, 278, 301, 304, ii. 20

Seed-rice, i. 189

Seeds and roots, wild, collected by women, i. 124 sqq.

Seler, Professor E., i. 175

Seligmann, Dr. C. G., ii. 40n.

Sĕmangat, i. 181, 183

Semele, mother of Dionysus, i. 14, 15

Seminole Indians, ii. 76, 217

Senegambia, Python clan in, ii. 174

Serpent, killing the sacred, ii. 174sq.;

ceremonies performed after killing a, 219sq.

Serpent's flesh eaten to learn the language of animals, ii. 146

Serpents, offerings to, ii. 17sq.;

men inspired by, 213;

charms against, 281;

souls of the dead in, 291.

See also Snake, Snakes

Set or Typhon, ii. 30.

See Typhon

Seven, the number, in ritual, i. 190, 198

—— months' child, i. 26, 29

Sham fight, ii. 75

—— fights in connexion with agriculture, i. 98;

(mimic battles) before going forth to war, ii. 207

—— graves and corpses to deceive demons, ii. 98sqq.

Shans of Indo-China, i. 243

Shape, magical changes of shape, i. 305

Sharks, ghosts in, ii. 127;

souls of dead in, 292sq., 297

Sheaf, the last, the Corn-mother in, i. 133 sqq.;

thresher tied up in, 134, 147, 148;

drenched with water, 134, 137, 145;

given to cattle, 134, 155, 158, 161, 170;

stones fastened to, 135 sq., 138, 139;

called the Old Woman or Old Man, 136 sqq.;

corn-spirit caught in, 139;

harvester tied up in, 139, 145, 221, 222;

called the Cailleach (Old Wife), 140 sqq.;

representative of the corn-spirit, 168, ii. 48;

in Lower Burma, i. 190 sq.;

person identified with, 138 sq.;

in India, 222 sq., 234 n. 2;

race of reapers to, 291.

See also Clyack, Kirn, Mell, Maiden

Sheep not eaten, ii. 140;

ghosts of, dreaded, 231

Sheep-skin, fumigation with, ii. 324

Sheep-skins, candidates at initiation seated on, i. 38

Shells of eggs preserved, ii. 258n. 2

Shifting cultivation, i. 99

Shoulder-blade, divination by, ii. 234

Shropshire, “the neck” in, i. 268;

“crying the Mare” in, 293 sq.

Shrove Tuesday, i. 300, ii. 326

Shrovetide Bear, ii. 325sq.

Shumpaoli, an African god, ii. 110

Shuswap Indians, ii. 226, 238

Siam, ii. 103

[pg 366]

Sicilians, Demeter's gift of corn to the, i. 56 sq.

Sicily, worship of Demeter and Persephone in, i. 56

Sickles thrown at last standing corn, i. 136, 142, 144, 153, 154, 165

Sickness cured or prevented by effigies, ii. 180sqq.

Sicyon, wolves at, ii. 283, 284

Sierra Leone, i. 317

Sieves, children at birth placed in, i. 6 sqq.

Sigurd and the dragon, ii. 146

Silence enforced during absence of fisher, ii. 256

Silenuses, ii. 1sq.

Silesia, harvest customs in, i. 136, 138, 139, 148 sq., 163 sq., 231, 233, 273, 277, 281, 289

Silvanus, ii. 2

Simbang, village in German New Guinea, ii. 295

Similkameen Indians, the, ii. 146

Sinew of the thigh, customs and myths as to, ii. 264sqq.

Sinews of dead men cut to disable their ghosts, ii. 272

Sing Bonga, a sun god, ii. 117

Singleton, Miss A. H., ii. 320n. 1

Sioux girl, sacrifice of, i. 238 sq.

—— Indians, ii. 150, 243

Skeat, W. W., i. 197 sq.

Skin of sacrificed animal, uses of, ii. 173sq.

—— -disease caused by eating a sacred animal, ii. 25sqq.

Skins of sacrificed animals stuffed, 257 sq.

