
So saying, he put back his arm, and gave

The cloth which girt his loins, and prest her hand

With fervent love, then down the sloping sand

Advanced into the sea: the coming Wave,

Which knew Kehama’s Curse, before his way

Started, and on he went as on dry land,

And still around his path the waters parted.

She stands upon the shore, where sea-weeds play,

Lashing her polish’d ankles, and the spray

Which off her Father, like a rainbow, fled,

Falls on her like a shower; there Kailyal stands,

And sees the billows rise above his head.

She, at the startling sight, forgot the power

The Curse had given him, and held forth her hands

Imploringly, . . . her voice was on the wind,

And the deaf Ocean o’er Ladurlad clos’d.

Soon she recall’d his destiny to mind,

And, shaking off that natural fear, compos’d

Her soul with prayer, to wait the event resign’d.

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