
Tactics, use of arithmetic in, 7. 522 E, 525 B.

Tartarus ( = hell), 10. 616 A.

Taste, good, importance of, 3. 401, 402.

Taxes, heavy, imposed by the tyrant, 8. 567 A, 568 E.

Teiresias, alone has understanding among the dead, 3. 386 E.

Telamon, 10. 620 B.

Temperance (σωφροσύνη), in the state, 3. 389; 4. 430 foll. [cp. Laws 3. 696]; temperance and love, 3. 403 A; fostered in the soul by the simple kind of music, ib. 404 E, 410 A; a harmony of the soul, 4. 430, 441 E, 442 D, 443 (cp. 9. 591 D, and Laws 2. 653 B); one of the philosopher’s virtues, 6. 485 E, 490 E, 491 B, 494 B [cp. Phaedo 68].

Temple-robbing, 9. 574 D, 575 B.

Territory, devastation of Hellenic, not to be allowed, 5. 470;
—unlimited, not required by the good state, 4. 423 [cp. Laws 5. 737].

Thales, inventions of, 10. 600 A.

Thamyras, soul of, chooses the life of a nightingale, 10. 620 A.

Theages, the bridle of, 6. 496 B.

Themis, did not instigate the strife with the gods, 2. 379 E.

Themistocles, answer of, to the Seriphian, 1. 330 A.

Theology of Plato, 2. 379 foll. Cp. God.

Thersites, puts on the form of a monkey, 10. 620 C.

Theseus, the tale of, and Peirithous not permitted, 3. 391 C.

Thetis, not to be slandered, 2. 381 D; 376 her accusation of Apollo, ib. 383 A.

Thirst, 4. 437 E, 439; an inanition (κένωσις) of the body, 9. 585 A.

Thracians, procession of, in honour of Bendis, 1. 327 A; characterised by spirit or passion, 4. 435 E.

Thrasymachus, the Chalcedonian, a person in the dialogue, 1. 328 B; described, ib. 336 B; will be paid, ib. 337 D; defines justice, ib. 338 C foll.; his rudeness, ib. 343 A; his views of government, ibid. (cp. 9. 590 D); his encomium on injustice, 1. 343 A; his manner of speech, ib. 345 B; his paradox about justice and injustice, ib. 348 B foll.; he blushes, ib. 350 D; is pacified, and retires from the argument, ib. 354 (cp. 6. 498 C); would have Socrates discuss the subject of women and children, 5. 450.

Timocracy, 8. 545 foll.; origin of, ib. 547:
—the timocratical man, described, 8. 549; his origin, ibid.

Tinker, the prosperous, 6. 495, 496.

Tops, 4. 436.

Torch race, an equestrian, 1. 328 A.

Touch, 7. 523 E.

Traders, necessary in the state, 2. 371.

Traditions of ancient times, their truth not certainly known to us, 2. 382 C (cp. 3. 414 C, and Tim. 40 D; Crit. 107; Pol. 271 A; Laws 4. 713 E; 6. 782 D).

Tragedy and comedy in the state, 3. 394 [cp. Laws 7. 817].

Tragic poets, the, eulogizers of tyranny, 8. 568 A; imitators, 10. 597, 598.

Training, dangers of, 3. 404 A; severity of, 6. 504 A (cp. 7. 535 B).

Transfer of children from one class to another, 3. 415; 4. 423 D.

Transmigration of souls, 10. 617. See Soul.

Trochaic rhythms, 3. 400 B.

Troy, 3. 393 E; Helen never at, 9. 586 C:
—Trojan War, 2. 380 A: treatment of the wounded in, 3. 405 E, 408 A; the army numbered by Palamedes, 7. 522 D.

Truth, is not lost by men of their own will, 3. 413 A; the aim of the philosopher, 6. 484, 485, 486 E, 490, 500 C, 501 D; 7. 521, 537 D; 9. 581, 582 C (cp. supra 5. 475 E; 7. 520, 525; and Phaedo 82; Phaedr. 249; Theaet. 173 E; Soph. 249 D, 254 A); akin to wisdom, 6. 485 D; to proportion, ib. 486 E; no partial measure of, sufficient, ib. 504; love of, essential in this world and the next, 10. 618;
—truth and essence, 9. 585 D.

Tyranny, 1. 338 D; = injustice on the grand scale, ib. 344 [cp. Gorg. 469]; the wretchedest form of government, 8. 544 C; 9. 576 [cp. Pol. 302 E]; origin of, 8. 562, 564:
—the tyrannical man, 9. 571 foll.; life of, ib. 573; his treatment of his parents, ib. 574; most miserable, ib. 576, 578; has the soul of a slave, ib. 577.

Tyrant, the, origin of, 8. 565; happiness of, ib. 566 foll.; 9. 576 foll. [cp. Laws 2. 661 B]; his rise to power, 8. 566; his taxes, ib. 567 A, 568 E; his army, ib. 567 A, 569; his purgation of the city, ib. 567 B; misery of, 9. 579; has no real pleasure, ib. 587; how far distant from pleasure, ibid. :
—Tyrants and poets, 8. 568; have no friends, ibid. ; 9. 576 [cp. Gorg. 510 C]; punishment of, in the world below, 10. 615 [cp. Gorg. 525].


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