
Calculation, art of, corrects the illusions of sight, 10. 602 (cp. 7. 524); the talent for, accompanied by general quickness, 7. 526 B. Cp. Arithmetic.

Captain, parable of the deaf, 6. 488.

Carpentry, 4. 428 C.

Causes, final, argument from, applied to justice, 1. 352: 6. 491 E, 495 B;
—of crimes, 8. 552 D; 9. 575 A.

Cave, the image of the, 7. 514 foll., 532 (cp. 539 E).

Censorship of fiction, 2. 377; 3. 386–391, 401 A, 408 C; 10. 595 foll. [cp. Laws 7. 801, 811]; of the arts, 3. 401.

Ceos, Prodicus of, 10. 600 C.

Cephalus, father of Polemarchus, 1. 327 B; offers sacrifice, ib. 328 B, 331 D; his views on old age, ib. 328 E; his views on wealth, ib. 330 A foll.

Cephalus [of Clazomenae], 1. 330 B.

Cerberus, two natures in one, 9. 588 C.

Chance in war, 5. 467 E; blamed by men for their misfortunes, 10. 619 C.

Change in music, not to be allowed, 4. 424 [cp. Laws 7. 799].

Character, differences of, in men, 1. 329 D [cp. Pol. 307]; in women, 5. 456;
—affected by the imitation of unworthy objects, 3. 395;
—national character, 4. 435 [cp. Laws 5. 747]:
—great characters may be ruined by bad education, 6. 491 E, 495 B; 7. 519:
—faults of character, 6. 503 [cp. Theaet. 144 B].

Charmantides, the Paeanian, present at the dialogue, 1. 328 B.

Charondas, lawgiver of Italy and Sicily, 10. 599 E.

Cheese, 2. 372 C; 3. 405 E.

Cheiron, teacher of Achilles, 3. 391 C.

Children have spirit, but not reason, 4. 441 A; why under authority, 9. 590 E;
—in the state, 3. 415; 5. 450 E, 457 foll.; 8. 543; must not hear improper stories, 2. 377; 3. 391 C; must be reared amid fair sights and sounds, 3. 401; must receive education even in their plays, 4. 425 A; 7. 537 A [cp. Laws 1. 643 B]; must learn to ride, 5. 467 [cp. Laws 7. 804 C]; must go with their fathers and mothers into war, 5. 467; 7. 537 A:
—transfer of children from one class to another, 3. 415; 4. 423 D:
—exposure of children allowed, 5. 460 C, 461 C:
—illegitimate children, ib. 461 A.

Chimaera, two natures in one, 9. 588 C.

Chines, presented to the brave warrior, 5. 468 D.

Chryses, the priest of Apollo (Iliad i. 11 foll.), 3. 392 E foll.

Cithara, see Harp.

Citizens, the, of the best state, compared to a garrison of mercenaries (Adeimantus), 4. 419 (cp. 8. 543); will form one family, 5. 462 foll. See Guardians.

City, situation of the, 3. 415:
—the ‘city of pigs,’ 2. 372:
—the heavenly city, 9. 592:
—Cities, most, divided between rich and poor, 4. 422 E; 8. 551 E [cp. Laws 12. 945 E]:
—the game of cities, 4. 422 E. Cp. Constitution, State.

Classes, in the state, should be kept distinct, 2. 374; 3. 397 E, 415 A; 4. 421, 433 A, 434, 441 E, 443; 5. 453 (cp. 8. 552 A, and Laws 8. 846 E).

Cleitophon, the son of Aristonymus, present at the dialogue, 1. 328 B; interposes on behalf of Thrasymachus, ib. 340 A.

Cleverness, no match for honesty, 3. 409 C (cp. 10. 613 C); not often united with a steady character, 6. 344 503 [cp. Theaet. 144 B]; needs an ideal direction, 7. 519 [cp. Laws 7. 819 A].

Clotho, second of the fates, 10. 617 C, 620 E; sings of the present, ib. 617 C; the souls brought to her, ib. 620 E.

Colours, comparison of, 9. 585 A; contrast of, ib. 586 C;
—indelible colours, 4. 429:
—‘colours’ of poetry, 10. 601 A.

Comedy, cannot be allowed in the state, 3. 394 [cp. Laws 7. 816 D]; accustoms the mind to vulgarity, 10. 606;
—same actors cannot act both tragedy and comedy, 3. 395.

Common life in the state, 5. 458, 464 foll.;
—common meals of the guardians, 3. 416; common meals for women, 5. 458 D [cp. Laws 6. 781; 7. 806 E; 8. 839 D];
—common property among the guardians, 3. 416 E; 4. 420 A, 422 D; 5. 464; 8. 543.

Community of women and children, 3. 416; 5. 450 E, 457 foll., 462, 464; 8. 543 A [cp. Laws 5. 739 C];
—of property, 3. 416 E; 4. 420 A, 422 D; 5. 464; 8. 543;
—of feeling, 5. 464.

