
They built them here a bower; of jointed cane,

Strong for the needful use, and light and long

Was the slight frame-work rear’d, with little pain;

Lithe creepers, then, the wicker-sides supply,

And the tall jungle-grass fit roofing gave

Beneath that genial sky.

And here did Kailyal, each returning day,

Pour forth libations from the brook, to pay

The Spirits of her Sires their grateful rite;

In such libations pour’d in open glades,

Beside clear streams and solitary shades,

The Spirits of the virtuous dead delight.

And duly here, to Marriataly’s praise,

The Maid, as with an Angel’s voice of song,

Pour’d her melodious lays

Upon the gales of even,

And gliding in religious dance along,

Mov’d, graceful as the dark-eyed Nymphs of Heaven,

Such harmony to all her steps was given,