Skipping-rope, ii. 192

Skull, drinking out of a human, ii. 150

Skulls, human, as protection against powers of evil, i. 241;

the Place of, 243;

spirits of ancestors in their, ii. 123;

of ancestors, offerings set beside, 127;

of bears worshipped, 184;

of enemies destroyed, 260

Sky God, the, i. 69

—— -god Zeus, i. 65

Skye, harvest custom in, i. 284

Slaves of the Earth Gods, ii. 61, 62n. 1

Slavonic peoples, harvest customs among, i. 144 sqq.

Slayers of leopards, rules of diet observed by, ii. 230sq.

Slow-footed animals not eaten by some savage tribes, ii. 139sq.;

eaten by preference by the Bushmen, 140sq.

Small-pox, cure for, i. 9 sq.

Smearing the body as a means of imparting certain qualities, ii. 162sqq.

—— of blood on worshippers a mode of communion with the deity, ii. 316

Smintheus Apollo, ii. 283

Smith, Professor, G. C., ii. 329

Smith, W. Robertson, i. 259 n. 1, ii. 5n. 2, 27n. 5, 31n. 1, 35n. 2, 251n. 5, 266 n. 1, 280n.

Smoking as a means of inducing state of ecstasy, ii. 72;

in honour of slain bears, 224, 226

—— first tobacco of season, ceremony at, ii. 82

Snake worshipped, ii. 316sq.;

white, eaten to acquire supernatural knowledge, 146.

See Serpent

—— -bite, inoculation against, ii. 160

—— -priest, ii. 219

—— tribe, ii. 316, 317

Snake's tongue as amulet, ii. 270

Snakes respected by the North American Indians, ii. 217sqq.;

sacred at Whydah, 287;

souls of dead in, 293, 294sq.;

souls of dead princes in, 288

Society, stratification of religion according to types of, ii. 35sqq.

—— Islanders, i. 312

Solar and lunar time, attempts to harmonise, i. 80 sq.

Solomon Islands, ii. 85, 126, 127;

belief in the transmigration of souls in the, 296sqq.

Solstice, the midsummer, rain-making ceremony at the, ii. 179

—— the summer, i. 117

—— the winter, ii. 325;

festival of, 90

Solstices observed, i. 125

Somerville, Professor W., i. 193 n.

Songish or Lkungen tribe of Vancouver Island, ii. 254

Songs of the corn-reapers, i. 214 sqq.

Sophocles, his play Triptolemus, i. 54

Soul thought to be seated in the liver, ii. 147sq.

—— of rice, i. 180 sqq.;

eating the, ii. 54

—— -stuff in the East Indies, i. 182 sq.

Souls, immortal, attributed by savages, to animals, ii. 204;

of the human dead in caterpillars, 275sq.;

transmigration of human, into animals, 285sqq.

South American Indians, women's agricultural work among the, i. 120 sqq.

Southey, R., quoted, i. 122, ii. 157

Sowing, festival of Demeter at, i. 46 n. 2;

sacrifice to Demeter at, 57;

Festival of the, 111;

time of, determined by observation of the sun, 187;

goat killed at, 288;

ceremonies at, ii. 57;

customs observed by Saxons of Transylvania at, 274sq.

—— and planting, time of, determined by the appearance of the Pleiades, i. 313 sqq.

[pg 367]

Sowing in Greece, time for, i. 45

—— festival of the Kayans, i. 93 sqq.

—— seed to make children grow, i. 11

Sowing the seed done by women, i. 113 sqq.;

done by children, 115 sq.

Spades and hoes, human victim killed with, i. 239, 251

Sparrows, charm to keep them from the corn, ii. 274

Spearing taro stalks, as a charm, i. 102, 103

Spell and prayer, i. 105

Spells for growth of crops, i. 100;

narrative, 104 sqq.;

imperative, 105

Spencer, Herbert, his theory of the material universe compared to that of Empedocles, ii. 303sqq.

Spiders, ceremony at killing, ii. 236sq.

Spieth, J., ii. 59sqq.

Spindle used in ritual, ii. 119

Spinning acorns or figs, i. 102

—— tops, i. 95, 97, 187

Spirit of Beans, Iroquois, i. 177

—— of the Corn, Iroquois, i. 177. See Corn-spirit

—— of Squashes, Iroquois, i. 177

Spirits, evil, averted from children, i. 6 sqq.;

of the dead supposed to influence the crops, 104;

distinguished from gods, 169;

imitation of, 186

Spittle, virtue of, i. 247, 250

Sports, athletic, at harvest, i. 76 sq. See also Contests, Games

Spring, ceremony at beginning of, in China, ii. 10sqq.