Community. [The communism of the Republic seems to have been suggested by Plato’s desire for the unity of the state (cp. 5. 462 foll.). If those ‘two small pestilent words, “meum” and “tuum,” which have engendered so much strife among men and created so much mischief in the world,’ could be banished from the lips and thoughts of mankind, the ideal state would soon be realized. The citizens would have parents, wives, children, and property in common; they would rejoice in each other’s prosperity, and sorrow at each other’s misfortune; they would call their rulers not ‘lords’ and ‘masters,’ but ‘friends’ and ‘saviours.’ Plato is aware that such a conception could hardly be carried out in this world; and he evades or adjourns, rather than solves, the difficulty by the famous assertion that only when the philosopher rules in the city will the ills of human life find an end [cp. Introduction, p. clxxiii]. In the Critias, where the ideal state, as Plato himself hints to us (110 D), is to some extent reproduced in an imaginary description of ancient Attica, property is common, but there is no mention of a community of wives and children. Finally in the Laws (5. 739), Plato while still maintaining the blessings of communism, recognizes the impossibility of its realization, and sets about the construction of a ‘second-best state’ in which the rights of property are conceded; although, according to Aristotle (Pol. ii. 6, § 4), he gradually reverts to the ideal polity in all except a few unimportant particulars.]

Conception, the, of truth by the philosopher, 6. 490 A.

Confidence and courage, 4. 430 B.

Confiscation of the property of the rich in democracies, 8. 565.

Constitution, the aristocratic, is the ideal state sketched in bk. iv (cp. 8. 544 E, 545 D);
—defective forms of constitution, 4. 445 B; 8. 544 [cp. Pol. 291 E foll.]; aristocracy (in the ordinary sense), 1. 338 D; timocracy or ‘Spartan polity,’ 8. 545 foll.; oligarchy, ib. 550 foll., 554 E; democracy, ib. 555 foll., 557 D; tyranny, ib. 544 C, 562. Cp. Government, State.

Contentiousness, a characteristic of timocracy, 8. 548.

Contracts, in some states not protected by law, 8. 556 A.

Contradiction, nature of, 4. 436; 10. 602 E; power of, 5. 454 A. 345

Convention, justice a matter of, 2. 359 A.

Conversation, should not be personal, 6. 500 B.

Conversion of the soul, 7. 518, 521, 525 [cp. Laws 12. 957 E].

Cookery, art of, employed in the definition of justice, 1. 332 C.

Corinthian courtesans, 3. 404 D.

Corpses, not to be spoiled, 5. 469.

Correlative and relative, qualifications of, 4. 437 foll. [cp. Gorg. 476]; how corrected, 7. 524.

Corruptio optimi pessima, 6. 491.

Corruption, the, of youth, not to be attributed to the Sophists, but to public opinion, 6. 492 A.

Courage, required in the guardians, 2. 375; 3. 386, 413 E, 416 E; 4. 429; 6. 503 E; inconsistent with the fear of death, 3. 386; 6. 486 A; = the preservation of a right opinion about objects of fear, 4. 429, 442 B (cp. 2. 376, and Laches 193, 195); distinguished from fearlessness, 4. 430 B; one of the philosopher’s virtues, 6. 486 A, 490 E, 494 A:
—the courageous temper averse to intellectual toil, ib. 503 D [cp. Pol. 306, 307].

Courtesans, 3. 404 D.

Covetousness, not found in the philosopher, 6. 485 E; characteristic of timocracy and oligarchy, 8. 548, 553; = the appetitive element of the soul, 9. 581 A.

Cowardice in war, to be punished, 5. 468 A; not found in the philosopher, 6. 486 B.

Creophylus, ‘the child of flesh,’ companion of Homer, 10. 600 B.

Crete, government of, generally applauded, 8. 544 C; a timocracy, ib. 545 B;
—Cretans, naked exercises among, 5. 452 C; call their country ‘mother-land,’ 9. 575 E;
—Cretic rhythm, 3. 400 B.

Crimes, great and small, differently estimated by mankind, 1. 344 (cp. 348 D); causes of, 6. 491 E, 495 B; 8. 552 D; 9. 575 A.

Criminals, are usually men of great character spoiled by bad education, 6. 491 E, 495 B; numerous in oligarchies, 8. 552 D.

Croesus, 2. 359 C; ‘as the oracle said to Croesus,’ 8. 566 C.

Cronos, ill treated by Zeus, 2. 377 E; his behaviour to Uranus, ibid.

Cunning man, the, no match for the virtuous, 3. 409 D.

Cycles, recurrence of, in nature, 8. 546 A [cp. Tim. 22 C; Crit. 109 D; Pol. 269 foll.; Laws 3. 677].


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