
Thus ever, in her Father’s doting eye,

Kailyal perform’d the customary rite;

He, patient of his burning pain the while,

Beheld her, and approv’d her pious toil;

And sometimes, at the sight,

A melancholy smile

Would gleam upon his awful countenance,

He, too, by day and night, and every hour,

Paid to a higher Power his sacrifice;

An offering, not of ghee, or fruit, or rice,

Flower-crown, or blood; but of a heart subdued,

A resolute, unconquer’d fortitude,

An agony represt, a will resign’d,

To her, who, on her secret throne reclin’d,

Amid the milky Sea, by Veeshnoo’s side,

Looks with an eye of mercy on mankind.

By the Preserver, with his power endued,

There Voomdavee beholds this lower clime,

And marks the silent sufferings of the good,

To recompense them in her own good time.