—— customs and harvest customs compared, i. 167 sqq.

—— festival of Dionysus, i. 15

Springbok not eaten, ii. 141

Squirrels, souls of dead in, ii. 291sq.

Sri, Hindoo goddess of crops, i. 182

Star, the Morning, i. 238

Stars, their supposed influence on the weather, i. 318

Stepping or jumping over a woman, ii. 70n. 1

Sternberg, Leo, ii. 196, 199n. 1, 201

Stettin, harvest customs near, i. 220

Stevenson, Mrs. Matilda Coxe, quoted, ii. 179

Stewart, Balfour, ii. 262n. 1

Sticks. See Digging-sticks

Stiens of Cambodia, ii. 237

Stomach of eater, certain foods forbidden to meet in, ii. 83sqq.

Stone, magic of heavy, i. 100

—— Age, agriculture in the, i. 79, 132

Stones fastened to last sheaf, i. 135 sq., 138, 139;

the meeting of the, 237;

worshipped, ii. 127sq.

Stories told as charms, i. 102 sqq.

Stout, Professor G. F., 261 n. 1

Stranger regarded as representative of the corn-spirit, i. 225 sqq.

Strangers excluded, i. 94, 111, 249;

preferred as human victims, 242;

as representatives of the corn-spirit, 253

Strata of religion and society, ii. 36sq.

Stratification of religion according to types of society, ii. 35sqq.

Straw, the Yule, i. 301 sq.;

of Shrovetide Bear used to make geese and hens lay eggs, ii. 326

—— -bear at Whittlesey, ii. 329

—— -bull, i. 289 sq.

—— -man placed on apple-tree, ii. 6

Stubble-cock, i. 277

Styria, harvest customs in, i. 133, 134, 283

Sublician bridge at Rome, ii. 107

Substitutes for animal sacrifices, ii. 94n. 2

“Substitutes for a person” in China, ii. 104

Subterranean Zeus, i. 66

Sudanese negroes respect ravens, ii. 221

Sufferings and death of Dionysus, i. 17

Sugar-cane cultivated, i. 121, 123

Suk, the, of British East Africa, i. 118, ii. 84, 142

Sumatra, i. 315;

tigers respected in, ii. 215sqq.

Summer in Greece rainless, i. 69

Sun, time of sowing determined by observation of the, i. 187;

Japanese deities of the, 212;

first-fruits offered to the, 237;

savage observation of the, 314;

rites instituted by the, ii. 75;

temple of the, 135

—— and moon conjunction of, ii. 15n. 1

—— father of Alectrona, ii. 45

—— -god, the, i. 86

——, moon, and planets, human victims sacrificed to, i. 261 sq.

——, the Great, title of head chief of the Natchez, ii. 77sqq.

Sunflower root, ceremony at eating the, ii. 81

Sunkalamma, a goddess, ii. 93

Superstitious practices to procure good crops, i. 100

Supper, the harvest, i. 134, 138. See Harvest-supper

Survival of the fittest, doctrine of the, ii. 306

Sutherlandshire, ii. 51

Swabia, harvest customs in, i. 136, 282, 289, 290, 298 sq.

Swallow Song, the Greek, ii. 322n.

Swans, transmigration of bad poets into, ii. 308

Sweat of famous warriors drunk, ii. 152

Sweden, harvest customs in, i. 149, 230, 280

[pg 368]

Sweet potatoes cultivated in Africa, i. 117;

cultivated in Assam, 123;

cultivated in New Britain, 123;

cultivated in South America, 121;

sacred, ii. 133

Swine, wild, their ravages in the corn, ii. 31sqq.

Swine's flesh sacramentally eaten, ii. 20, 24. See also Pork

Swinging for good crops, i. 101, 103, 107

Switzerland, harvest customs in, i. 283, 289, 291, 295

Syleus, i. 257 sq.

Sympathetic magic, i. 102, ii. 271, 311sq.

