
Alone, upon the solitary strand,

The lovely one is left; behold her go,

Pacing with patient footsteps, to and fro,

Along the bending sand.

Save her, ye Gods! from Evil Powers, and here

From man she need not fear;

For never Traveller comes near

These awful ruins of the days of yore,

Nor fisher’s bark, nor venturous mariner,

Approach the sacred shore.

All day she walk’d the beach, at night she sought

The Chamber of the Rock; with stone and shout

Assail’d the Bats obscene, and scar’d them out;

Then in her Father’s robe involv’d her feet,

And wrapt her mantle round to guard her head,

And laid her down: the rock was Kailyal’s bed,

Her chamber-lamps were in the starry sky,

The winds and waters were her lullaby.