Ende dieses Projekt Gutenberg Etextus MacBeth, von William Shakespeare

Übersetzt von Dorothea Tieck.

Thanks are given to Dlphine Lettau for finding a huge collection of ancient German books in London.

This Etext is in German.

We are releasing two versions of this Etext, one in 7-bit format, known as Plain Vanilla ASCII, which can be sent via plain email— and one in 8-bit format, which includes higher order characters— which requires a binary transfer, or sent as email attachment and may require more specialized programs to display the accents. This is the 8-bit version.

This book content was graciously contributed by the Gutenberg Projekt-DE.
That project is reachable at the web site http://gutenberg2000.de.

Dieses Buch wurde uns freundlicherweise vom "Gutenberg Projekt-DE" zur Verfügung gestellt. Das Projekt ist unter der Internet-Adresse http://gutenberg2000.de erreichbar.

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