Syria, precaution against caterpillars in, ii. 279

Syrians, their religious attitude to pigs, ii. 23;

esteemed fish sacred, 26

Szis, the, of Burma, i. 203

Tabooed village, ii. 122

Taboos observed at the sowing festival among the Kayans, i. 94;

observed by enchanters, 100;

communal, 109 n. 2;

agricultural, 187;

relating to milk, ii. 83sq.;

observed after the capture of a ground seal, walrus, or whale, 246

Tahiti, ii. 132; funeral rites in, 97

Tail of corn-spirit, 268, 272, 300, ii. 10, 43

Talaings, the, i. 190

Tales told as charms, i. 102 sqq.;

the resurrection of the body in popular, ii. 263sqq.

Tamara, island of, ii. 296

Tammuz, his death in a mill, i. 258;

a Babylonian month, 259

Tana, one of the New Hebrides, ii. 125

Tanala, the, of Madagascar, i. 9, ii. 290

Tanganyika plateau, the, i. 115

Tani, a god, ii. 132

Tano, a fetish, ii. 287

Tapir, custom of Indians after killing a, ii. 236

Tapirs, souls of dead in, ii. 285

Tapuiyas, the, of Brazil, i. 309

Tarahumare Indians of Mexico, i. 227 sq., ii. 252

Tarianos Indians, ii. 157

Taro, charms for growth of, i. 100, 102

Tarri Pennu, a Khond goddess, i. 245

Tauaré Indians, ii. 157

Taungthu, the, i. 190

Tears of human victim signs of rain, i. 248, 250;

of oxen as rain-charm, ii. 10

Teasing animals before killing them, ii. 190

Telephus at Pergamus, ii. 85

Temples dedicated to sharks, ii. 292

Tenimber, island, ii. 123

Teton Indians, ii. 236

Tetzcatlipoca, a Mexican god, ii. 92, 93, 165

Thargelion, an Attic month, ii. 8

Thay, the, of Indo-China, ii. 121

Thebes, grave of Dionysus at, i. 14;

Dionysus torn to pieces at, 25

Theocritus on the harvest-home, i. 46 sq.

Thesmophoria, the, i. 14, ii. 17sqq.;

chastity of women at the, i. 116

Thigh, sinew of the, customs and myths as to, ii. 264sqq.

Thlinkeet or Tlingit, the, ii. 253

Thompson Indians, ii. 81, 82, 133, 140, 207, 226, 268

Thrace, worship of Dionysus in, i. 3;

the Bacchanals of, 17;

modern Carnival customs in, 25 sqq., ii. 331sqq.

Thresher tied up in last sheaf, i. 134, 147, 148

Threshers, contests between, i. 147 sqq., 218, 219 sq., 221 sq., 223 sq., 253;

pretend to throttle or thresh people on threshing-floor, 149 sq., 230;

tied in straw and thrown into water, 224 sq.

Threshing, customs at, i. 134, 147 sqq., 203;

contests in, 218 sqq.;

corn-spirit killed at, 291 sq.

—— -cow, i. 291

—— -dog, i. 271

—— -floor, Demeter at the, i. 41 sq., 47;

of Triptolemus at Eleusis, 61, 72, 75;

sanctity of the, ii. 110n. 4

—— in Greece, date of, i. 62

Throttling farmer's wife at threshing, pretence of, i. 150

Thumbs of dead enemies cut off, ii. 272

Thüringen, harvest customs in, i. 147, 222, 232, 276, 290, 291, 298

Thurn, E. F. im. quoted, ii. 204

Tibetans, the, ii. 96

Tiger, ghost of, ii. 155n. 4

Tiger's flesh eaten to make men brave, ii. 145

Tigers, ceremonies at killing, ii. 215, 216sq.;

respected in Sumatra, 215sq.;

kinship of men with, 216;

souls of dead in, 293

Tilling of the earth treated as a crime, ii. 57

Timekeepers, natural, i. 53

Timor, island of, ii. 98

Timor-laut, ii. 123, 244

Tinneh Indians, ii. 80, 220

Titans attack and kill Dionysus, i. 12 sq., 17

Tjumba, island of, ii. 122

Tlaloc, Mexican god of thunder, i. 237

Toad, figure of, ii. 193, 194;

soul of dead man in a, 291

[pg 369]

Tobacco used as an emetic, ii. 73;

first of season, ceremony at smoking, 82

Todas, their sacrament of buffalo's flesh, ii. 314

Toepffer, J., quoted, i. 73

Toerateyas, the, i. 196 n.

