
With reverence did the travellers see

The works of ancient days, and silently

Approach the shore. Now on the yellow sand,

Where round their feet the rising surges part,

They stand. Ladurlad’s heart

Exulted in his wonderous destiny.

To Heaven he rais’d his hand

In attitude of stern heroic pride;

Oh what a power, he cried,

Thou dreadful Rajah, doth thy Curse impart!

I thank thee now! . . Then turning to the Maid,

Thou see’st how far and wide

Yon Towers extend, he said,

My search must needs be long. Meantime the flood

Will cast thee up thy food, . .

And in the Chambers of the Rock by night,

Take thou thy safe abode,

No prowling beast to harm thee, or affright,

Can enter there; but wrap thyself with care

From the foul Bird obscene that thirsts for blood;

For in such caverns doth the Bat delight

To have its haunts. Do thou with stone and shout,

Ere thou liest down at evening, scare them out,

And in this robe of mine involve thy feet.

Duly commend us both to Heaven in prayer,

Be of good heart, and let thy sleep be sweet.

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