Tofoke, the, i. 119

Togoland, i. 130, ii. 59, 105, 105

Tolalaki, the, ii. 152

Tomb, sacrifices at, ii. 113

Tomori, the, of Central Celebes, i. 193 sq., 288

Tondi, soul-stuff, i. 182

Tonga Islands, ii. 28;

offerings of first-fruits in the, 128sqq.

Tongues of birds eaten, ii. 147;

of slain men eaten, 153;

of dead animals cut out, 269sqq.;

of animals worn as amulets, 270

Tonsure, the clerical, ii. 105n. 1

Tooitonga, the sacred chief of Tonga, ii. 128, 129, 130, 131

Tops, spinning, i. 95, 97, 187

Toradjas, the, of Central Celebes, i. 183, 193, 194, 228, ii. 153

Torch-bearer, the Eleusinian, i. 54, 59

Torches in relation to Demeter and Persephone, i. 57

Torchlight dance, ii. 79;

procession at Eleusis, i. 38

Torres Straits islands, i. 313, ii. 152, 153

Tortoises not eaten, ii. 140

Tossing successful reaper, i. 154

Totem, skin-disease supposed to be caused by eating, ii. 25sq.

—— sacrament, ii. 165

Totemic animals, dances in imitation of, ii. 76

Totemism, ii. 35, 37;

not proved for the Aryans, 4;

in Australia and America, 311

Transformation of woman into crocodile, ii. 212

Transmigration of human souls into animals, ii. 141, 285sqq.;

into turtles, 178sq.;

into bears, 191

—— of souls, doctrine of, in ancient India, ii. 298sq.;

in ancient Greece, 300sqq., 307sq.

Transmigrations of Buddha, ii. 299

Transubstantiation, ii. 89sq.

Transylvania, harvest customs in, i. 221, 276, 278, 280, 285, 295;

customs at sowing in, ii. 274sq.

Travancore, i. 8;

custom at executions in, ii. 272

Treasury Islanders, i. 313

Trees in relation to Dionysus, i. 3 sq.;

spirits of the dead in, ii. 124

Triptolemus, i. 37, 38, ii. 19;

agent of Demeter, i. 54, 72 sq.;

sacrifices to, 56;

his Threshing-floor at Eleusis, 61, 72, 75;

in Greek art, 68 n. 1;

sows seed in Rarian plain, 70;

the corn-hero, 72 sq.

Tristram, H. B., ii. 31sq.

Troezenians, the, ii. 133

Trumpets in rites of Dionysus, i. 15

Tschwi, the, of West Africa, ii. 98

Tsimshian Indians of British Columbia, ii. 254

Tucanos Indians, ii. 157

Tug of War, i. 103 n. 1, 110 n.

Tupi Indians of Brazil, ii. 272

Tupinambas, the, i. 122

Turmeric cultivated, i. 245, 250

Turtles, killing the sacred, ii. 175sqq.;

transmigration of human souls into, 178sq.

Tusayan, an ancient province of Arizona, i. 312

Twelfth Day, ii. 320, 321, 327, 329

Twelve Gods, the, ii. 8

Twin, ghost of a, ii. 98

—— girl charged with special duty, ii. 280

Two Goddesses, the, i. 56, 59, 73, 90

Types of animal sacrament, ii. 310sqq.

Typhon, i. 262, 263, ii. 30, 31, 33, 34, 100

Tyrol, harvest customs in the, i. 163, 224, 273, 286

Tzentales of Mexico, ii. 241

Uaupes River, tribes of the, i. 121

Uganda, ii. 213

Underground Zeus, i. 45, 50

Unleavened bread, ii. 137

Usagara hills, German East Africa, i. 240

Varro, on the rites of Eleusis, i. 88;

on killing oxen in Attica, ii. 6;

on sacrifice of goat, ii. 41

Vedijovis, i. 33

Venison, Esquimau rules as to eating, ii. 84;

not eaten, 144;

not brought into hut by door, 242sq.;

reason for not eating, 286, 293

Vera Cruz, the tribes of, i. 310

Vermin propitiated by farmers, ii. 274sqq.;

images of, made as a protection against them, 280sq.

Verres, C., i. 65

Vessels, new or specially reserved, to hold new fruits, ii. 50, 53, 65, 66, 72, 81, 83;

special, reserved for eating bear's flesh, 196, 198

Vestal virgins, ii. 42

Vicarious use of images, ii. 96sqq.

[pg 370]

Victim, human, taken in procession from door to door, i. 247

Victims, human, treated as divine, i. 250;

assimilated to gods, 261 sq.

Victoria, aborigines of, i. 127

Vicuña not eaten, ii. 140

Village tabooed, ii. 122

Vine in relation to Dionysus, i. 2

Vintage, first-fruits of, ii. 133;

inaugurated by priests, 133

—— in Greece, time of, i. 47

Vintagers and vine-diggers, i. 257 sq.

Virbius and the horse, ii. 40sqq.

Virgil as an enchanter, ii. 281

Virgins sacrificed, i. 237

Vitzilipuztli, a Mexican god, ii. 86, 87, 88

Viza in Thrace, i. 26

Vizyenos, G. M., i. 25 n. 4, 26

Volos, the beard of, i. 233

Vomiting as a religious rite, ii. 73, 75

Vosges Mountains, harvest customs in the, i. 272, 279, 281

Vulture, transmigration of sinner into, ii. 299

Wa, the Wild, i. 241 sqq.

Wabondei, the, ii. 142

Wadowe, the, i. 118

Wagogo, the, ii. 26, 142, 149, 276

Wahehe, the, ii. 26

Waheia, the, ii. 26

Wajagga, the, of East Africa, ii. 276

—— warriors, ii. 143

Wakan, ii. 180n. 2

Wales, harvest customs in, i. 142 sqq.

Wallace, A. R., quoted, i. 121 sq.

Wamegi, the, of German East Africa, i. 240

Wanyamwezi, the, i. 118, ii. 227

War dance, ii. 79

Washing as a ceremonial purification, ii. 27sq., 71, 84, 85

Wataturu, the, ii. 84

Weasels, superstition of farmers as to, ii. 275

Weevils, spared by Esthonian peasants, ii. 274

Weihaiwei, ii. 11

Welsh, Miss, i. 155 n. 1

Wemba, the, ii. 158

Wends, harvest customs among the, i. 138, 149, 276

Wermland, harvest customs in, i. 230, ii. 48

Westphalia, harvest customs in, i. 135 sq., 138, 277 sq., 296, 297

Wetar, island, ii. 25

Whales, ceremonies observed after the slaughter of, ii. 232sqq.

Wheat-bride, i. 162, 163

—— -cock, i. 276

Wheat-cow, i. 289

—— -dog, i. 272

—— -mallet at threshing, i. 148

—— -man, i. 223

—— -mother, i. 135

—— -sow, i. 298

—— -wolf, i. 273, 274

Whetham, W. C. D., ii. 305n. 2

White Maize, Goddess of the, i. 261

—— ram, ii. 313

Whittlesey in Cambridgeshire, the Straw-bear at, ii. 328sq.

Whydah, snakes sacred at, ii. 287

Widows and widowers, disability of, ii. 253sq.

Wiedemann, Prof. A., ii. 35n. 4

Wild animals propitiated by hunters, ii. 204sqq.

—— fig trees, sacred, ii. 113

—— fruits and roots, ceremonies at gathering the first of the season, ii. 80sqq.

—— seeds and roots collected by women, i. 124 sqq.

—— Wa, the, i. 241 sqq.

Wilkinson, R. J., i. 181 sq.

Winamwanga, the, ii. 112

Wine, new, offered to Liber, ii. 133

Winnowing done by women, i. 117, 128

—— -basket, image of snake in, ii. 316

—— -fan, an emblem of Dionysus, i. 5 sqq.;

as cradle, 6 sqq.;

used to scatter ashes of human victims, 260, 262

Winter, name given to man who cuts the last sheaf, i. 142;

name of harvest-supper, 160

—— festival of Dionysus, i. 16 sq.

—— solstice, ii. 325;

festival of, 90

Witch, burning the Old, i. 224

Witchcraft, protection against, i. 156, ii. 324

Wolf, corn-spirit as, i. 271 sqq., ii. 327;

stuffed, carried about, i. 275;

ceremonies at killing a, ii. 220sq., 223.

See also Wolves

Wolf's heart eaten, ii. 146

—— skin, man clad in, i. 275

Wolfish Apollo, ii. 283sq.

Wollaroi, the, of New South Wales, ii. 163

Wolves, sacrifices offered to, ii. 284;

transmigration of sinners into, 308

Woman's part in primitive agriculture, i. 113 sqq.

Women, influence of corn-spirit on, i. 168;

who have died in childbed, attempts to deceive their ghosts, ii. 97sq.;

thought to have no soul, ii. 148

—— milk cows, i. 118

—— swear by the Pleiades, i. 311

[pg 371]

Women's race at harvest, i. 76 sq.

Wood-spirits in goat form, ii. 2sq.

—— woman, i. 232

Woodford, C. M., ii. 126

Words, special, used by reapers, i. 193

Worm, transmigration of sinner into, ii. 299

Worms, souls of dead in, ii. 289

Worship of cattle, ii. 35sqq.;

of animals, two forms of the, 311;

of snake, 316sq.

Worshipful animal killed once a year, ii. 322

Wrach (Hag), name given to last corn cut in Wales, i. 142 sqq.

Wreath of corn, i. 134

Wren, hunting the, ii. 317sqq.;

called the king of birds, 317;

superstitions as to the, 317sq., 319

Wrestling, i. 98, ii. 131

Würtemburg, harvest customs in, i. 286, 287

Xanthicus, a Macedonian month, i. 259 n. 1

Xenophon, on Triptolemus, i. 54

Xochiquetzal, a Mexican goddess, i. 237

Yabim, the, of German New Guinea, i. 104 sqq., 228, ii. 275, 295

Yams, charm for growth of, i. 100, 101;

cultivated in Africa, 119;

cultivated in New Britain, 123;

cultivated in South America, 120, 121;

dug by Australian aborigines, 126 sq.;

ceremonies at eating the new, ii. 53, 58sqq.

—— festival of the new, ii. 115;

in Tonga, 128sqq.

Yang-Seri, prayers to, ii. 33

Yaos, the, ii. 111sq.

Year, beginning of, marked by appearance of Pleiades, i. 309, 310, 312, 313, 314, 315;

divided into thirteen moons, ii. 77

Yellow Demeter, i. 41 sq.

Yezo or Yesso, ii. 180, 185

Yombe, the, ii. 112

Yorkshire, harvest customs in, i. 151 sq., 224

Yoruba negroes, ii. 149

Youngest person cuts the last corn, i. 158, 161

Yuchi Indians, ii. 75, 311n. 1

Yule Boar, i. 300 sqq., ii. 43, 328

—— Goat, the, ii. 327sq.

—— ram, the, ii. 328

—— straw, i. 301 sq.

Yuracares Indians of Bolivia, ii. 235, 257

Zabern in Alsace, harvest custom at, i. 297

Zagreus, i. 12

Zambesi, tribes of the Upper, ii. 141

—— region, Caffres of the, ii. 289

Zanzibar, custom at sowing in, i. 233

Zaparo Indians, the, ii. 139

Zapotecs of Mexico, their harvest customs, i. 174 sq.

Zeus, his intrigue with Persephone, i. 12;

father of Dionysus by Demeter, 12, 14, 66;

his intrigue with Demeter, 66;

surnamed Underground, 45, 50

—— and Demeter, ii. 9; marriage of, i. 65 sqq.

—— and Hercules, ii. 172

——, Laphystian, i. 25

—— Polieus, ii. 5, 7

—— Sosipolis, ii. 7

——, Subterranean, i. 66, ii. 9

—— the Fly-catcher, ii. 282

Zulu king, dance of the, ii. 66

Zulus, the, ii. 32, 142, 143;

women's part in agriculture among the, i. 113 sq.;

their festival of first-fruits, ii. 67;

their inoculation, 160sq.

Zuni Indians, their custom of killing sacred turtles, ii. 175sqq.

Zurich, harvest customs in the canton of, i. 291, 297

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